Exploiting tag information for search and personalization [Elektronische Ressource] / Raluca Paiu
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Exploiting tag information for search and personalization [Elektronische Ressource] / Raluca Paiu

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172 pages
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EXPLOITING TAG INFORMATION FOR SEARCHAND PERSONALIZATIONVon der Fakult at fur Elektrotechnik und Informatikder Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universit at Hannoverzur Erlangung des GradesDOKTORIN DER NATURWISSENSCHAFTENDr. rer. nat.genehmigte DissertationvonDipl.-Ing. Raluca Paiugeboren am 2. Dezember 1980, in Bukarest, Rum anien2009Referent: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang NejdlKorreferent: Prof. Dr. Heribert VollmerTag der Promotion: 18. November 2009ABSTRACTWith the increasing popularity of Web 2.0 sites, the amount of content available onlineis multiplying at a rapid rate, at the same time becoming also more diverse in terms ofcontent types { pictures, music, Web pages, etc. { and quality. Professional and user-generated content are quite tightly merged together, such that for users it becomes di cultto spot only the high quality items perfectly matching their interests or current needs.On the other hand, collaborative tagging has become an increasingly popular means forsharing and organizing Web resources, leading to a huge amount of user generated metadata.Some previous works started to make use of this metadata for various purposes, though forimproving users’ access to information it is not yet obvious whether and how these tags orsubsets of them can be used. In this thesis we investigate these questions in detail and, basedon the outcomes of this analysis, propose a number of applications of tags for supportingsearch and personalization.


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Publié le 01 janvier 2010
Nombre de lectures 14
Langue English
Poids de l'ouvrage 1 Mo


