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How to pass numerical reasoning tests is a fantastic 176 page guide that provides the reader with a wealth of sample test questions, answers and explanations. The guide has been designed for anyone who is serious about passing numerical reasoning tests with high grades. It contains lots of sample test questions and essential tips on how to answer the questions. The author of this comprehensive guide, David Isaacs, is a masters degree qualified mathematician who has achieved the highest grades possible in GCSE, A Level and Masters Degree level Mathematics. This book is designed specifically for every graduate and jobseeker and will build your confidence to sit and pass timed numerical reasoning tests. Feared by many, these tests often decide your fate. They are often used by employers to test your mathematical ability under pressure, the pressure being the time limit to answer all questions. You will need to answer the questions quickly and correctly in order to progress onto the next stage of the application process, which is usually an interview. This book seeks to make you, the candidate, fearless of such tests and able to operate under the pressure of being timed.
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27 juillet 2012

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Orders: Please contact How2become Ltd, Suite 2, 50 Churchill Square Business Centre, Kings Hill, Kent ME19 4YU.
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ISBN: 9781907558894
First published 2012
Copyright © 2012 David Isaacs and How2become Ltd.
All rights reserved. Apart from any permitted use under UK copyright law, no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information, storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher or under licence from the Copyright Licensing Agency Limited. Further details of such licenses (for reprographic reproduction) may be obtained from the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, Saffron House, 6-10 Kirby Street, London EC1N 8TS.
Typeset for How2become Ltd by Molly Hill, Canada.
Printed in Great Britain for How2become Ltd by Bell & Bain Ltd, 303 Burnfield Road, Thornliebank, Glasgow G46 7UQ.
Welcome to your guide to answering numerical reasoning questions. This book has been designed to increase your confidence and ability to answer mathematical questions which have every day meaning. For example, if you own a car the question might be how much does it cost to travel x amount of miles if the cost of fuel is y, or the question might ask you to calculate how much a designer jacket now costs after its original price is reduced by a certain percentage. Not only will these questions help you in everyday life calculations, but they will also help you succeed in your application for jobs which require you to have an ability to carry out numerical calculations.
A typical example of this might be an application to work in a job which involves handling money. As part of your application you will be asked to complete a numerical reasoning test.
This guide has been divided into two sections. The first section has 52 questions followed by 7 practice tests for you to try. During the first section I have deliberately provided the answers to each question immediately following each question. This will enable you to quickly check your answers, allowing you to improve and develop as you progress. For the final 7 practice tests the answers are provided after each test.
Good luck!

You do not have to complete them all at once, the key to improving is to take your time to understand why you went wrong if you did go wrong in the first place!
If you jog for 30 minutes and cover 5 miles, how many miles would you cover in 180 minutes, assuming your jogging speed remains constant?
a) 60 miles
b) 20 miles
c) 30 miles
d) 15 miles
Use cross multiplication to solve this. Label the miles covered in 180 minutes as 'x':
30 minutes = 5 miles

180 minutes = x miles
30 x x = 180 x 5
Now find x :
x = (180 x 5) / 30
= 30 miles
The answer to question 1 is c) 30 miles
A farm is split into 3 sections, A, B and C. If the area of all 3 sections combined is 250m and the area of section A is 80m work out the area of section B using the diagram below.
Diagram not drawn to scale
a) 32m²
b) 76m²
c) 74m²
d) 96m²
The combined area of all 3 sections A, B and C is given as 250m in the question and the area of section A only is given as 80m².
This means that the area of sections B and C combined must be: 250 80 = 170m
It is possible to find the area of section C alone from the diagram and is calculated by multiplying the two sides together:
Area of section C is 12 × 8 = 96m
The area of sections B and C combined is 170m so the area of section B alone can be calculated by subtraction the area of C from the area of sections B and C combined as shown below:
Area of section B = Area of sections B and C combined - Area of section C
= 170 - 96
= 74m
The answer to question 2 is c) 74m
A car can drive 650 miles on a full tank of diesel. If the car takes 60 litres of diesel to fill it's tank fully and each litre of diesel costs £1 35 how much would it cost to travel 650 miles?
a) £60
b) £61
c) £81
d) £95
The car takes 60 litres of diesel to fill it's tank and once the tank is full the car can then travel 650 miles. Each litre of diesel cost's £1.35 so therefore the answer is that it costs 60 × £1.35 = £81 to fill the car up with diesel and with a full tank the car can then travel 650 miles. In other words it costs £81 to cover 650 miles by car.
The answer to question 3 is c) £81
A carpet factory operates 24 hours a day. If the factory produces 10 carpets an hour, how many carpets are produced in a day?
a) 220
b) 240
c) 260
d) 280
e) 290
If the factory produces 10 carpets an hour then in 2 hours it produces 20 and in 3 hours produces 30 and in 4 hours produces 40 carpets and so on. The easiest way to calculate how many carpets are produced in a 24 hour period at the factory is to multiply 24 hours by 10 carpets because 10 carpets are produced every 1 hour:
Number of carpets produced in 24 hours: 24 × 10 = 240 carpets.
The answer to question 4 is b) 240
A builder needs 5 pieces of wood and has a plank of wood measuring 45 metres in length. If the builder chops the plank into 5 equal pieces what length would each of the 5 pieces be?

