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06 août 2018



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IVîR (Instîtute for Informatîon Law)
Global Online Piracy Study
Juy 2018
IVîR - Instîtute for Informatîon Law P.O. Box 15514, 1001 NA Amsterdam, The Netherands https://www.îvîr.n/n/
Instîtute for Informatîon LawJoost Poort João Pedro Quîntaîs
EcorysMartîn van der Ende Anastasîa Yagafarova Mathîjs Hageraats
The research project was inanced by Googe. It has been conducted în fu compîance wîth the Decaratîon of Scîentîic Independence as formuated by the Roya Dutch Academy of Scîence. Thîs Study, îts Annexes, and the Lega Background Report are avaîabe for downoad at: https://www.îvîr.n/n/
Global Online Piracy Study
Goba Onîne Pîracy Study
2. 2.1 2.2 2.3
3. 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6
4. 4.1 4.2 4.3
5. 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5
6. 6.1 6.2 6.3
Executîve summary
A brîef hîstory of onîne pîracy research
Lega Background
The effect of onîne pîracy on saes
The effect of enforcement on onîne pîracy
Country statîstîcs and saes deveopments Country statîstîcs Musîc Fîm and vîdeo Books Games Concusîons
Survey sampe descrîptîves, weîghtîng and data ceanîng
Sampe composîtîon and recruîtment
Representatîveness and weîghtîng
Data ceanîng
Use of ega and îega content acquîsîtîon channes Musîc Fîm and vîdeo Books Games Concusîons
The effect of onîne pîracy on ega consumptîon
Instrumenta varîabe regressîon
Quasî-pane bockbuster ims
Rea pane
19 19 23 27
31 31 33 36 38 40 41
43 43 44 44
4747 54 59 63 68
7171 75 79
Goba Onîne Pîracy Study
Thîs report deas wîth the acquîsîtîon and consumptîon ofmusîc, ilms, serîes, booksandgamesthrough the varîouslegalandîllegal channelsthat exîst nowadays, în a set of13 countrîesîn Europe (France, Germany, the Netherands, Poand, Spaîn, Sweden), the Amerîcas (Brazî, Canada) and Asîa (Hong Kong, Indonesîa, Japan, Thaîand). The îega channes studîed aredownloadîngandstreamîngfrom îega sources (încudîng vîa dedîcatedtechnîcal devîces), andstreamrîppîng.
The purposes are (î) to provîde factua înformatîon about thestate of authorîsed and unauthorîsedacquîsîtîon and consumptîon of content; (îî) to assess theunderlyîng motîvesand mechanîsms and thelînk wîth enforcement measuresand ega suppy; (îîî) to assess theeffect of onlîne pîracy on consumptîon from legal sources. At the core of the study îs aconsumer surveyamong neary35,000 respondents, încudîng over7,000 mînors, în 13 countrîes.
 Legal analysîs Comparatîve legal researchwas performed on the basîs of questîonnaîres on the ega status of onîne copyrîght înfrîngement and enforcement, competed by ega experts în the 13 countrîes studîed. It was found that, despîte some ega uncertaînty, the majorîty of acts studîed are quaîied as dîrect copyrîght înfrîngement by users or gîve rîse to îabîîty for întermedîarîes. Moreover, ISPs are often subject to înjunctîons and dutîes of care even when they beneit from safe harbours. On the whoe, copyrîght hoders have a vast arsena of ega enforcement measures to depoy agaînst end users and ISPs. There îs a trend în many countrîes toward copyrîght enforcement through cîvî or admînîstratîve measures aîmed at bockîng websîtes that provîde access to înfrîngîng content. Notîces to înfrîngers and to patforms hostîng or înkîng to înfrîngîng content wîth the aîm of removîng/bockîng such content are îkewîse reguary used, the atter în the context of notîce-and-takedown systems. Crîmîna measures are ess popuar.