Von der Fakult at fur Elektrotechnik und Informatik
der Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universit at Hannover
zur Erlangung des Grades
Dr. rer. nat.
genehmigte Dissertation
Dipl.-Ing. Raluca Paiu
geboren am 2. Dezember 1980, in Bukarest, Rum anien
2009Referent: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Nejdl
Korreferent: Prof. Dr. Heribert Vollmer
Tag der Promotion: 18. November 2009ABSTRACT
With the increasing popularity of Web 2.0 sites, the amount of content available online
is multiplying at a rapid rate, at the same time becoming also more diverse in terms of
content types { pictures, music, Web pages, etc. { and quality. Professional and user-
generated content are quite tightly merged together, such that for users it becomes di cult
to spot only the high quality items perfectly matching their interests or current needs.
On the other hand, collaborative tagging has become an increasingly popular means for
sharing and organizing Web resources, leading to a huge amount of user generated metadata.
Some previous works started to make use of this metadata for various purposes, though for
improving users’ access to information it is not yet obvious whether and how these tags or
subsets of them can be used. In this thesis we investigate these questions in detail and, based
on the outcomes of this analysis, propose a number of applications of tags for supporting
search and personalization.
We start with an in-depth study of tagging behaviors and motivations for di erent kinds
of resources and systems { Web pages (Del.icio.us), music (Last.fm) and images (Flickr)
{ being thus the rst to present a thorough analysis of tag distributions and characteris-
tics across multiple tagging environments. We analyze the implications of tags for search
applications and show which types of tags are mostly employed for tagging and searching
and which are the most easily remembered by users. Based on these observations, we pro-
pose a number of methods for automatically identifying the most valuable types of tags for
search, evaluation results indicating the high potential of these methods in enabling further
improvement of systems making use of social tags.
We continue discussing the use of tags for personalization applications and tackle two
di erent aspects: personalized music recommendations and personalized Web search. For
the former aspect we touch, we make use of collaboratively created user tags, while for
the latter, expert annotations extracted from the ODP online catalog are employed. Ex-
tensive experiments analyzing both approaches show them to yield improved results over
collaborative ltering and regular Google search, respectively.
Finally, we exploit tags for automatically inferring valuable knowledge about the re-
sources tags are attached to. We focus on the multimedia domain and propose three al-
gorithms relying on tags and other social information and aiming at identifying di erent
features of multimedia resources. The three scenarios we discuss target to identify: (1)
songs’ moods and themes; (2) potential music hits; and (3) landmark pictures. The results
of the algorithms’ evaluations we performed are promising and provide new insights into the
potential such methods have in enabling easier access to content and improving multimedia
Keywords:Web 2.0, Information Retrieval, PersonalizationZUSAMMENFASSUNG
Mit der zunehmenden Popularit at von Web 2.0 Seiten multipliziert sich die Menge der online
verfugbaren Daten rasant. Gleichzeitig werden die Web-Daten immer vielf altiger im Hin-
blick auf Inhalt, wie z.B. Bilder, Musik, Web-Seiten, und Qualit at. Professionell sowie nicht
professionell erzeugte Inhalte sind so eng miteinander verschmolzen, dass es fur Benutzer
schwierig wird, nur die hochwertigen Inhalte zu nden, die ihren Interessen entsprechen oder
derzeitige Anforderungen erfullen. Auf der anderen Seite, hat sich kollaboratives Tagging zu
einem zunehmend beliebten Mittel zum Austausch und zur Organisation von Web-Inhalten
entwickelt, wodurch eine sehr gro e Menge von Metadaten entstanden ist. Einige von den
fruheren Studien haben angefangen, diese fur verschiedene Zwecken zu nutzen.
Jedoch ist noch unklar in wieweit diese Tags oder Teilmengen davon zur Verbesserung
des Zugangs des Nutzers zu Daten benutzt werden k onnen. In dieser Dissertation unter-
suchen wir diese Fragen im Detail und schlagen als Ergebnis dieser Analyse vor, Such- und
Personalisierungs-Methoden durch Verwendung von Tags zu verbessern.
Wir beginnen mit einer ausfuhrlic hen Studie des Verhaltens und der Motivation von
Nutzern, Metadaten zu erstellen (\kollaboratives tagging"), bezogen auf verschiedene Arten
von Ressourcen und Systemen, wie z.B. Web-Seiten (Del.icio.us), Musik (Last.fm) und
Bilder (Flickr). Somit sind wir die ersten, die eine ausfuhrlic he Analyse der Verteilung und
Eigenschaften von Tags ub er mehrere Tagging-Umgebungen darstellen. Wir analysieren
die Auswirkungen von Tags fur Suchanwendungen und zeigen, welche Arten von Tags am
h au gsten fur Annotation und Suche eingesetzt werden und welche Tag-Typen am leicht-
esten fur die Benutzer zu erinnern sind. Anhand dieser Beobachtungen schlagen wir eine
Reihe von Methoden vor, die die besten Tags fur Such-Algorithmen automatisch ermit-
teln k onnen. Die Evaluierungsergebnisse zeigen das gro e Potenzial dieser Methoden, die
Funktionalit at von Systemen, die Tags verwenden, zu verbessern.
Wir diskutieren den Einsatz von Tags fur Personalisierungsanwendungen und betra-
chten zwei unterschiedliche Aspekte: personalisierte Musik-Empfehlungen und personal-
isierte Web-Suche. Fur den ersten Aspekt, den wir analysieren, nutzen wir die kollaborativ
erzeugten Benutzer Tags. Fur den zweiten Aspekt dagegen werden die von Experten er-
stellten Annotationen aus dem ODP Online Katalog verwendet. Umfangreiche Experimente
zeigen, dass beide Ans atze verbesserte Ergebnisse im Vergleich mit kollaborativem Filtering,
beziehungsweise Google-Suche liefern.
Letztendlich nutzen wir Tags um wertvolle Erkenntnisse ub er Ressourcen, die mit den
Tags assoziiert sind, zu gewinnen. Wir konzentrieren uns auf den Multimedia-Bereich
und entwickeln drei verschiedene Algorithmen, basierend auf Tags und anderen sozialen
Informationen, die als Ziel die Identi zierung verschiedenen Eigenschaften von Multimedia-
Ressourcen haben. Die drei Szenarien, die wir analysieren, versuchen Stimmungen und
Themen von Liedern zu identi zieren, potenzielle Musik-Hits vorherzusagen, sowie Bilder
von Sehenswurdigk eiten zu nden. Die Evaluationsergebnisse von unseren Algorithmen
sind vielversprechend und geben neue Einblicke in das Potenzial solcher Methoden zur Er-
leichterung des Zugangs zu Inhalten sowie zur Verbesserung des Multimedia Retrieval.
Schlagw orter: Web 2.0, Information Retrieval, PersonalisierungACKNOWLEDGMENTS
First, I would like to thank my supervisor, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Nejdl for
giving me the opportunity of being part of L3S Research Center and Got-
tfried Wilhelm Leibniz University of Hannover. With his excellent guidance
he taught me the key points of how excellent research must be pursued. I
would also like to thank him for the continuous support, which allowed me to
attend many interesting conferences and project meetings and thus helped me
deepen my knowledge in this eld.
I would also like to thank Prof. Dr. Heribert Vollmer, my second super-
visor, for providing very useful comments on the draft of my thesis, as well
as Prof. Dr. Gabriele von Voigt for agreeing to be part of my dissertation
I am very grateful to Prof. Dr. Valentin Cristea, one of the best Professors
I met at the Politehnica University of Bucharest, who believed in me and
supported my arrival at L3S Research Center and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
University of Hannover.
I would also like to thank to the many colleagues I cooperated with, either
from the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz University of Hannover, or from other
universities and institutes, for their support and valuable comments not limited
just to this thesis. Many thanks to the colleagues working in the administrative
departments, especially to Anca Vais, Marion Wicht and Iris Zieseniss, for their
support and help with many issues related to university administration.
I am also very grateful to Ionescu Aurelia for teaching me the German
language and thus contributing to a much easier adaptation to the life in
Germany. To Teodor Danet , a great Mathematics teacher, for believing in
my intellectual abilities and contributing to the development of my analytical
A special thank to the European Commission for the IST work programme
and its frameworks, which supported the research within my thesis, in par-
ticular the 6th Framework Programme, and the PHAROS IP project (IST
Contract No. 045035).
Last, but de nitely not last, I am forever grateful to my family. To my
parents, for enduring the distance, for always supporting me in my initiatives
and for the excellent guidance in my education and development. To my
grandparents, who shaped my way and my intellectual skills starting from thevi
very early years of my childhood. To my uncle, Titel, a great person and
exceptional Physics Professor, for in uencing my decision on pursuing this
Ph.D. study. To Thomas,

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