Copy of 2007 2008 cleaning audit report formatted
19 pages

Copy of 2007 2008 cleaning audit report formatted


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19 pages
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The 2007-2008 Victorian Public Health Facilities External Cleaning Audit Published by the Victorian Government Department of Human Services Melbourne, Victoria © Copyright State of Victoria 2008 This publication is copyright, no part may be reproduced by any process except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968. This document may also be downloaded from the Department of Human Services web site at: or Authorised by the State Government of Victoria, 50 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne. Table of Contents Introduction 4 Cleaning standards in Victorian health facilities 4 Internal and external cleaning audits 4 Categories used in reporting statewide external cleaning audit results 5 Health service categories 5 De-identifying data 5 Risk categories 5 Results of the 2007-2008 external cleaning audit 6 Results for health services across Victoria 6 metropolitan health services 8 Results for rural health services 11 References 15 Appendix 1 Health service and risk categories 16 Table 1: Metropolitan Health Service Categories 16 Table 2a: Rural Health Service Categories 17 Table 2b: Small Rural Health Service (SRHS) Category 18 Appendix 2 Functional area risk categories 18 Table 3: Functional area risk categories 18 Introduction Health care associated infection remains a major patient safety issue and a growing challenge for health care systems around the ...


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Nombre de lectures 15
Langue English


The 2007-2008 Victor ianPublic
Healt hFacilit iesEx t er nalCleaning

Published by the Victor ianGov er nm entDepar t m entof Human Serv ices
Melbour ne,Vict or ia

© Copyr ightSt at eof Victor ia2008

This publication is copyr ight ,no part may be repr oducedby any process
ex ceptin accordance wit ht hepr ov isionsof theAct 1968Copy r ight.

This document may also be downloaded from the Depart m entof Human
Ser v icesw ebsit eat :
w w w . dhs. v ic. gov . auor
w w w . healt h. v ic. gov . au

Aut hor isedby the Stat eGov er nm entof Victor ia,50 Lonsdale Str eet ,
Melbour ne.

Table of Content s

I nt r od u ct ion

Cleaning standar dsin Victor ianhealt hfacilit ies

I nt er naland ext er nalcleaning audits
Ca t e g or ie su se din re p or t in gst a t e wid ee x t e r n a lcle a n in ga u d itr e su lt s

Healt hser v icecat egor ies

De- ident ify ingdat a

Risk categor ies
Re su lt sof th e2 0 0 7 - 2 0 0 8e x t e r n a lcle a n in ga u d it
Result sfor health serv icesacr ossVict or ia

Result sfor met r opolit anhealt hser v ices

Result sfor rur alhealt hser v ices

Re f e r e n ce s
Ap p e n d ix1 He a lt hse r v icea n dr iskca t e g or ie s

Table 1: Metr opolit anHealt hSer v iceCat egor ies

Table 2a:Rur alHealt hSer v iceCat egor ies

Table 2b:Sm allRur alHealt hSer v ice( SRHS)Cat egor y

Ap p e n d ix2 Fun ct ion a la r e ar iskca t e g or ie s

Table 3:Funct ionalar ear iskcat egor ies






1 6



I nt r od u ct ion
Healt hcar eassociat edinfect ionr em ainsa maj orpat ientsafet yissue and a grow ingchallenge for health
car esy st em sar oundt hew or ld.The World Health Organisat ionr epor t st hatbet w een5 %and 10%of
pat ient sadm it t edt om oder nhospit alsin the developed wor ldacquir eone or mor einfect ions( Allegr anzi
et al 2007). Whilstnot all health care associated infection can be eliminat ed,w ecan minim iser isk sby
ensur ingt hatsy st em s,such as envir onm ent alcleaning, are in place.

Cleaning standar dsin Victor ianhealt hfacilit ies
Cleaning Standar dsfor Victor ianpublic hospitals( TheCleaning Standar ds)w er eor iginallypr epar edby
t heMelbour neI nnerand Easter nHealt hCar eNet w or kand published in 2000.Aft eran ext ensiv er ev iew
in 2003The Cleaning Standar ds( 2 005 )w er er eleased.The Cleaning Standar dsbeen well rhav eeceiv ed
t hr oughoutVict or iaand have been adopted by other stat esw it hinAust r aliaas well as by other countr ies
including New Zealand and the United Kingdom.

I n2007Th eandar dsCleaning Stunder w entt hera furby mr ev iewof tem ber sor ianhe VictCleaning
St andar dsUser Group conv eningfr omacr osst hest at e.The need for furt herclar ificat ionand
st andar disat ionin some areas was identified and some changes will accompany the updatedCleaning
St andar dsr it ingw illv icesified of any changes in wbe notear .his yh serPublic healtfor rdu eer telease lat
pr iort ot heirim plem ent at ion.

Fur t herinfor m at ionaboutThe Cleaning Standar dsedit ionr enthe curcan be found in tat
ht t p: / / w w w . healt h. v ic. gov . au/ ideas/ infcon/ cleaning.

I nt er naland ext er nalcleaning audits
The Cleaning Standar dshealt hor ianand can be used tser v iceso assist incan be applied to all Vict
dev elopingand maint ainingint er nalqualit yim pr ov em entpr ocesses.Acut epublic health serv icesin
Vict or iaar er equir edt oper for mbot hint er naland ext er nalcleaning audits.

