EFIP Benchmark








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European Feed Ingredients Platform


Feed Ingredient Standard (“Benchmark”), 1.12.2005
Feed Ingredients Standard for Sector Guides

1. Introduction

In line with the publication of the Feed Hygiene Regulation (Reg.183/2005/EC) and in
particular articles 7, 20 and 22 thereof, all of the major associations or federations
representing the sectors that supply Feed Ingredients to the EU market have taken
responsibility to ensure that all of their respective sector guides meet the obligations of
Reg.183/2005 and are conforming with the Codex Alimentarius guide on good animal
feeding CAC/RCP 54-2004.
The associations or federations have formed a voluntary platform to evaluate sectors’
guides, share experiences, cooperate and offer guidance to all of their members on the
implementation of the Feed Hygiene Regulation and to focus all of these operators on the
primary goal of assuring feed safety.

A benchmark standard has been drawn up to prescribe the minimum requirements for any
of these sector guides. This standard is meant to help with:
• the sharing of knowledge on feed safety control at sector level to the benefit of all
operators involved in that sector,
• the involvement of operators/managers in the application of HACCP, a prerequisite
for the successful application of this feed ...
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EFIP European Feed Ingredients Platform
1  Feed Ingredient Standard (“Benchmark”), 1.12.2005
Feed Ingredients Standard for Sector Guides1. Introduction In line with the publication of the Feed Hygiene Regulation (Reg.183/2005/EC) and in particular articles 7, 20 and 22 thereof, all of the major associations or federations representing the sectors that supply Feed Ingredients to the EU market have taken responsibility to ensure that all of their respective sector guides meet the obligations of Reg.183/2005 and are conforming with the Codex Alimentarius guide on good animal feeding CAC/RCP 54-2004. The associations or federations have formed a voluntary platform to evaluate sectors’ guides, share experiences, cooperate and offer guidance to all of their members on the implementation of the Feed Hygiene Regulation and to focus all of these operators on the primary goal of assuring feed safety. A benchmark standard has been drawn up to prescribe the minimum requirements for any of these sector guides. This standard is meant to help with: ·the sharing of knowledge on feed safety control at sector level to the benefit of all operators involved in that sector, ·the involvement of operators/managers in the application of HACCP, a prerequisite for the successful application of this feed safety system, ·the facilitation of access of operators to all legal, Codex and trade standards documentation, ·the conclusion of an agreement with customers of feed ingredients and with authorities on simplifying the control by third parties of the functioning of sector guides, ·the auditing by independent bodies, at a defined date of the sector guides. By jointly maintaining this benchmark standard, the group of ingredients sectors aims at harmonizing feed safety efforts, encouraging cooperation and providing confidence to their partners in the feed chain such as the compound feed industry and the rearers of animals for food production (as direct consumers of feed ingredients) and to the official authorities involved. 2. Scope and purpose This benchmarking standard covers all guides pertaining to the placing on the EU market of processed and unprocessed feed ingredients as feedingstuffs or compound feed mixtures (see figure). This includes production, trade, storage, transport and handling activities. The standard covers also the feed parts of guides intended to cover both food and feed operations. 2  Feed Ingredient Standard (“Benchmark”), 1.12.2005
This standard prescribes minimum requirements that sector guides to good practice should comply with. It encourages harmonization and guidance and thus supports the development of community guides to good practice in the feed ingredients sectors as specified in article 20 of the Feed Hygiene regulation (Reg.183/2005/EC). Any guide remains voluntary under the Feed Hygiene Regulation.
The Feed H iene Re ulation Feed Ingredients Feed additives Processed and unprocessed feed materials
Animal products (meat, eggs, milk, etc.) Consumers 3. Definitions a) A sector is a segment of the food chain that has responsibility either for a category of ingredients or for a type of activities. b) Raw material: materials used to make feed ingredients.
3  Feed Ingredient Standard (“Benchmark”), 1.12.2005
