X Ray microtomography Applications Summary








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X-Ray microtomography Applications Summary Using X-ray micro-tomography to probe microstructure and damage of structural materials Henry Proudhon Centre des Materiaux, MINES ParisTech, UMR CNRS 7633 WEMESURF contact course, Paris 21-25 juin Henry Proudhon — Using X-ray micro-tomography to probe microstructure and damage of structural materials 1/54

  • applications summary

  • xmt fatigue

  • study almost

  • ray micro-tomography

  • become commercially

  • centre des materiaux

  • tomography has

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X-Ray microtomography Applications Summary
Using X-ray micro-tomography
to probe microstructure and damage
of structural materials
Henry Proudhon
Centre des Mat´eriaux, MINES ParisTech, UMR CNRS 7633
WEMESURF contact course, Paris 21-25 juin
Henry Proudhon — Using X-ray micro-tomography to probe microstructure and damage of structural materials 1/54X-Ray microtomography Applications Summary
From R¨ontgen to CAT scans
It is a long way since R¨ontgen discovered X-rays in
1892. X-ray tomography has become very popular, first
using synchrotron radiation and in medical scanners
(CAT scans). Nowadays, X-ray lab tomography has
become commercially available and allows to study
almost all kind of materials...
Henry Proudhon — Using X-ray micro-tomography to probe microstructure and damage of structural materials 3/54X-Ray microtomography Applications Summary
1 X-Ray microtomography
About X-Rays
Principle of X-Ray microtomography
Synchrotron radiation vs lab sources
Other contrast mechanisms
Sample environment for in situ testing
2 Applications
Damage of polymer materials
Observation of a fretting crack by X-ray tomography
In situ study of fatigue crack propagation by XMT
Fatigue cracking of β Ti alloy studied by DCT+XMT
3 Summary
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X-rays are emitted by electron
subjected to acceleration
0.01 nm < λ < 10 nmX
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Synchrotron radiation
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X-ray tube
X-ray tube
vacuum tube that produces
invented by William Coolidge
in 1913
used a lot for Medical
electrons come from W
cathode, are accelerated and
then hit the anode
a window allows for escape of
the generated X-ray photons
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Computed X-ray Micro-Tomography (XMT)
3D object
X Rays
ESRF Grenoble SR X-ray tomography
parallel beam→ no
Sample size limited by
CCD size, typically 1 mm
Monochromatic coherent
beam (phase contrast)
Low availability
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nX-Ray microtomography Applications Summary
X-ray Micro-Tomography using a lab source
Lab source, from Phoenix X-rays
Lab source tomography
Cone beam→
No monochromaticity
High availability
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Some examples
E. Maire, Al foam H. Proudhon, fatigue crack in Al alloy
P. Tafforeau, primate skulls culasse compl`ete, RX solutions
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Experimental setup at ID19
Typical energy: 20 keV (5 to 90
Long distance (145 m)→
coherence (phase contrast)
Multilayer monochromator:
−2Δλ/λ’ 10
Inhouse Frelon CCD 14 bits
2camera 2048×2048 px
scan duration from 16 sec to
several hours
Sample environment:
fatigue/tension machine, cold
cell, furnace... Contact: Elodie Boller (ESRF)
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