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What was the last game you played? Video game, board game, world building game?In Game Logic: Level Up and Create Your Own Games with Science Activities for Kids, middle schoolers take on the world of games by figuring out what makes them challenging, fun, and addictive! Kids love games. Board games are still wildly popular, despite the profusion of video gaming devices that reach audiences as young as toddlerhood. World-building games such as Settlers of Catan and Dungeons & Dragons are played by hundreds of thousands of people worldwide, both online and in living rooms, and gaming conferences occur around the globe, including hundreds in the United States alone. This makes gaming a perfect backdrop for learning new skills!This book takes kids on a journey to discover the history of games, and then leads them from their initial idea for a new game through several iterations of a game all the way to playing the final version of a game they created. Educators use games as a way to introduce logic, collaboration, and persistence in classrooms, and Game Logic is the perfect companion. Kids explore the processes of both playing and creating games while developing critical and creative thinking skills that apply to tasks and concepts across academic fields.Game Logic includes hands-on STEAM activities and critical thinking exercises related to games. Fun facts, links to online primary sources and other supplemental material, and essential questions encourage readers to dive deeper into the games they love to discover what makes them tick. Nomad Press books integrate content with participation. Common Core State Standards, the Next Generation Science Standards, and STEM Education all place project-based learning as key building blocks in education. Combining content with inquiry-based projects stimulates learning and makes it active and alive. Nomad's unique approach simultaneously grounds kids in factual knowledge while allowing them the space to be curious, creative, and critical thinkers.
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09 juin 2019

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GAME LOGIC Level Up and Create Your Own Gameswith Science Activities for Kids
Angie SmibertIllustrated by Lena Chandhok
GAME LOGIC Level Up and Create Your Own Gameswith Science Activities for Kids
Angie SmibertIllustrated by Lena Chandhok
More technology titles in the Build It Yourself series
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Nomad Press A division of Nomad Communications 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Copyright © 2019 by Nomad Press. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review orfor limited educational use. The trademark “Nomad Press” and the Nomad Press logo are trademarks of Nomad Communications, Inc. Educational Consultant, Marla Conn
Questions regarding the ordering of this book should be addressed to Nomad Press 2456 Christian St. White River Junction, VT 05001
Timeline. . . iv
Introduction What Is a Game? . . . 1
Chapter 1 Even Pharaohs Loved Board Games . . . 11
Chapter 2 Modern Game Changers . . . 31
Chapter 3 Your Brain on Games. . . 52
Chapter 4 Game Design . . . 64
Chapter 5 Game Development and Beyond . . . 83
Chapter 6 The Future of Games . . . 100
Glossary|Metric ConversionsResources|Essential Questions|Index
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5000 BCE:. . . . . . . .The earliest form of dice are made of sheep knuckles.
3100 BCE:. . . . . . . .The gameSenetis first played.
2650 BCE:. . . . . . . .TheRoyal Game of Uris first played.
1323 BCE: . . . . . . . .King Tut is buried with four board games to keep him entertained in the afterlife.
1000 BCE:. . . . . . . .Weiqi (Go) becomes a popular game.
3000–1000 BCE: . . . .Mancala boards, which include rows of pits, are dug in dirt and carved in stone so people can play.
868 CE: . . . . . . . . . .The first mention of a card game is recorded in China as the “leaf game.”
1904:. . . . . . . . . . .Lizzie Magie patents theLandlord’s Game,an early version of the famous and popular game ofMonopoly.
1968:. . . . . . . . . . .Gen Con is founded and about 100 people attend this gaming conference.
1974: . . . . . . . . . . .Dungeons & Dragonsis first published by TSR.
1993: . . . . . . . . . . .Magic: The Gatheringis released by Wizards of the Coast.
1978: . . . . . . . . . . .Spiel des Jahres is founded to reward excellence in game design.
1995:. . . . . . . . . . .Settlers of Catanis first published in Germany and becomes the first Germanstyle game to gain popularity outside of Europe.
1995:. . . . . . . . . . .Settlers of Catanwins the Spiel des Jahres.
2008:. . . . . . . . . . .Pandemic, a cooperative board game, is published and becomes one of the most successful cooperative games.