c) Feed ingredient: a component part or constituent of any combination or mixture making up a feed, whether or not it has a nutritional value in the animal’s diet, including feed additives. Ingredients are of plant, animal or aquatic origin, or other organic or inorganic substances. d) Feed materials: various products of vegetable or animal origin, in their natural state, fresh or preserved, and products derived from the industrial processing thereof, and organic or inorganic substances, whether or not containing additives, which are intended for use in oral animal feeding either directly as such, or after processing, in the preparation of compound feedingstuffs or as carriers of premixtures. e) Feed additives: means substances or micro-organisms authorized under Regulation (EC) No 1831/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 September 2003 on additives for use in animal nutrition. f) Feed hygiene means the measures and necessary steps to control hazards in the production, trade, transport, storage and handling of feed raw materials and ingredients within the parameters of their intended use. g) Feed business operator (operator in the text below) means a physical person or legal entity responsible for ensuring that the requirements of the present Regulations are met within the feed business under their control. h) Contamination means the undesired addition of impurities of a chemical or biological or physical nature into or onto a raw material, a feed ingredient, an incoming or a finished feed during production, sampling, packaging or repackaging, storage or transport. i) Further definitions as per relevant legislation (i.e. Reg. 183/2005, Reg. 178/2002, Dir. 2002/32, Reg. 1831/2003) and relevant international texts (i.e. Codex Alimentarius). 4. Sector guides to good practice for feed ingredients A sector guide to good practice for feed ingredients should at least encompass the elements as listed below. 4.1 An introduction The introduction as to how and why such a guide was developed. The introduction should focus on the operator’s ability to propose the guide as a demonstration of their expertise and to show that the guide is indeed focusing on the specificities of its own sector. Each sector must be responsible for designing a guide that meets the basis requirements prescribed hereafter and particularly focus on the implementation of the Feed Hygiene regulation with an emphasis on product safety. 4.2 A scope and purpose ·The scope is to cover the products and activities involved. The scope must clearly define the sector to which the guide applies. ·The purpose is to be formulated in the light of Chapter 3 on Guides to Good Practice of Regulation 183/2005/EC laying down requirements for feed hygiene. 4  Feed Ingredient Standard (“Benchmark”), 1.12.2005
·These must combine to form a sector specific guide to encourage good practice and ensure the sector meets its obligations to the rest of the feed/food chain concerning product safety. 4.3 Sector risk analyses A sector guide (where appropriate for the sector) should include or call on the development of comprehensive risk analyses at sector level addressing per feed ingredient involved: - the identification of feed safety hazards - the formulation of measures to control these hazards The responsibility of individual locations/operators for HACCP remains untouched. 4.4. Requirements for operators 4.4.1 Feed Safety Management System Operators should have a feed safety management system that ensures the feed safety hazards are assessed and controlled in such a way that the products do not harm the animal or consumer. The system should entail the following elements: ·HACCP The application of HACCP according to the seven principles as described o in Codex Guide of Practice on Food Hygiene. The establishment of a multidisciplinary HACCP and the appointment of a o team leader The availability of a detailed and documented prerequisite program. This o prerequisite program shall embrace all applicable measures relating to good manufacturing practice as laid down in trade and Codex standards and in the relevant Articles/Annexes of Reg. 183/2005. If sector risk analyses exist, the operator needs to check his own HACCP o study against such risk analyses and to justify deviations. ·Management responsibility The commitment of the management to the production/supply of safe feed o and the provision of documentary evidence of this. The definition by the management of the scope and terms of reference for o the HACCP system. The review and the approval by the management of the HACCP system on o a regular basis. The assurance by the management that, at all levels, the training of the o staffs is appropriate, that they have suitable skills and are aware of their responsibility vis-à-vis product safety. The designation of a person responsible for production. o The designation of a person responsible for quality and safety assurance o system.
5  Feed Ingredient Standard (“Benchmark”), 1.12.2005
