Official Journal of the European Communities Debates of the European Parliament 1989-90 session. Report of proceedings from 22 to 26 May 1989








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ISSN 0378-5041 Annex Official Journal of the European Communities No 2-378 English edition Debates of the European Parliament 1989-90 session Report of proceedings from 22 to 26 May 1989 Europe House, Strasbourg General contents Sitting of Monday, 22 May 1989 1 Resumption of the session, p. 1 — Statement by the President, p. 3 — Welcome, p. 4 — Agenda, p. 5 — Sea and air transport, p. 8 — Computerized reservation systems, p. 11 —Transport infrastructure costs, p. 14 — Transport, p. 19 Sitting of Tuesday, 23 May 1989 26 Decision on urgency, p.8 — Research programmes, p. 31 — Spirituous beverages, p. 45 — Safety of workers at the workplace, p. 48 — Votes, p. 50 — Safety of work­ers at the workplace (continuation), p. 54 — Question Time, p. 59 — Genetically modified organisms, p. 72 — Maximum tar yield of cigarettes — Hazardous waste, p. 78 — Labelling of foodstuffs — Food ingredients treated with ionizing radiation, p. 85 — Radiological emergency, p. 93 — Woodland farming, agricultural and fish­ery products, p. 97 Sitting of Wednesday, 24 May 1989 102 Approval of the minutes, p.3 — Statement by the President, p. 104 — Annual and consolidated accounts, p.6 — Pursuit of broadcasting activities, p. 110 — Votes, p. 127 — Procurement procedures of entities operating in the water, energy, trans­port and telecommunications sectors, p. 129 — Machinery, p. 138 — Improvement of the business environment, p.
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ISSN 0378-5041
Annex Official Journal
of the
European Communities
No 2-378
English edition Debates of the European Parliament
1989-90 session
Report of proceedings
from 22 to 26 May 1989
Europe House, Strasbourg
General contents Sitting of Monday, 22 May 1989 1
Resumption of the session, p. 1 — Statement by the President, p. 3 — Welcome, p. 4
— Agenda, p. 5 — Sea and air transport, p. 8 — Computerized reservation systems,
p. 11 —Transport infrastructure costs, p. 14 — Transport, p. 19
Sitting of Tuesday, 23 May 1989 26
Decision on urgency, p.8 — Research programmes, p. 31 — Spirituous beverages,
p. 45 — Safety of workers at the workplace, p. 48 — Votes, p. 50 — Safety of work­
ers at the workplace (continuation), p. 54 — Question Time, p. 59 — Genetically
modified organisms, p. 72 — Maximum tar yield of cigarettes — Hazardous waste,
p. 78 — Labelling of foodstuffs — Food ingredients treated with ionizing radiation,
p. 85 — Radiological emergency, p. 93 — Woodland farming, agricultural and fish­
ery products, p. 97
Sitting of Wednesday, 24 May 1989 102
Approval of the minutes, p.3 — Statement by the President, p. 104 — Annual and
consolidated accounts, p.6 — Pursuit of broadcasting activities, p. 110 — Votes,
p. 127 — Procurement procedures of entities operating in the water, energy, trans­
port and telecommunications sectors, p. 129 — Machinery, p. 138 — Improvement
of the business environment, p. 141 — Estimates of the European Parliament for
1990, p. 143 — Votes (Single Act), p. 146 — Question Time, p. 148 — Action taken
on the opinions of Parliament, p. 162 — Annex, p. 163
Sitting of Thursday, 25 May 1989 208
Approval of the minutes, p. 209 — Agenda, p. 212 — Debate on topical and urgent
subjects of major importance, p. 212 — Votes, p. 229 — Debate on topical and
urgent subjects of major importance (continuation), p. 233 — Independence of
Namibia — Situation in Angola, p. 237 — Anti-AIDS campaign, p. 246 — Delibera­
tions of the Committee on Petitions, p. 252 — Imports of agricultural products by
developing countries, p. 256 — Votes (Single Act), p. 261 — Economic and social
integration of the least-privileged groups, p. 266 — Protection of water, p. 269 —
Noise emission from civil aeroplanes, p. 275
(Continued overleaf) NOTE TO READER
Appearing at the same time as the English edition are editions in the eight other official
languages of the Communities: Spanish, Danish, German, Greek, French, Italian, Dutch
and Portuguese. The English edition contains the original texts of the interventions in
English and an English translation of those made in other languages. In these cases there
are, after the name of the speaker, the following letters, in brackets, to indicate the lan­
guage spoken: (ES) for Spanish, (DA) for Danish, (DE) for German, (GR) for Greek,
(FR) for French, (IT) for Italian, (NE) for Dutch and (PT) for Portuguese.
The original texts of these interventions appear in the edition published in the language
Contents (continued) Sitting of Friday, 26 May 1989 278
Statement by the President, p.9 — Conciliation procedure, p. 280 — Votes,
p. 28 1 — Dangerous substances, p. 288 — Measures to terminate the services of offi­
cials of the EC, p. 290 — Control and eradication of rabies, p. 291 — Regional
problems affecting Corsica and Sardinia, p. 293 — EEC-EFTA relations, p. 296 —
Women and children in prison, p. 297 — Internal energy market, p. 298 —Adjourn­
ment of the session, p. 299
Resolutions adopted at sittings of 22 to 26 May 1989 appear in the Official Journal of the
European Communities C ¡58, 26. 6. 1989. No 2-378/1 22. 5. 89 Debates of the European Parliament
6. Computerized reservation systems — Report 1. Resumption of the session :
(Doc. A 2-67/88), by Mr Visser: Mr Ford; Mrs Lehideux; Mr Stewart; Mr
Mr Visser; Mr Coimbra Martins; Mrs Wijsenbeek; Mr McMahon; Mr Comelissen .