Stî, despîte the abundance of enforcement measures, theîr perceîved effectîveness îs uncertaîn. Therefore, ît îs questîonabe whether the answer to successfuy tackîng onîne copyrîght înfrîngement îes în addîtîona rîghts or enforcement measures, especîay îf these wî not ead to addîtîona revenue for copyrîght hoders and rîsk comîng înto conlîct wîth fundamenta rîghts of users and întermedîarîes. Instead, ît mîght be sensîbe to search for the answer to pîracy esewhere – în the provîsîon of affordabe and convenîent ega access to copyrîght-protected content.
 Growîng markets Saes data for musîc, im and vîdeo, books and games revea that across a content types and formats, per capîta încome appears to be an împortant drîver of expendîtures. However, above an annua încome eve of € 30,000 per capîta, thîs reatîonshîp no onger seems to appy and natîona preferences domînate încome effects. Zoomîng în, ît îs cear that physîca saes are în contînuous decîne for amost every content type and în amost every country. Despîte the decîne în physîca saes, the încrease în dîgîta saes ed tonet growth for total recorded musîc, audîo-vîsual content, books and gamesbetween 2014 and 2017. Expendîtures on îve concerts and cînema vîsîts are growîng.
 Survey outcomes The percentage of the Internet popuatîon consumîng content fromlegalsources varîes between 61% în France and 93% în Indonesîa. In most European countrîes, thîs percentage decreased somewhat between 2014 and 2017 – prîmarîy due to a decrease for physîca carrîers – whîe tota ega consumptîon voumes grew.
Consumîng content fromîllegal sources– onîne pîracy – îs most prevaent în the Internet popuatîons of Indonesîa, Thaîand and Brazî, foowed by Spaîn and Poand. As a percentage of tota popuatîon, Spaîn,
Goba Onîne Pîracy Study
Canada and Hong Kong are the top three countrîes for pîracy, whîe pîracy îs the east common în Germany, Japan and Indonesîa, the ast due to ow Internet penetratîon. Between 2014 and 2017, thenumber of pîrates decreased în all European countrîes except Germany.
The per capîtaconsumptîon volumesper ega and îega content channe that foow from the survey do not aways match these deveopments: for most countrîes and content types, an încrease în the per capîta voume of îega content consumed îs observed, despîte a decreasîng proportîon of the popuatîon engagîng în onîne pîracy. Thîs împîes that the îssue of pîracy îs graduay becomîng conined to a smaer group: fewer peope consume more on aggregate vîa îega channes.
It mîght be temptîng to argue that an încrease în the use of certaîn enforcement measures agaînst obvîousy îega patforms has contrîbuted to the decreasîng number of pîrates în Europe. However, a ack of evîdence concernîng the effectîveness of most enforcement measures and the strong înk between pîracy and the avaîabîîty and affordabîîty of content suggests otherwîse: at a country eve,onlîne pîracy correlates remarkably strongly wîth a lack of purchasîng power. Hîgher per capîta încome coîncîdes wîth a ower number of pîrates per ega users.
Moreover, pîrates and ega users are argey the same peope: demographîcay, pîrates resembe ega users quîte cosey, athough on average they tend to be somewhat younger and more often mae. More împortanty, for each content type and country,95% or more of pîrates also consume content legallyand theîrmedîan legal consumptîonîs typîcaytwîcethat ofnon-pîratîng legal users.
 Dîsplacement of legal sales Thîs study conirms earîer studîes în indîng statîstîca evîdence thatîllegal consumptîonof musîc, books and gamesdîsplaces legal consumptîon. However, the dîspacement coeficîents are surrounded wîth substantîa uncertaînty. Separatîng these resuts between mînors and aduts suggests that dîspacement occurs for aduts and not for mînors.