·Traceability. The need to apply traceability as laid down in regulation 178/2002. o The demonstration of traceability at least one step forward and one step o back in the supply chain. The application of traceability to all systems under the operators control o that could affect product safety, including those of contractors, sales offices etc. 4.4.2 Incoming material ·The demonstration that incoming materials are controlled in line with the risk assessment. ·The performance of regular evaluation of suppliers in line with the risk assessment. ·The assurance that all material meets EU legislative standards. ·The need for safety specifications to be agreed upon between partners in the feed chain (if EU legal specifications do not exist). 4.4.3 Non conformity, product recall, complaints procedure regarding safety ·The ability to perform recalls as required by Reg. 183/2005 & Reg. 178/2002. ·The ability to fulfill the notification obligations as required by Reg. 183/2005 & Reg. 178/2002. ·The recording and review of nonconformities specific to feed safety and regulatory issues with the corrective actions, where needed. 4.4.4 Transport, Handling, Storage ·The coverage of these operations under the operators or any contracted parties Feed Safety Management System. ·The handling of feed and feed ingredients and all material in general in a manner that will minimize the feed safety risks. ·The clear identification of all handling equipments, lots (sub-lots) and waste, when practicable. ·The keeping clean and free of pests of all equipment etc. ·The minimization of spoilage. 4.4.5. Plant design and maintenance The consideration in detail under the Feed Safety Management System of plant design and maintenance in particular with respect to: ·Compliance with regulation 183/2005. ·Cleaning of facilities and equipments and effective pest control implementation. 6  Feed Ingredient Standard (“Benchmark”), 1.12.2005
·Minimisation of error and that of contamination by carry over of risks ·Cleaning of machinery in line with HACCP approach. ·Scaling weighing and monitoring of devices in line with their appropriate range and regular verification of their accuracy ·The machinery being of the appropriate range and the demonstration of their suitability to produce adequately. ·The installation and maintenance of adequate lighting ·The installation and maintenance adequate drainage ·The use of water of suitable quality in process or cleaning. ·The disposal of waste in accordance with local regulations. ·Windows, doors and openings being pest-proof when closed. 4.4.6 Processing Where applicable: The carrying out of processing in line with written procedures. o The definition of critical points and their check at regular intervals. o The minimization of contamination and carry over. o The identification and controlled disposal of waste. o 4.5 Communication on feed safety issues throughout the chain A sector guide should encourage the communication on feed safety issues throughout the sector and by that sector with partners upstream and downstream in the feed chain. 4.6. References to legal requirements that operators have to comply with A sector guide should identify the legal requirements and the requirements from trade and Codex standards that the operator has to comply with to deliver safe feed.
7  Feed Ingredient Standard (“Benchmark”), 1.12.2005
Food/Feed Regulation 178/2002/EC Feed Hygiene Regulation 183/2005/EC All relevant sector specific legislation, Codex standards, Trade standards  Food/Feed Control Regulation  882/2004/EC 4.7. External control of the operator’s HACCP system Whenever possible a sector guide should envisage discussions of the sector with their partners in the feed chain (compound feed industry, animal growers, …) and with the official authorities with the objective to facilitate the control of the operator’s HACCP system by third parties. These discussions should make clear how that control would relate to control that is conducted by authorities in the light of Regulation 882/2004/EC
8  Feed Ingredient Standard (“Benchmark”), 1.12.2005
Annex: List of participating sectors - AAF - Association des Amidonniers et Féculiers - European Starch Industry Association - The Brewers of Europe - CEFS - Comité Européen des Fabricants de Sucre - CIAA - Confederation of the EU Food and Drink Industry - COCERAL - Comité du Commerce des céréales, aliments du bétail, oléagineux, huile d'olive, huiles et graisses et agrofournitures - EFPRA - European Fat Processors and Renderers Association - FAMI-QS - Feed Additive and Premixture Quality System European Association - FEDIOL - The EU Oil and Proteinmeal Industry - The European Flour Millers’ association
9  Feed Ingredient Standard (“Benchmark”), 1.12.2005
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