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Date de parution
15 février 2019
This collection of essays brings together established scholars of Lusophone Goan literature from India, Brazil, Portugal and Great Britain. For the first time in English, this volume traces the key narrative works, authors and themes of this small but significant territory. Goa, a Portuguese colony between 1510 and 1961, was the site of a particular and particularly intense meeting of West and East. The problematic yet productive encounter between Europe and India that has characterised Goa’s history is a major theme in its literature, which affords important insights and material for post-colonial thought. Goan literature in Portuguese is the only significant Indian literature to have been written in a European language other than English and, as such, provides both a challenging point of comparison with anglophone Indian literature and a space to examine post-colonial theory often implicitly embedded in a British Indian colonial experience.
Publié par
Date de parution
15 février 2019
Colonial and Post-Colonial
Goan Literature in Portuguese
Series Editors
Professor David George (Swansea University)
Professor Paul Garner (University of Leeds)
Editorial Board
David Frier (University of Leeds)
Lisa Shaw (University of Liverpool)
Gareth Walters (Swansea University)
Rob Stone (University of Birmingham)
David Gies (University of Virginia)
Catherine Davies (University of London)
Richard Cleminson (University of Leeds)
Duncan Wheeler (University of Leeds)
Jo Labanyi (New York University)
Roger Bartra (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
Other titles in the series
Paulo Emilio Salles Gomes: On Brazil and Global Cinema
Maite Conde and Stephanie Dennison
The Tlatelolco Massacre, Mexico 1968, and the Emotional Triangle of Anger, Grief and Shame: Discourses of Truth(s)
Victoria Carpenter
The Darkening Nation: Race, Neoliberalism and Crisis in Argentina
Ignacio Aguiló
Catalan Culture: Experimentation, creative imagination and the relationship with Spain
Lloyd Hughes Davies, J. B. Hall and D. Gareth Walters
Catalan Cartoons: A Cultural and Political History
Rhiannon McGlade
Revolutionaries, Rebels and Robbers: The Golden Age of Banditry in Mexico, Latin America and the Chicano American southwest, 1850-1950
Pascale Baker
Teresa Margolles and the Aesthetics of Death
Julia Banwell
Galicia, A Sentimental Nation
Helena Miguelez-Carballeira
Colonial and Post-Colonial Goan
Literature in Portuguese
© Paul Melo e Castro, 2019
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British Library CIP
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
ISBN 978-1-78683-390-7
e-ISBN 978-1-78683-392-1
The right of Paul Melo e Castro to be identified as author of this work has been asserted in accordance with sections 77 and 79 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
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Cover image by permission iStock (Getty Images)
Series Editors Foreword
Notes on Contributors
1 Introduction: The Cartography of Goan Literature in Portuguese: One Language in a Multilingual Social Landscape
Paul Melo e Castro
2 The Story of Goan Literature in Portuguese: A Question of Terminology
Hélder Garmes and Paul Melo e Castro
3 Against British Rule and Indian Castes: The First Portuguese-language Goan Novel, Os Brahmanes (1866) by Francisco Luís Gomes
Everton V. Machado
4 The Lives and Times of GIP and Francisco João da Costa
Sandra Ataíde Lobo
5 Echoes of Portuguese India in Goan Poets, 1893-1973
K. David Jackson
6 In the Land of Advogadomania : The Representation of the Goan Provisionário in José da Silva Coelho s Contos Regionais
Luís Pedroso de Lima Cabral de Oliveira
7 The Voice of Two Worlds : Lusotropicalism in the Context and Reception of Vimala Devi s Súria
Duarte Drumond Braga
8 Women without Men in Vimala Devi s Monção
Cielo G. Festino
9 Women s Worlds in Women s Words: Poetry and Memory in Vimala Devi and Eunice de Souza
Joana Passos
10 Science over Superstition? The Representation of the Social World of the Novas Conquistas in Bodki (1962) by Agostinho Fernandes
Eufemiano Miranda and Paul Melo e Castro
11 Sem Flores Nem Coroas : Reflections on the Play by Orlando da Costa
M. Filomena de Brito Gomes Rodrigues
12 The Dregs Populating the Village of Santana: Rural Goa in Three Stories by Epitácio Pais
Paul Melo e Castro
13 Writing from within the Father s House and beyond: Goan Women Writing in Different Historical Spaces
Edith Noronha Melo Furtado
Series Editors Foreword
Over recent decades the traditional languages and literatures model in Spanish departments in universities in the United Kingdom has been superseded by a contextual, interdisciplinary and area studies approach to the study of the culture, history, society and politics of the Hispanic and Lusophone worlds - categories that extend far beyond the confines of the Iberian Peninsula, not only in Latin America but also to Spanish-speaking and Lusophone Africa.