The resuts formusîcîndîcate that îega consumptîon prîmarîy dîspaces ega downoads and physîca carrîers. The effect on streamîng îs not statîstîcay sîgnîicant. For îve concerts and musîc festîvas, aposîtîvesampîng effect îs found. Foraudîo-vîsualcontent, no such sampîng seems to occur for the cînema, whîch suffers from statîstîcay sîgnîicant dîspacement, as do dîgîta streams. No sîgnîicant effects are found for physîca purchases and dîgîta downoads. For rentas, a margînay sîgnîicant posîtîve coeficîent îs found. Forbooks,the resuts are contrary to those for musîc and audîo-vîsua în the sense that arge and statîstîcay sîgnîicant dîspacement rates are found for books bought în prînt and borrowed from the îbrary. These dîspacement rates may be overstated by peope who have shîfted from consumîng prînt books to dîgîta and others who have not. Forgames, the effect found for free games îs partîcuary hîgh, but the coeficîents found for the other channes are aso statîstîcay sîgnîicant. Just îke for books, the arge coeficîent for free games may be overstated.
Usîng tîme-structured data forblockbuster ilms, an average dîspacement rate was found of–0.46of irst ega vîews by irst îega vîews. Thîs effect îs smaer în Japan and the Netherands and arger în Thaîand and Brazî. The argest effect occurs on cînema vîsîts. From these estîmatîons, ît îs possîbe to cacuate an upper bound for the reatîvesales lossof tota im vîews per channe and per country. Overa, a maxîmum of about4.1%of a ega bockbuster vîews îs dîspaced by îega vîews.
An anaysîs of îndîvîdua changes în consumptîon for respondents în sîx EU countrîesbetween 2014 and 2017reveassîgnîicantly posîtîvecorreatîons. Apparenty, substîtutîon effects – ‘Sha I buy or sha I pîrate?’ – occur on the spot. Over a onger tîme span, împrovements în the avaîabîîty from ega channes are domînant and changes în persona preferences affect ega and îega consumptîon aîke.
Goba Onîne Pîracy Study
Executive summary
 A changîng landscape for the acquîsîtîon and consumptîon of copyrîghted content The ways în whîch consumers acquîre and experîence musîc, ims, serîes, books and games have changed radîcay over the ast 20 years. Whereas such copyrîght-protected content was acquîred prîmarîy în the form of physîca carrîers such as cds, dvds and prînt books up to the turn of the century, nowadays an încreasîng amount of purey dîgîta content îs acquîred and consumed vîa the Internet. And în recent years, ît îs possîbe to dîscern a second shîft în consumptîon of content, from downoadîng from patforms such as îTunes, to streamîng from Netlîx, Spotîfy and the îke: from ownershîp to access.
Aong wîth, and sometîmes even ahead of, the authorîsed dîstrîbutîon of content, unauthorîsed onîne content dîstrîbutîon – commony referred to as ‘onîne pîracy’ – has foowed the same evoutîon: from physîca carrîers, such as counterfeît cds and dvds, vîa downoads from Napster and îts successors such as The Pîrate Bay andcyberlockerssuch as Megaupoad, to streamîng vîa patforms such as Popcorn Tîme. In some cases,unauthorîsed streamîngîs done through dedîcated technîca devîces/set-top boxes wîth pre-înstaed înks to unauthorîsed content patforms. A reated use of copyrîght-protected materîa that îs generay aso vîewed as unauthorîsed îsstreamrîppîng, whereby software toos, browser pugîns or specîa websîtes are used to store musîc or audîo-vîsua content, such as YouTube vîdeos, oflîne for ater repay (în vîoatîon of YouTube’s terms of servîce). These varîous channes coexîst today and many consumers use a mîx of them dependîng on the occasîon.
 Research questîons and scope Thîs report deas wîth the acquîsîtîon and consumptîon ofmusîc, ilms, serîes, books and gamesthrough the varîous ega and îega channes that exîst nowadays, în a set of countrîes across the gobe (see Tabe 1).
Tabe 1 Countrîes studîed France Germany The Netherands EuropePoand Spaîn Sweden Unîted Kîngdom Brazî Amerîcas Canada Hong Kong Indonesîa Asîa Japan Thaîand
The purpose of the study îs threefod:
1. To provîde factua înformatîon about the state ofauthorîsed and unauthorîsedacquîsîtîon and consumptîon of these content types. 2. To assess the underyîng motîves and mechanîsms and the înk wîth enforcement measures and ega suppy. 3. To assess the effect of onîne pîracy on consumptîon from ega sources.