2009:. . . . . . . . . . .Kickstarter is launched, allowing people to raise money to develop games and other creative products.
2011: . . . . . . . . . . .Risk Legacyis published, a game that changes each time it’s played according to the outcome of the last game.
2015: . . . . . . . . . . .Pandemic Legacyis published, another game in which past outcomes carry over into future games.
2018:. . . . . . . . . . .Azul, a game based on Portuguese tiles, wins the Spiel des Jahres.
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Games ave been around since ancient times. Playing games seems to be a natural part o being uman! Weter you love te idea o working togeter in acooperativegame or te trill o competing against oter players, playing games is a pastime enjoyed on all te continents.
Have you ever wondered ow games are învented? Wo tînks up te twîsts and turns o a game oClueor te îgs and ows oUno? Wat’s beînd te decîsîons payers ave to make înDungeons & Dragons? No matter wat game ît îs, a ot o tînkîng, înventîng, and decîdîng went înto ît. To get rom an îdea or a game to a Inîsed product can take years! NTIAL QUESTION
What is your favorite game to play? Why?
Let’s take a ook at ow one game desîgner made ît appen.
cooperative:a game that requires players to work together. user experience:the experience of a person using a product. pandemic:the outbreak of disease when it spreads across more than one continent. Also the name of a game invented by Matt Leacock. license:to sell the right to publish to a publisher. The author typically gets royalties, or a percentage of the profits, from sales. war game:a game based on military experiences. hobby game:a specialty game played by people who are passionate about it. avid:eager and enthusiastic. morals:a person’s standards of behavior or beliefs. tactics:a carefully planned action or strategy to achieve something. prestigious:something inspiring respect and admiration.
Pandemic Legacy, a game by Matt Leacock and Rob Daviau credit: mrwynd (CC BY 2.0)
Sînce e was a kîd, desîgner Matt Leacock dreamed o pubîsîng îs own board games. He made îs own games as a obby trougout îg scoo and coege. Ater coege, e went to work or companîes suc as AOL and Yaoo, workîng to împrove user experienceon dîferent tecnoogîca products. He desîgned ots o coo tîngs—but e never orgot about games. ïn act, e kept desîgnîng tem on te sîde.
ïn 2000, Matt desîgned a game caedLunatix Loop. He prînted 200 copîes o ît on îs aser prînter and set up a boot at te German game îndustry sow caed Spîe. ïn 2007, Matt pîtced te îdea or a new game,Pandemic, to pubîsers. Pandemicîs a cooperatîve game about Igtîng outbreaks o dîsease and pandemics. Helicensedte game to Z-Man Games.
Pandemicas sod mîîons o copîes sînce ît came out în 2009, makîng ît one o te bestseîng modern board games. ït’s aso won many desîgn awards and înluenced ots o new games. Matt Leacock now desîgns games or a îvîng!
What Is a Game?
Many tabetop games get teîr start tîs way. One or two peope ave an îdea, and tey învent a new board or card game.
Take a look at an interview with Matt Leacock at this website. It took Matt lots of tries to become successful!
Snakes Lattes Matt Leacock
Some înventors are drîven by boredom. For exampe, two bored rîends înventedTrivial Pursuiton a raîny aternoon. Anoter paîr o gamers came upwîtDungeons & Dragonsbecause tey were tîred o typîcawar games. And maybe a bored ? W Roman sodîer învented tîc-tac-toe. OHobby N Kgamesare ones Oter înventors want to teac sometîng Udesigned foravidwît teîr games. he creator o te orîgîna O Y gamers. Hobby games versîon oMonopolywanted to sow ow Dinclude roleplaying games, Igreedy andords coud be. he creator o Dcollectible card games, war Lifewanted to teacmorals! And peraps games, and some more an ancîent Cînese emperor înventedGoto complicated board teac îs son wîsdom—or at east mîîtary games. tactics.
The Spiel on Spiel In 1978, the Internationale Spieltage, or Spiel, opened its doors in Essen, Germany. Spiel is the biggest and mostprestigioustabletop game trade show in the world. During four days each October, game designers and publishers demonstrate and sell new board games, roleplaying games, and card games. More than 150,000 people attend Spiel each year to see what’s new in the world of games!
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