I nt er nalaudit sar eusually undert ak enby a suitable staff mem beron a regular basis, for exam pledaily or
w eek lydepending on the risk categor yof the area or depart m entunder goingt heaudit .

Ex t er nalaudit sar eper for m edby a person or persons not employ edby the health serv ice,i. om
out sidet hehealt hser v ice.Ex t er nalaudit sar econduct edat least once a year .

Acut epublic health serv icesar er equir edt osubm itt her esult sof their inter naland ext er nalcleaning
audit sand the result sof ext er nalaudit sar er epor t edon annually by the Depart m entof Human Serv ices.

Audit scores, for both inter naland ext er nalaudit s,ar ebased on a demer itsy st emw her ebya health
facilit ybegins wit h100 points (100% )and points are deducted wher ecleaning requir em ent s,as set out
inandar ds,The Cleaning Stes or does not achieve theA health facility either achievar eet .not m
accept ablequalit ylev el( AQL)of 85%.

Page 4

Ca t e g or ie su se din re p or t in gst a t e wid ee x t e r n a l
cle a n in ga u d itr e su lt s

Tw ot y pesof categor ieshav ebeen used in repor t ingt he200 7- 20 08ex t er nalcleaning audit data: health
ser v icecat egor iesand risk categor ies.

Healt hser v icecat egor ies
For compar at iv epur poseshealt hser v ices,hospit alsand mult ipur poseser v ices( MPS)hav ebeen grou ped
int ocat egor iest hatr eflectt heirsize and the complex it yof their serv icepr ov ision.This enables those
w hosubm it t eddat afor the 2007- 20 08ex t er nalcleaning audit to bench mar kt heirow nr esult sagainst
ot hersim ilarhealt hser v ices.For exam ples byGRAPH 1:200 7- 20 0 8Ex t er nalCleaning Audit Result
Healt hSer v iceCat egor yepor t )his r6 of t( pagehr oughA1 tcat egor iesshow sSm allRur alt oSRHS (Healt h
Ser v ice) .A list of health serv icesin each of the health serv icecat egor iescan be found in Appendix 1.

De- ident ify ingdat a
Dat aar ede- ident ifiedfor the purposes of public repor t ing.I ndiv idualhealt hfacilit iesw it hineach
cat egor yar egiv ena coded lett erfr omt healphabet .For exam ple2007 - 20 08Ex t er nalGRAPH 4:
Cleaning Audit Results for Metr oCat egor yA1 Health Serv icesshow sepor t )his r8 of t( pageforr esult s
nine health facilities wit hcoded lett er sA thr ought oI .The number of SRHSs submit t ingdat aex ceeded
26 (t heav ailablelet t er sof the alphabet) and so double lett er s,i. e.AA, wer eadded to the coding set. It
w asnecessar yt ospr eadt her esult sov ert w ogr aph sfor this categor y .

Risk categor ies
Result sar ealso repor t edaccor dingt ot hr eer iskcat egor ies:Ver yHigh, High and Moderat e.These
cat egor iescor r espondw it ht hr eeof the four risk categor iesdescr ibedinThe Cleaning Standar dsand
r efert ot helev elof risk an area or depart m entr epr esent s.For exam plean operat ingt heat r efalls under
t heVer yHigh Risk categor y .Alt houghcleaning in health facilities is impor t antin all areas or categor ies,
cleaning requir em ent sand frequency reflect the level of risk associated wit heach categor y .For exam ple
cleaning requir em ent sand the frequency of cleaning are much higher for an operat ingt heat r et hanfor
an office in a hospital administ r at ionar ea.Risk categor iesar em or efully described inThe Cleaning
St andar ds.r epor t ablehr eecat egor iesr iskcan be found A list of all art m ent seas or deparhe tin each of t
in Appendix 2.

Page 5

Re su lt sof th e2 0 0 7 - 2 0 0 8e x t e r n a lcle a n in ga u d it

I nApr il2008 Victor ianpublic health serv icesr epor t edon ext er n alcleaning audit result sfor the prev ious
12 mont hper iod.All repor t ingfacilit iesachiev edt heAQL. In the following graphs the Very High risk
cat egor yr esult sar eshow nin blue, the High risk categor yr esult sar eshow nin red and the Moderat er isk
cat egor yr esult sar eshow nin yellow .Not all health serv icesw er er equir edt or epor t edon all thr eer isk
cat egor ies.

Result sfor health serv icesacr ossVict or ia
Gr aph1 shows result sfor health serv icesby categor yacr ossall of Victor ia.MPS is the abbrev iat ionfor
m ult ipur poseser v iceand SRHS is the abbrev iat ionfor small rur alhealt hser v ice.















Page 6


MPS Rori
S g


Gr aph2 shows result sfor rur alr egionsacr ossVict or ia.




A u d its c o r e s


Barwon SW

Graph 2: 2007 - 2008 External Cleaning Audit Results
by Rural Regions


Grampians Hume
Rural Regions

Page 7

Loddon Mallee

All regions


Result sfor met r opolit anhealt hser v ices
Gr aph3 thr ought oGr aph7 show result sfor met r opolit anhealt hser v ices.




Graph 3: 2007 - 2008 External Cleaning Audit Results
for Metropolitan Hospitals by Service Category

Audit scores


A1 A2B GAll Metro
Metropolitan health service categories


Graph 4: 2007 - 2008 External Cleaning Audit Results
for Metro Category A1 Health Services
Au3di0t scores
A B C D E F G HI All
Metropolitan category A1 health se

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