A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Volume 16
330 pages

A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Volume 16


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330 pages
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The Project Gutenberg EBook of A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Volume 16, by Robert Kerr This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.net Title: A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Volume 16 Author: Robert Kerr Release Date: August 7, 2005 [EBook #16471] Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK A GENERAL HISTORY AND *** Produced by Robert Connal, Alison Hadwin and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net. Produced from images generously made available by the Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions. A GENERAL HISTORY AND COLLECTION OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS, ARRANGED IN SYSTEMATIC ORDER: FORMING A COMPLETE HISTORY OF THE ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF NAVIGATION, DISCOVERY, AND COMMERCE, BY SEA AND LAND, FROM THE EARLIEST AGES TO THE PRESENT TIME. BY ROBERT KERR, F.R.S. & F.A.S. EDIN. ILLUSTRATED BY MAPS AND CHARTS. VOL. XVI. WILLIAM BLACKWOOD, EDINBURGH: AND T. CADELL, LONDON. MDCCCXXIV. [pg vi] CONTENTS OF VOL. XVI. CHAP. III. Transactions at Otaheite, and the Society Islands; and prosecution of the Voyage to the Coast of North America, 1 SECT. I. An Eclipse of the Moon observed. The Island Toobouai discovered. Its Situation, Extent, and Appearance.


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Publié le 08 décembre 2010
Nombre de lectures 48
Langue English
Poids de l'ouvrage 1 Mo