Braun-Moser; Mr Van Miert (Commission) . 11
2. Statement by the President
7. Transport infrastructure costs — Report (Doc.
3. Welcome: A 2-47/89), by Mr Topmann:
Mrs Oppenheim; Mr Tomlinson Mr Topmann; Mr Visser; Mrs Braun-Moser;
Mr Romera i Alcazar; Mr Wijsenbeek; Mr
Van der Waal; Mr Langes; Mr Comelissen;
Mr Klepsch; Mr Pearce; Mr Sherlock; Mrs Mr Puerta Gutierrez; Mr Van Miert (Com­
Squarcialupi; Mrs Van Dijk; Mr Moorhouse; mission), Mr Cottrell 14
Mr Anastassopoulos; Mr Cryer; Mr Pran-
8. Transport — Reports (Doc. A 2-66/89), by chère; Mr Crusol; Mr Arndt; Mr De Pas­
Mr Lalor, (Doc. A 2-80/89), by Mr Gasoliba i
quale; Mr Bocklet; Mrs Weber; Mr Stavrou;
Böhm, (Doc. A 2-72/89) and (Doc. A 2-781 Mr Lalor; Mr Sherlock
89), by Mr Comelissen:
Sea and air transport — Report (Doc. A 2- Mr Lalor; Mr Gasoliba i Böhm; Mr Cottrell;
71/89), by Mr Anastassopoulos : Mr Wijsenbeek; Mr Comelissen; Mrs Diez
Mr Anastassopoulos; Mr Sapena Granell; Mrs de Rivera haza; Mr Visser; Mr Ebel; Mr
Braun-Moser; Mr Puerta Gutierrez; Mr Van Wijsenbeek; Mr Garaikoetzea Urriza; Mrs
der Waal; Mr Van Miert (Commission) . . Oppenheim; Mr Van Miert (Commission) . 19
IN THE CHAIR: LORD PLUMB FORD (S). — On a point of order, Mr President. I
refer you to Rule 5(2) regarding waivers of immunity
which says: The committee shall consider such requests
for waiver of immunity without delay. Normally, if
there is a problem with the Rules of Procedure, a
(The sitting was opened at 5 p.m.) Member can ask that the matter be referred to the
Committee on the Rules of Procedure. I have some
difficulty at the moment because I want to complain
1. Resumption of the session about the acting chairman at the time, Mr Estgen's,
conduct of the Rules Committee in that he breached
the Rules of the Parliament at a committee meeting in
PRESIDENT. — I declare resumed the session of the
Luxembourg two or three weeks ago.
European Parliament adjourned on 14 April 1989.'
The problem was that there was a resolution on the
floor asking that the waiver of a certain Member's Approval of the Minutes — Membership of political groups
— Petitions — Written declarations entered in the register immunity be delayed. That would appear in direct
— Transfer of appropriations — Referral to committee — contradiction to Rule 5(2). It seems to me that what
Documents received — Texts of treaties forwarded by the
we actually had at that meeting was a sordid conspir­
Council — Interpretations of the Rules of Procedure —
acy by certain Members of this Parliament in the sha­Announcement of a common position of the Council: see
Minutes. dow of Parliament's Rules. The rule was clearly No 2-378/2 Debates of the European Parliament 22. 5. 89
breached. When I requested a roll-call vote on the mittees. As far as the Commission is concerned, it
acted in response to a request I made and I did of request for a delay of a consideration of Mr Le Pen's
immunity, I was overruled by one of the Conservative course make an immediate response on behalf of the
Members, Mr Newton Dunn, who requested a secret whole Parliament to those affected by that tragedy.
vote, something we, or at least I have never seen in
committee before. Maybe you can tell me how many
WIJSENBEEK (LDR). — My Lord President, on 14 times that has been used?
November I raised the issue of the agenda and a num­
I am asking what you intend to do about a clear ber of important points on transport matters. At that
breach of the Rules of this House by the Rules com­ time Mr Prag joined in the debate and your reply was,
mittee itself. The report said that Mr Le Pen's antisem- and I quote: Mr Prag, again you raise a fundamental
itic remarks were not a very significant issue, but that point which must be considered.
fact that he is on record as saying that the Americans
built the gas chambers in Buchenwald after the war My Lord President, apparently your considerations
seems to be something that the survivors and relatives have reached the opposite conclusion to what I pro­
of the 6 million who died would consider to be a very tested about on 14 November. The point then was that
significant issue and not something that should be we had eight minutes for the whole of my group to
taken off the agenda of this Parliament by procedural speak on six important reports. Today, I notice that
shennanigans. my group has six minutes for eight reports. If this is
the result of your considerations, with due respect I
must say this is rather too much in line with the Tory
PRESIDENT. — Mr Ford, you are widening the isse
fashion of stealing from the poor and giving all to the
quite considerably. The Rule says: The report of the
committee shall be placed at the head of the agenda of the
first sitting following the day on which it was tabled.
That, in fact, is the rule you are quoting. The position PRESIDENT. — Mr Wijsenbeek, you have already
of Parliament in condemning all forms of racism and taken two minutes of the speaking time which would
xenophobia is well known. As far as the committee be allocated later. These are the problems we have to
responsible is concerned I cannot question

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