In response to these dynamic trends in research priorities and curriculum development, this series is designed to present both disciplinary and interdisciplinary research within the general field of Iberian and Latin American Studies, particularly studies that explore all aspects of Cultural Production (inter alia literature, film, music, dance, sport) in Spanish, Portuguese, Basque, Catalan, Galician and indigenous languages of Latin America. The series also aims to publish research in the History and Politics of the Hispanic and Lusophone worlds, at the level of both the region and the nation-state, as well as on Cultural Studies that explore the shifting terrains of gender, sexual, racial and postcolonial identities in those same regions.
Notes on Contributors
Paul Melo e Castro is a lecturer in Portuguese and Comparative Literature at the University of Glasgow. His current research looks at the Portuguese-language Goan short story, particularly in the post-1961 period. In 2016 he published an anthology of translated Portuguese-language Goan short stories entitled Lengthening Shadows.
Hélder Garmes is Assistant Professor of Portuguese at the University of São Paulo and a researcher for Brazil s National Council for Scientific and Technological Development. He coordinates the project Thinking Goa: A Singular Archive in Portuguese (2015-19) funded by São Paulo Research Foundation.
Everton V. Machado is Senior Researcher at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon, lecturer in Comparative Studies and Portuguese Language and Culture, vice-director of the Centre of Comparative Studies and coordinator of the research team Portuguese Orientalism - 19th-20th centuries .
Sandra Ataíde Lobo is a post-doctoral researcher at the Portuguese Centre for Global History at the New University of Lisbon, where her research focuses on relations between the cultural and the political in modernity. She is a founder member of the International Group for Studies of the Colonial Periodical Press in the Portuguese Empire.
Kenneth David Jackson is professor of Portuguese at Yale University. He specialises in Portuguese and Brazilian literatures, modernist movements in literature and other arts, Portuguese literature and culture in Asia, poetry, music, and ethnography. His book Machado de Assis: A Literary Life was released by Yale UP in May 2015.
Luís Pedrosa de Lima Cabral de Oliveira holds a PhD from the New University of Lisbon Law School. His thesis examined the role of the Goan Catholic elite between 1780 and 1880 focusing on law and politics. He lectures in Law at Leiria Polytechnic Institute and is a researcher at CEDIS/FDUNL. The primary focus of his research is colonial law with an emphasis on Goa.
Duarte Drumond Braga is a post-doctoral researcher and lecturer at the University of São Paulo. He is currently researching the Lusophone literatures of Goa and Macau, Portuguese Orientalist writing and nineteenth- and twentieth-century poetry in Portuguese.
Cielo G. Festino currently lectures in English at Paulista University and teaches on the Master s programme at the Federal University of Tocantins. Her current project looks at the representation of village life across Portuguese, English, Konkani and Marathi-language Goan Literature.
Joana Passos is an assistant researcher at CEHUM, University of Minho. She has published several papers on African literatures in Portuguese and on Indian Ocean Studies. In 2012, she published Literatura Goesa em Português nos Séculos XIX e XX: Perspetivas Pós-Coloniais e Revisão Crítica.
Eufemiano Miranda holds a PhD in Portuguese literature from the University of Goa. In 2012 he published a monograph on Goan literature entitled Oriente e Ocidente na Literatura Goesa: Realidade, Ficção, História e Imaginação.
M. Filomena de Brito Gomes Rodrigues is a PhD student at the Open University of Lisbon. Her thesis is entitled A Ficção de Orlando da Costa num Estudo para o Conhecimento da Obra [The Fiction of Orlando da Costa: Towards Understanding his Oeuvre].
Edith Noronha Melo Furtado is former faculty member of the Department of French and Francophone Studies, Goa University. Her current research looks at Goan intellectual production in the twentieth century.
The Cartography of Goan Literature in Portuguese: One Language in a Multilingual Social Landscape
In India: A Million Mutinies Now , a book as much lauded for its style as censured for its polemics, V. S. Naipaul writes:
[t]he Portuguese had created in Goa something of a New-World emptiness, like the Spaniards in Mexico. They had created in India something not of India, a simplicity, something where the Indian past had been abolished. And after 450 years all they had left behind in this emptiness and simplicity was their religion, their language (without a literature), their names, a Latin-like colonial population, and this cult, from their cathedral, of the Image of the Infant Jesus. (1990, p. 142)
One aim of the essays in this volume is to probe the man