Garland V-neck
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Garland V-neck Pullover. Materials: Sirdar Snuggly Baby Bamboo. 50g. Size: XS. S. M. L. XL. 7. 7. 8. 9. 10. Needles: 4mm (US 6) 60cm (24”) circular, 4mm (US ...



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Nombre de lectures 230
Langue English


Garland V-neck Pullover
Sirdar Snuggly Baby Bamboo
Size: XS
4mm (US 6) 60cm (24”)
circular, 4mm (US 6) 40cm (16”)
circular and double point set
20 sts x 28 Rounds = 4” on
4mm (US 6) needles over stocking
stitch. Adjust needle size to achieve
correct tension
Finished Measurements:
Size: XS
Chest: 28”
Sleeve: 13” 13”
13.5” 13.5” 14”
K2tog – Knit 2 stitches together
SSK – slip next 2 stitches, insert left
needle into fronts of slipped stitches,
knit these two stitches together.
P2tog – Purl 2 stitches together.
P2tog-back – Insert right needle into
back of next 2 stitches from left to
right, purl these two stitches together.
YO – bring yarn to front and over the
right needle when you knit the next
Slip – Slip one stitch from the left
needle to the right needle as if to knit
without working the stitch.
Slip purlwise – Slip one stitch from the
left needle to the right needle as if to
purl without working the stitch.
With 4mm (US 6) 60cm (24”)
circular needles, cast on 161 (182, 203,
224, 245) sts.
Round 1: Join in the round, place
marker at start of round and purl 80
stitches, place marker (this will mark
the side) purl to end.
Round 2-6: Knit
Round 7: Knit to last 2 stitches before
end of Round, K2tog.
Round 8: Slip marker, SSK, knit to last 2
stitches before second marker, K2tog,
slip marker, SSK, knit to end.
Repeat rounds 2-8 six more times. 133
(154, 175, 196, 217sts).
Size L and XL only:
Knit 8 more rounds.
Begin garland lace insertion as follows:
Round 1: knit to marker, remove
marker, knit to end.
Round 2: purl
Round 3: knit
Round 4: purl
Round 5: *knit 1, K2tog, YO, k1, YO,
SSK, knit 1 * repeat to end
Round 6: *K2tog, YO, K3, YO, SSK*
repeat to end
Round 7: *K1, YO, K2tog, YO, slip 1,
K2tog pass slipped stitch over, YO, K1*
repeat to end
Round 8: *K1, YO, SSK, K1, K2 together,
YO, K1* repeat to end
Round 9: *K2, YO, slip 1-K2 together-
pass slipped stitch over, YO, K2* repeat
to end
Round 10: purl
Round 11: knit
Round 12: purl
Round 13-15: knit
Repeat Rounds 1-12.
Next Round: K33 (39, 44, 49, 55) sts
place marker (this marks the v-neck.
You may want this marker to be a
different colour than the other
markers), K33 (39, 44, 49, 55) sts, place
marker, knit to end.
Next round: Inc 1 in the first st of the
round, knit to first marker for V neck,
slip marker, knit to within 1 st of
second marker, inc 1 in next st, slip
marker, inc 1 in next st, knit to within 1
st of end of round, inc 1 in next st. 137
(158, 179, 200, 221) sts. Knit 3 rounds.
Size L and XL only:
Next round: Inc 1 in
the first st of the round, knit to first
marker for V neck, slip marker, knit to
within 1 st of second marker, inc 1 in
next st, slip marker, inc 1 in next st, knit
to within 1 st of end of round, inc 1 in
next st. 204 (225) sts.
All Sizes:
Knit 4 (4, 4, 3, 3) rounds
Note: After the first
round, the body is knit back and forth—
not in the round. Decreases at the end
of every row will form the v-neck.
Decreases will occur by knitting (or
purling) until 1 stitch from the end,
then slipping the last stitch of every
row over the 2
to last stitch of every
Row 1: K33 (39, 44, 49, 54) sts, slip last
stitch worked back to left hand needle,
pass next stitch on left hand needle
over the stitch just slipped, slip this
stitch back to right hand needle.