Goba Onîne Pîracy Study
To these ends, thîs study combînes dîfferent sources and research methods. At the core of the study îs a consumer survey among neary 35,000 respondents, încudîng over 7,000 mînors (aged 14 to 17), în 13 countrîes. In addîtîon, comparatîve ega research was performed on the basîs of questîonnaîres on the ega status of onîne copyrîght înfrîngement and enforcement, competed by ega experts în the 13 countrîes studîed. A separateLegal Background Reportcontaîns thîs ega anaysîs and the fu country reports that underîe ît, but a brîef overvîew îs provîded beow and în the body of the maîn report.
 Legal Background Comparatîve ega research was performed on the basîs of questîonnaîres on the ega status of onîne copyrîght înfrîngement and enforcement, competed by ega experts în the 13 countrîes studîed. It was found that, despîte some ega uncertaînty, the majorîty of acts studîed are quaîied as dîrect copyrîght înfrîngement by users or gîve rîse to îabîîty for întermedîarîes. Moreover, ISPs are often subject to înjunctîons and dutîes of care even when they beneit from safe harbours. On the whoe, copyrîght hoders have a vast arsena of ega enforcement measures to depoy agaînst end users and ISPs. There îs a trend în many countrîes toward copyrîght enforcement through cîvî or admînîstratîve measures aîmed at bockîng websîtes that provîde access to înfrîngîng content. Notîces to înfrîngers and to patforms hostîng or înkîng to înfrîngîng content wîth the aîm of removîng/bockîng such content are îkewîse reguary used, the atter în the context of notîce-and-takedown systems. Crîmîna measures are ess popuar.
Stî, despîte the abundance of enforcement measures, theîr perceîved effectîveness îs uncertaîn. Therefore, ît îs questîonabe whether the answer to successfuy tackîng onîne copyrîght înfrîngement îes în addîtîona rîghts or enforcement measures, especîay îf these wî not ead to addîtîona revenue for copyrîght hoders and rîsk comîng înto conlîct wîth fundamenta rîghts of users and întermedîarîes. Instead, ît mîght be sensîbe to search for the answer to pîracy esewhere – în the provîsîon of affordabe and convenîent ega access to copyrîght-protected content.
 The elusîve effect of onlîne pîracy on sales When onîne ie sharîng took off around the turn of the century, the recorded-musîc îndustry and, ater, the im îndustry were quîck to bame ît for ost revenues. Indeed, ît îs argey undîsputed that 1999 was a turnîng poînt for revenues from goba recorded musîc saes and that rea revenues from physîca and dîgîta recorded musîc saes decîned for many years thereafter, ony to start încreasîng agaîn a few years ago. Lîkewîse, goba revenues from dvd saes and rentas have decîned for many years sînce the turn of the century.
Nevertheess, answerîng the empîrîca questîon of the effect of unauthorîsed onîne content consumptîon on ega saes has proven to be cumbersome. A majorîty of the academîc îterature on the matter inds a negatîve net effect of îega consumptîon on ega saes. However, there are reatîvey few studîes on games and books, and a meta-anaysîs of the îterature inds the evîdence însuficîent to concude wîth certaînty that pîracy harms ega saes.
There are severa reasons that there îs no consensus on what may seem so obvîous at irst gance: the înk between onîne pîracy and ega saes. Fîrst, there are severa opposîng înteractîons between pîracy and ega consumptîon, some of whîch have a negatîve împact on saes, some posîtîve and some neutra. These varîous potentîa mechanîsms are summarîsed în Tabe 2. The most promînent posîtîve effect îs known as thesamplîng effect: consumers are întroduced to new musîc, actors and genres, and thîs creates new demand. Onîne pîracy may aso enhance the demand forcomplementary productssuch as îve concerts and merchandîse. On the downsîde, the most promînent effect îs obvîousysubstîtutîon: a consumer refraîns from buyîng specîic content egay after havîng acquîred or consumed ît from an îega source. Aso, pîracy may dîspace ega consumptîon vîa competîtîon for peope’s tîme budget: one cannot watch one im from a ega source and one from an îega source at the same tîme. Fînay, neutra effects occur, for înstance, when ie sharîng meets the demand of consumers wîth însuficîent wîîngness to pay.
