educeeuseecycleR3 R's for the new centuryHOME AUDIT KITA Guide to Help Make Your Residencean Environmentally Friendly PlaceDepartment of Ecology Publication # 00-07-030Solid Waste & Financial Assistance Program Revised August 2000P.O. Box 47600Olympia, WA 98504-76001-800-RECYCLEHome AuditContentsPage 3 -- Saving EnergyPage 7 -- Saving Water Inside and OutsidePage 9 -- Reduce, Reuse, RecyclePage 11 --Reducing Hazardous Waste inThe HomePage 12 --An Environmentally FriendlyYardPage 13 --Your Automobile and theEnvironmentPage 15 -- Green Consumerism2Home AuditSAVING ENERGYThe amount of energy we consume is one of the primary factors in determining thequality of our environment. Every step of the energy cycle – the extraction of energyresources such as coal and oil, the conversion of these resources into usable forms inoil refineries and electrical generating facilities, the transportation of the fuels, theiruse in automobiles and furnaces, and the disposal of the wastes produced, are majorsources of air pollution, water contamination and land degradation.Home Heating and CoolingIn this country, more energy is used for heating houses and apartments than for anyother purpose. Of the six billion tons of carbon dioxide (a major contributor toglobal warming) that human activities put into the atmosphere each year, more thanone billion tons come from burning fuel to heat homes. Each kilowatt hour ofelectricity that we use adds about 1.6 pounds ...