Row 2: (wrong side) Purl to next
marker, slip marker, purl to next
marker, slip marker, purl to one stitch
before v-neck marker, slip last stitch
worked back to left hand needle, pass
next stitch on left hand needle over the
stitch just slipped, slip remaining stitch
purlwise back to right hand needle.
Repeat Rows 1 and 2 for 28 (32, 36, 40,
44) more rows, ending on a right side
row. As the position of the v-neck
becomes more visible, remove the v-
neck marker. 107 (124, 141, 162, 179)
Cast off for armholes as follows:
(wrong side) Knit to within 4 sts of first
marker, *cast off 4 sts, slip marker, cast
off 4 sts.* Knit to within 4 sts of second
marker and repeat between *'s. Knit to
one stitch before v-neck marker, slip
last stitch worked back to left hand
needle, pass next stitch on left hand
needle over the stitch just slipped, slip
remaining stitch knitwise back to right
hand needle. 13 (17, 20, 23, 26) sts
remain for the right front, 63 (72, 83,
98, 109) sts remain for the back and 14
(18, 21, 24, 27) sts remain for the left
Place all sts on holders and knit
: Make 2, both alike, knitted in
the round.
Cast on 49 (49, 56, 56, 63) stitches on
double pointed needles and divide
onto 3 needles.
Round 1: Place marker, join in the
round, careful not to twist stitches,
Round 2: Knit
Continue to knit every round until
sleeve measures 3 1/2 inches. Work
Garland Lace insertion as instructed for
the body.
Size Small and Large only:
Next round,
Inc 1 st in the first and last st of the
round. Work 10 more rounds. On the
following round, Inc 1 st in the first and
last st of the round. 49 (53, 56, 59, 63)
All Sizes:
Continue until sleeve
measures 13” (13”, 13.5”, 13.5”, 14”)
from cast on edge. Next round: Work to
within 4 sts of the end of the round.
Cast off 4 sts to the end of the third
needle, then cast off 4 sts from the
beginning of the first needle. 41 (45,
48, 51, 55) sts. Knit to the end of the
third needle.
: From
here, you will be shaping the raglan
At the same time
, v-neck
decreases continue but not as
frequently as before.
Row 1: Using 60cm (24”) circular
needle, with wrong side facing, slip and
purl the stitches of the right front from
the stitch holder. Place marker. Purl
across the stitches of the right sleeve
sleeve. Place marker. Slip and purl the
stitches of the back from the stitch
holder. Place marker. Purl across the
stitches of the left sleeve. Place
marker. Slip and purl the stitches of the
left front from the stitch holder up to
the last stitch.. Decrease as described
in Row 2 of v-neck shaping above.
Row 2: (right side) Knit to 1 stitch
before end or row, v-neck decrease as
in Row 1 of v-neck shaping above.
Shaping shoulders:
Row 3: Purl.
Row 4: *Knit to 2 stitches before
marker, K2tog, slip marker, SSK. Repeat
from * to end.
do not do v-neck
Row 5: Purl.
Row 6: Repeat from * in Round 3 to 1
stitch before end, decrease v-neck as
Row 7: Purl to 1 stitch before end,
decrease for v-neck as before
Repeat Row 4-7 until there are 2
stitches left on either side of the v-
neck before the first marker and after
the last marker. Make sure to end on
wrong side row.
This will
be knit in the round after picking up
stitches around the v-neck.
Round 1: *K2tog, slip marker, SSK, knit
to 2 stitches before next marker.
Repeat from * until last 4 sts. K2tog,
slip marker, SSK.
Do not turn work, continue along v-
neck on right front side. Pick up and
knit 1 stitch per row along right edge of
v-neck. Place marker at the center of v-
neck. Pick up and knit 1 stitch per row
along left edge of v-neck to marker.
Round 2: Continue in the round,
slipping sleeve markers. Purl up to 2
stitches before v-neck marker, P2tog,
slip marker, P2tog-back, purl to end.
Round 3: Slip marker, *SSK, knit to next
marker, K2tog, Slip marker. Repeat
from * to end.
Repeat Rounds 2 and 3, twice more.
Cast off loosely.
Sew cast off edges of underarm of
body to cast off edges of underarm of
sleeve. Sew in loose ends.
Garland V-Neck Pullover by
Ram Wools
Yarn Co-op
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Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5
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