Goba Onîne Pîracy Study
Tabe 2
Possîbe effects of onîne pîracy on the purchase of ega content
+ It întroduces consumers to musîc, ims, books and games (and to artîsts, authors and genres), thus creatîng new demand. Thîs îs known as the sampîng effect. + It aows consumers to poo theîr demand, resutîng în încreased demand. + It enhances wîîngness to pay and demand for concerts and reated merchandîse (compementary demand). + It enhances the popuarîty of products, boostîng demand for ega suppy (network effect).
• It meets the demand of consumers who are not, or not suficîenty, wîîng to pay and subsequenty are not served by ega suppy. • It meets a demand for products that are not offered egay.
- It substîtutes for the purchase of content or cînema vîsîts (substîtutîon effect). - It resuts în the deferred purchase of content at a ower prîce than the prîce at aunch. - Sampîng resuts în saes dîspacement as a resut of fewer bad purchases. - It substîtutes ega consumptîon vîa consumers’ tîme budget.
The reatîve strength of these înteractîons îs îkey to dîffer between content types and channes. Even wîthîn content categorîes, dîfferences can be expected between more recent and popuar content, on the one hand, and oder or nîche content, on the other hand. Aso, the average net effect may have changed over
tîme, wîth the advance of fast broadband connectîons for consumers and the înnovatîon by the content
îndustrîes. Nowadays, a technoogîca mîsmatch between suppy and demand îs a much ess îkey motîvatîon
for onîne pîracy than ît was a decade ago.
On top of these subtetîes, estîmatîng the effect of onîne pîracy on saes faces methodoogîca chaenges
that have to do wîth the fact that for many consumers, ega consumptîon and pîracy go hand în hand.
Thîs îs îustrated în thîs report by the demographîc descrîptîon of pîrates and ega users, who are very
much aîke. Moreover, as a consequence of underyîng îndîvîdua preferences, pîrates are much more îkey
to be ega users of each content type than are non-pîrates, and the medîan ega consumptîon of pîrates
îs typîcay twîce that of non-pîrates. As a consequence, a posîtîve correatîon between pîracy and ega
consumptîon can be expected whîch shoud not be hastîy înterpreted as a causa reatîonshîp.
 Development of legal sales Anaysîs of saes data for musîc, im and vîdeo, books and games reveas that across a content types and formats, per capîta încome appears to be an împortant drîver of per capîta expendîture. However, above an annua încome eve of €30,000 per capîta, thîs reatîonshîp no onger seems to appy and natîona
preferences domînate încome effects. Thîs îs îustrated în Fîgure 3.
Zoomîng înto these saes per content type, ît îs cear that physîca saes are în constant decîne for amost
every content type and în amost every country, most notaby for audîo-vîsua content. Books are reatîvey
resîîent to dîgîtîsatîon and prînt books stî domînate în a countrîes. Dîgîta saes have grown amost
everywhere over the past three years. For musîc, dîgîta streamîng grew strongy at the expense of dîgîta
downoads. For audîo-vîsua content, svod servîces such as Netlîx are becomîng the domînant mode.
Despîte the decîne în physîca saes, the încrease în dîgîta saes ed to net growth for tota recorded musîc,
audîo-vîsua content, books and games between 2014 and 2017. Expendîtures on îve concerts and cînema
vîsîts are growîng amost everywhere. In the musîc category, îve concerts generate revenues comparabe to
those for recorded musîc, except în Japan. In the audîo-vîsua category, ims generate not much ess revenue
than physîca and dîgîta recorded content combîned.
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