Partition complète, Fantastic Episodes, Gervasoni, Antonio
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Partition complète, Fantastic Episodes, Gervasoni, Antonio


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83 pages
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Visionnez la partition de morceau Fantastic Episodes partition complète, fruit du travail de Gervasoni, Antonio. La partition moderne célèbre écrite pour les instruments suivants:
  • flûte
  • clarinette
  • basson
  • cor
  • trompette
  • trombone
  • percussion
  • carillon
  • marimba
  • vibraphone
  • harpe
  • piano
  • clavier
  • 2 violons
  • viole de gambe
  • violoncelle
  • double basse

Cette partition aborde 1 mouvement et une subtile association d'instruments.
Redécouvrez de la même façon d'autres musique pour clarinette, vibraphone, basson, clavier, marimba, double basse, harpe, viole de gambe, carillon, flûte, percussion, 2 violons, piano, trombone, violoncelle, trompette, cor sur YouScribe, dans la rubrique Partitions de musique variée.
Date composition: 2008
Edition: Antonio Gervasoni
Durée / duration: 13 minutes



Publié par
Nombre de lectures 42
Licence : En savoir +
Paternité, pas de modification
Langue Français
Poids de l'ouvrage 1 Mo


Antonio Gervasoni
Fantastic Episodes for chamber orchestra
Lima, March 2008
INSTRUMENT LIST Flute (doubling Alto Flute) Clarinet in Bb Bassoon Horn in F Trumpet in C Trombone Percussion 1 (1 player)  Timpani  Triangle  Chime Tree  Claves  Hi-Hat  Suspended Cymbal  Snare Drum  Gong (large)  Bass Drum Percussion 2 (1 player)  Glockenspiel  Vibraphone (to be played with mallets and violin bow)  Grand Marimba (a 4-octave Marimba may also be used but too low notes will need to be raised 1 octave, as indicated in the score) Harp Piano (doubling Clavinova or Electronic Keyboard with Pipe Organ Flutes sound) 2 Violins 1 Viola 1 Violoncello 1 Double Bass The score is notated in C Glockenspiel sounds an octave higher than notated. Double Bass sounds an octave lower than notated. Duration: approx. 13 minutes
NOTES The Electronic Keyboard needs a volume pedal. If the required Flutes tone is not available, a similar tone color may be chosen. As a suggestion, the glockenspiel can be placed on a high table or stand, behind the Vibraphone (from the player's point of view). The alternating D's effect between the Marimba and the Harp in rehearsal numbers 31 to 33, is better heard if these instruments are placed in opposite sides of the stage. Many passages make use of hairpins that begin or end in a small circle. These markings are indeed rare in printed music and may need a different interpretation depending on the music they affect. The perfect "crescendo dal niente" or "morendo al niente" are not really possible in reality. Players can only come close to them and the final result depends not only on the instrument but also on the register where the notes are located. A special case is when these markings are applied to a group of notes, where it is obvious that the last note of the group must be heard, although very faintly of course. Therefore, these special hairpins can only be played "as accurately as possible" (no musican can really "begin from nothing" or "end in nothing") and should be understood in that way for the whole score.
COPYRIGHT NOTICE This score has a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND) license, which means you can share it with others as long as you credit the composer, but you can't change it in any way or use it commercialy. However, take notice that this license applies only to the score itself, no to the music! The music is copyrighted. In other words, the corresponding royalties may need to be payed if this work is performed in public. Some legislations may allow the performance without royalty payment for non-commercial, academic or charity purposes. Please inform yourself and comply with the laws of your country.
All rights reserved. For more details about the composer, or if you want to contact him, visit
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