Partition complète et parties, Monday Waltz, Fine, Elaine
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Partition complète et parties, Monday Waltz, Fine, Elaine


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23 pages
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Redécouvrez la partition de Monday Waltz partition complète et parties, valses, composition de Fine, Elaine. La partition de musique moderne écrite pour les instruments tels que: hautbois (ou flûte), piano, hautbois d'amore (ou hautbois), basson
La partition enchaine plusieurs mouvements et est classée dans les genres
  • valses
  • Dances
  • pour hautbois, hautbois damore, basson, piano
  • partitions pour hautbois
  • partitions pour hautbois damore
  • partitions pour basson
  • partitions pour piano
  • pour 4 musiciens
  • pour flûte, hautbois damore, basson, piano
  • partitions pour flûte
  • pour 2 hautbois, basson, piano
  • pour flûte, hautbois, basson, piano

Visionnez de la même façon tout un choix de musique pour hautbois (ou flûte), piano, hautbois d'amore (ou hautbois), basson sur YouScribe, dans la rubrique Partitions de musique variée.
Date composition: 2010
Rédacteur: Jennifer Paull
Edition: Amoris International. Edition AI 012.
Durée / duration: 4 minutes



Publié par
Nombre de lectures 12
Licence : En savoir +
Paternité, pas de modification
Langue English




Oboe, Oboe d’amore ( Oboe ), Bassoon & Piano

EN 012 Elaine Fine
( 1959- )

Elaine Fine was born in 1959 in Cleveland, Ohio, USA. She began
musical life as a violinist, but received a Bachelor of Music Degree in flute
performance from The Juilliard School of Music, New York, where she
was a student of Julius Baker. She studied recorder in Vienna, Baroque
flute in Boston and composition at Eastern Illinois University. Ms. Fine
remains active as a performing musician playing violin, viola, viola
d'amore, and recorders. She teaches at Lake Land College, in Mattoon,
Illinois, USA.

She has more than seventy published chamber works to her credit as well
as three operas, various pieces of orchestral music and numerous songs
and song cycles. Several chamber works have been recorded commercially.

As a writer, Elaine Fine has written numerous articles for The
Instrumentalist’s, Strings Magazine, The Journal of the American String
Teachers' Association and has contributed articles for Classical Music: The
Third Ear--The Essential Listening Companion, published by Backbeat
Books ( 2002 ). She has also been part of the reviewing staff of the
American Record Guide since 1993 and is the programme annotator for
the New Philharmonic, DuPage County, in Chicago’s metropolitan area.

Awards include a special commendation for her opera, The Snow Queen in
the 2003 Nancy Van de Vate International Composition prize for opera.
Her opera is scored for chamber orchestra, four singers (soprano, mezzo-
soprano, contralto, tenor) and four dancers. It is based upon the story of
the same name by the Danish writer, Hans Christian Andersen ( 1805-
1875 ). Elaine Fine has also received annual Awards from the American
Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers ( ASCAP ) from 2003 to


Monday Waltz
Oboe, Oboe d’amore ( Oboe ), Bassoon & Piano
EN 012
This piece began as a monody ( usually a mournful solo song with
continuo accompaniment, as seen in the works of late XVI century
composers, especially Giulio Caccini [1551 – 1618] and in the XIX by
André Gedalge [1856 – 1926] and Claude Debussy [1862-1918] ).

Charles Louis Eugène Koechlin ( 1867-1950 ) believed, as did his two
French counterparts, that the concentration of musical thought into a
single melodic line ( monody ) was the basis of all music, his later prolific
expression of which ( in his ninth decade, in the XX century ) was thus
inspired. Koechlin in turn was the source of my own inspiration.

My monody acquired more voices when its true identity as a waltz became
clear to me. ‘Monody’ turned itself into ‘Monday’ as I composed it in July
2009. The upper part can also be performed upon the flute.

Elaine Fine


Works by Elaine Fine published by Amoris International include the following

Summer Music SI 027

Kol Nidrei EN 011

Sonata d’amore EN 013

Duo EN 014

There Are Things I Just Don’t Understand OR 005


Elaine Fine
( b. 1959 - )
Allegro moderato .œ œœ œ œ œœ œ œœb 3Oboe ˙b ∑ Ó ‰ J J& 4 P
.œ œœ œ œb œ œ œ3 œœ Oboe d'amore b ∑ Ó ‰ ˙& 4 JJ (Oboe [II]) P.˙ œ œ œ œ œ œ? 3b ˙. ˙.Bassoon b 4
b œ œ œ œ œ3 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œb œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œœ œ œ œ œ& 4
Piano P
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In Concert Pitch
Copyright © Amoris InternationalAI EN 012 www.amoris.com2
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AI EN 0123
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AI EN 0124
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AI EN 012

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