The Project Gutenberg EBook of A General History and Collection of Voyages
and Travels, Volume 16, by Robert Kerr
This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with
almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or
re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included
with this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.net
Title: A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Volume 16
Author: Robert Kerr
Release Date: August 7, 2005 [EBook #16471]
Language: English
Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1
Produced by Robert Connal, Alison Hadwin and the Online
Distributed Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net.
Produced from images generously made available by the
Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions.
[pg vi]
CHAP. III. Transactions at Otaheite, and the Society Islands; and prosecution of
the Voyage to the Coast of North America, 1
I. An Eclipse of the Moon observed. The Island Toobouai
discovered. Its Situation, Extent, and Appearance. Intercourse with
its Inhabitants. Their Persons, Dresses, and Canoes described.
Arrival at Oheitepeha Bay, at Otaheite. Omai's Reception and
imprudent Conduct. Account of Spanish Ships twice visiting the
Island. Interview with the Chief of this District. The Olla, or God, of
Bolabola. A mad Prophet. Arrival in Matavai Bay, 1
II. Interview with Otoo, King of the Island, Imprudent Conduct of
Omai. Employments on Shore. European Animals landed.
Particulars about a Native who had visited Lima. About Oedidee. A
Revolt in Eimeo. War with that Island determined upon, in a Council
of Chiefs. A human Sacrifice on that Account. A particular Relation
of the Ceremonies at the great Morai, where the Sacrifice was
offered. Other barbarous Customs of this People, 16
III. Conference with Towha. Heevas described. Omai and Oedidee
give Dinners. Fireworks exhibited. A remarkable Present of Cloth.
[pg vii] Manner of preserving the Body of a dead Chief. Another human
Sacrifice. Riding on Horseback. Otoo's Attention to supply
Provisions, and prevent Thefts. Animals given to him. Etary, and the
Deputies of a Chief, have Audiences. A mock Fight of two War
Canoes. Naval Strength of these Islands. Manner of conducting a
War, 35
IV. The Day of Sailing fixed. Peace made with Eimeo. Debates
about it, and Otoo's Conduct blamed. A Solemnity at the Morai on
the Occasion, described by Mr King. Observations upon it. Instance
of Otoo's Art. Omai's War-Canoe, and Remarks upon his Behaviour.
Otoo's Present, and Message to the King of Great Britain.
Reflections on our Manner of Traffic, and on the good Treatment wemet with at Otaheite. Account of the Expedition of the Spaniards.
Their Fictions to depreciate the English. Wishes expressed that no
Settlement may be made. Omai's Jealousy of another Traveller, 48
V. Arrival at Eimeo. Two Harbours there, and an Account of them.
Visit from Maheine, Chief of the Island. His Person described. A
Goat stolen, and sent back with the Thief. Another Goat stolen, and
secreted. Measures taken on the Occasion. Expedition cross the
Island. Houses and Canoes burnt. The Goat delivered up, and
Peace restored. Some Account of the Island, &c. 62
VI. Arrival at Huaheine. Council of the Chiefs. Omai's Offerings, and
Speech to the Chiefs. His Establishment in this Island agreed to. A
House built, and Garden planted for him. Singularity of his Situation.
Measures taken to insure his Safety. Damage done by Cock-
roaches on board the Ships. A Thief detected and punished.
Fireworks exhibited. Animals left with Omai. His Family. Weapons.
Inscription on his House. His Behaviour on the Ships leaving the
[pg viii] Island. Summary View of his Conduct and Character. Account of the
two New Zealand Youths, 71
VII. Arrival at Ulietea. Astronomical Observations. A Marine deserts,
and is delivered up. Intelligence from Omai. Instructions to Captain
Clerke. Another Desertion of a Midshipman and a Seaman. Three of
the chief Persons of the Island confined on that Account. A Design
to seize Captains Cook and Clerke discovered. The two Deserters
brought back, and the Prisoners released. The Ships sail.
Refreshments received at Ulietea. Present and former State of that
Island. Account of its dethroned King, and of the late Regent of
Huaheine, 87
VIII. Arrival at Bolabola. Interview with Opoony. Reasons for
purchasing Monsieur de Bougainville's Anchor. Departure from the
Society Islands. Particulars about Bolabola. History of the Conquest
of Otaha and Ulietea. High Reputation of the Bolabola Men.
Animals left there and at Ulietea. Plentiful Supply of Provisions, and
Manner of salting Pork on Board. Various Reflections relative to
Otaheite and the Society Islands. Astronomical and Nautical
Observations made there, 99
IX. Accounts of Otaheite still imperfect. The prevailing Winds.
Beauty of the Country. Cultivation. Natural Curiosities. The Persons
of the Natives. Diseases. General Character. Love of Pleasure.
Language. Surgery and Physic. Articles of Food. Effects of drinking
Ava. Times and Manner of Eating. Connexions with the Females.
Circumcision. System of Religion. Notions about the Soul and a
future Life. Various Superstitions. Traditions about the Creation. An
historical Legend. Honours paid to the King. Distinction of Ranks.
Punishment of Crimes. Peculiarities of the neighbouring Islands.
Names of their Gods. Names of Islands they visit. Extent of their
Navigation, 110
[pg ix] X. Progress of the Voyage, after leaving the Society Islands.
Christmas Island discovered, and Station of the Ships there. Boats
sent ashore. Great Success in catching Turtle. An Eclipse of the
Sun observed. Distress of two Seamen who had lost their Way.
Inscription left in a Bottle. Account of the Island. Its Soil. Trees andPlants. Birds. Its Size. Form. Situation. Anchoring Ground, 139
XI. Some Islands discovered. Account of the Natives of Atooi, who
came off to the Ships, and their Behaviour on going on Board. One
of them killed. Precautions used to prevent Intercourse with the
Females. A Watering-place found. Reception upon landing.
Excursion into the Country. A Morai visited and described. Graves
of the Chiefs, and of the human Sacrifices, there buried. Another
Island, called Oneeheow, visited. Ceremonies performed by the
Natives, who go off to the Ships. Reasons for believing that they are
Cannibals. A Party sent ashore, who remain two Nights. Account of
what passed on landing. The Ships leave the Islands, and proceed
to the North, 148
XII. The Situation of the Islands now discovered. Their Names.
Called the Sandwich Islands. Atooi described. The Soil. Climate.
Vegetable Productions. Birds. Fish. Domestic Animals. Persons of
the Inhabitants. Their Disposition. Dress. Ornaments. Habitations.
Food. Cookery. Amusements. Manufactures. Working-tools.
Knowledge of Iron accounted for. Canoes. Agriculture. Account of
one of their Chiefs. Weapons. Customs agreeing with those of
Tongataboo and Otaheite. Their Language the same. Extent of this
Nation throughout the Pacific Ocean. Reflections on the useful
Situation of the Sandwich Islands, 172
XIII. Observations made at the Sandwich Islands, on the Longitude,
[pg x] Variation of the Compass and Tides. Prosecution of the Voyage.
Remarks on the Mildness of the Weather, as far as the Latitude 44°
North. Paucity of Sea Birds, in the Northern Hemisphere. Small Sea
Animals described. Arrival on the Coast of America. Appearance of
the Country. Unfavourable Winds and boisterous Weather. Remarks
on Martin de Aguilar's River, and Juan de Fuca's pretended Strait.
An Inlet discovered, where the Ship's anchor. Behaviour of the
Natives, 195
CHAP. IV. Transactions, amongst the Natives of North America; Discoveries
along that Coast and the Eastern Extremity of Asia, Northward to Icy Cape; and
return Southward to the Sandwich Islands, 207
I. The Ships enter the Sound, and moor in a Harbour. Intercourse
with the Natives. Articles brought to barter. Thefts committed. The
Observatories erected, and Carpenters set to work. Jealousy of the
Inhabitants of the Sound to prevent other Tribes having Intercourse
with the Ships. Stormy and rainy Weather. Progress round the
Sound. Behaviour of the Natives at their Villages. Their Manner of
drying Fish, &c. Remarkable Visit from Strangers, and introductory
Ceremonies. A second Visit to one of the Villages. Leave to cut
Grass, purchased. The Ships sail. Presents given and received at
parting, 207
II. The Name of the Sound, and Directions for Sailing into it. Account
of the adjacent Country. Weather. Climate. Trees. Other Vegetable
Productions. Quadrupeds, whose Skins were brought for Sale. Sea

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