a) 45 m
b) 5 m
c) 4 m
d) 8 m
e) 9 m
f) 40 m
If a 45 m length plank is chopped into 5 equal pieces the calculation is 45 5 = 9m
Each piece is 9m long.
The answer to question 5 is e) 9 m
In a car park there are 120 cars. Five tenths of the cars in the car park are black. 3/5 of the black cars have five doors. How many black cars have five doors?
a) 40
b) 36
c) 22
d) 70
e) 18
In total there are 120 cars. Five tenths written as a fraction is 5/10 which is the same as 1/2 because both the top (numerator) and bottom (denominator) of the fraction can be divided by 5 in order to reduce the fraction 5/10 to its simplest form:

The question states that five tenths of the cars in the car park are black. In other words this means that half (1/2) of the 120 cars in the car park are black. To calculate the number of black cars in the car park, multiply 120 cars by either the decimal 0.5 or by the fraction 1/2. Both will give you the same answer because 0.5 is the decimal form of the fraction 1/2:
Number of black cars in the car park
= 0.5 x 120
= 60
Number of black cars in the car park
= 1/2 x 120
= 60
The question then states that 3/5 of the black cars have five doors. It is now known that there are 60 black cars in the car park. To find the amount of black cars with 5 doors simply multiply the total number of black cars in the car park (60) by 3/5.
Number of black cars with five doors
= 60 x 3/5
= 36 cars
The answer to question 6 is b) 36 black cars have five doors.
40 students sit an exam. 30 students get a grade A and the remainder get a grade B. What percentage of students got a B grade?
a) 28%
b) 50%
c) 60%
d) 47.5%
e) 20.5%
In total there are 40 students who sat the exam. 30 of these studentspassed with a grade A, therefore there are 40 - 30 = 10 students who got agrade B.
To write 10 students out of 40 as a percentage simply divide the twonumbers and multiply by 100:
Percentage of students who got a grade B = 10/40 x 100 = 25%
The answer to question 7 is a) 25% of the students got a grade B.
A train covers a distance of 10 miles in 30 minutes. What is the speed of thetrain in miles per hour?
a) 10 mph
b) 20 mph
c) 30 mph
d) 40 mph
e) 45 mph
In the above triangle:
D represents Distance
S represents Speed
T represents Time.
If you wanted a formula to calculate speed, simply place your thumb over Son the triangle. You will now see that S = D/T
The formula to use here is:

The distance covered by the train is 10 miles and the time it took was 30minutes. However, be careful not to put 30 minutes directly into the formulawhen calculating the speed as you would get a wrong answer. The reason isthat when you are using the speed equation shown above time is measured in 'hours' and not 'minutes'. This is because the question clearly statesthat it wants an answer in 'miles per hour' and not 'miles per minutes'. 30minutes should therefore be converted into hours and how to do this isexplained below.
Converting minutes into hours
To convert any amount of minutes into hours divide the minutes by 60.
30 minutes in hours = 30 60 = 0.5 hours
30 minutes is half an hour. As a decimal this is 0.5 hours. Therefore 0.5hours can be used in the speed formula to represent 30 minutes.
Speed = 10 (miles) / 0.5 (hours) = 20 mph (miles per hour)

The answer to question 8 is b) 20 miles per hour
You are called to a meeting 120 miles away. It takes you 1 hour 30 minutes to arrive at the meeting site. What speed have you been driving at?
a) 80 mph
b) 60 mph
c) 40 mph
d) 50 mph
e) 45 mph

If you wanted a formula to calculate speed, simply place your thumb over Son the triangle. You will now see that S = D/T
The formula to use here is:

The question gives the meeting distance as 120 miles away. Miles are thecorrect units to use for the formula and therefore 120 miles can be putstraight into the formula without converting it to any other unit. The timeit took to reach the meeting site is given as 1 hour 30 minutes. The timewritten as 1 hour 30 minutes cannot be used in the formula for speedshown above. The time must be one number in hours on

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