S. Peter's Collegiate School Sixth Form Prospectus 2012 - 2013








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  • cours - matière potentielle : link
  • cours - matière potentielle : students
  • cours - matière potentielle : at the end of the summer term
  • exposé
  • cours - matière potentielle : on offer
S. Peter's Collegiate School Sixth Form Prospectus 2012 - 2013
  • progress progress
  • average point score per subject entry
  • subject at the university
  • business studies business
  • wolverhampton
  • general studies
  • curricular activities success success
  • university
  • students
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MARTINA K. SCHMIDT USF St. Petersburg, College of Business 140 Seventh Ave. South, DAV 108 D St. Petersburg, FL 33701 Phone: 7278734250 Email:schmidtm@usfsp.eduEDUCATION Florida Atlantic UniversityFinancePh.D. 1998 1994 Florida Atlantic UniversityInternational Marketing 1991  1993MBA Florida Atlantic UniversityInternational Business1989  1991BA AREAS OF INTEREST Research: Corporate Finance, Real Estate,Investments, International Finance, Mutual Funds, ClosedEnd FundsTeaching: Principles of Finance, Corporate Finance, Real Estate, International Finance EXPERIENCE University of South Florida2 Instructor 2002 presentFull TimeTaught Principles of Finance, Principles of Finance Online, Advanced Corporate Finance, International Finance and Real estate in the undergraduate and MBA programs. Served as a member of several university committeesGlobal Business Advisory Services, LLC.Managing Partner2008 present Provided global business consulting services & assisted global firms with debt/equity financingUniversity of South FloridaInstructor AdjunctPart Time 2002 2001Taught International Finance and Advanced Corporate Finance  JetStream EnterprisesVice President 1998Full Time 2002  Managed company financesAssisted in aviation parts sales & marketing Helped with acquisition and development of real estate investments Maintained computer networkFlorida Atlantic UniversityTeaching Assistant 1998 1995Part Time Taught Corporate Finance Directed an independent study entitled, "The Effect of Internet Commerce on the Securities Industry" Florida Atlantic UniversityResearch Assistant 1994 1995Part Time Conducted research in the areas of closedend funds, CEO compensation, real estate investment trusts, bond ratings of US companies and foreign currency fluctuations Taurus Investment GroupAssistant to the President 1993  1994Full Time Developed commercial real estate financial analyses and investment summaries Assisted in marketing commercial real estate projects
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