Jordan Normal and Rational Normal Form Algorithms Bernard Parisse, Morgane Vaughan Institut Fourier CNRS-UMR 5582 100 rue des Maths Université de Grenoble I 38402 St Martin d'Hères Cédex Résumé In this paper, we present a determinist Jordan normal form algorithms based on the Fadeev formula : (? · I ?A) ·B(?) = P (?) · I where B(?) is (? · I ? A)'s comatrix and P (?) is A's characteristic polynomial. This rational Jordan normal form algorithm differs from usual algorithms since it is not based on the Frobenius/Smith normal form but rather on the idea already remarked in Gantmacher that the non-zero column vectors of B(?0) are eigenvec- tors of A associated to ?0 for any root ?0 of the characteristical polynomial. The complexity of the algorithm is O(n4) field operations if we know the factoriza- tion of the characteristic polynomial (or O(n5 ln(n)) operations for a matrix of integers of fixed size). This algorithm has been implemented using the Maple and Giac/Xcas computer algebra systems. 1 Introduction Let's remember that the Jordan normal form of a matrix is : A = ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?1 0 0 . . .
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- matrice polynomiale
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