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05 avril 2007
Poids de l'ouvrage
20 Mo
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Date de parution
05 avril 2007
Poids de l'ouvrage
20 Mo
Color Textbook of Pediatric Dermatology
Fourth Edition
William L. Weston, MD
Emeritus Professor, Departments of Dermatology and Pediatrics, The Children’s Hospital and University of Colorado Hospital, Denver, Colorado, USA
Alfred T. Lane, MD
Chair, Department of Dermatology, Professor of Dermatology and Pediatrics, Stanford University Hospital and Clinics, Lucile Salter Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford, Palo Alto, California, USA
Joseph G. Morelli, MD
Professor, Departments of Dermatology and Pediatrics, University of Colorado
Head, Pediatric Dermatology The Children’s Hospital and University of Colorado Hospital Denver, Colorado, USA
Mosby is an affiliate of Elsevier Inc.
© 2007, Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
First published 1991
Second edition 1996
Third edition 2002
Fourth edition 2007
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ISBN 9780323049092
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
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This book is dedicated to the memory of Alvin Jacobs, MD. Two score years ago, there were less than five pediatric dermatologists in the United States. The effect that these “pioneers of pediatric dermatology” had on the understanding of skin diseases in children has been exponential. Doctors Nancy Esterly, Sam Weinberg, and the late Sid Hurwitz are recognized for their major contributions to the field. The authors praise all the pioneers and re-dedicate this textbook to another “pioneer”—Alvin Jacobs, MD—who promoted pediatric dermatology to primary care physicians like no other. He will always hold a special place in our memory. In its formative years, pediatric dermatology struggled to find its way as a field of medicine. Al Jacobs was always there to listen, to help, and to guide. Any pediatrician worth his or her salt knows the name of Alvin Hirsch Jacobs, MD. He presented hundreds of lectures on pediatric dermatology to national, regional, and local meetings, with never a negative comment. We can think of no others in the field who can match that accomplishment. His seminars on neonatal dermatology were classic; often they were the most popular sessions at national pediatric or dermatology meetings. Those who heard Al Jacobs talk know they heard the master. There are thousands of pediatricians whose first and often only formal teaching in pediatric dermatology came from Al Jacobs.
We decided to dedicate this book to Al Jacobs for another aspect of his professional career: his work behind the scenes in pediatric dermatology. For a complete appreciation of his contributions we must first examine the man. He was born in Reno, Nevada, and spent his boyhood among the ponderosa pines and broad valleys below the Comstock lode. This was still the Wild West, an invigorating life for an ambitious young man. After receiving the gold medal at graduation from the University of Nevada in 1933, he ventured east to the famous Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, where he received his medical degree in 1937. After internship in Pittsburgh, he spent a year in child neurology at the Neurological Institute of New York. He returned west for training in pediatrics and infectious disease at San Francisco County Hospital, then served as chief resident in pediatrics at Stanford University. It was then June 1942, his country was at war, and Dr. Jacobs joined the Navy and was assigned to Navy Medical Research Unit Number 1. By 1946 he was a Lieutenant Commander and ready to return to the practice of pediatrics. In his private practice of pediatrics in San Francisco, Al quickly recognized that 20% of his patients had primary skin complaints and that he was poorly prepared to deal with them. He found his colleagues in pediatrics similarly unprepared and decided to remedy the situation. After a year’s fellowship in dermatology at Stanford he joined the Stanford faculty and established a career in pediatric dermatology that has spanned five decades. Until his death on November 9, 2001, he was Professor of Dermatology and Pediatrics, Emeritus (active) at Stanford University.
Al Jacobs was a founder of the Society for Pediatric Dermatology and served as its first president. In many ways Al Jacobs was to pediatric dermatology what George Washington was to the establishment of the United States. It is so crucial that the leaders at the founding have the wisdom and vision to create an organization that will grow and be flexible enough to accommodate the changes needed in future generations. The advice and counsel of Al Jacobs was critical for the field of pediatric dermatology.
It was Al Jacobs the man who endeared himself to so many in pediatrics and pediatric dermatology. He avoided the arrogance that often accompanies positions of importance in academic medicine and remained the kind, considerate, warm man who always had time to listen to your needs or your problems. It was his accessibility that made the field of pediatric dermatology accessible for all who are interested. Who could resist that big smile beneath the cookie-duster moustache or those kind, twinkling eyes? Any personal encounter with Al Jacobs made you feel you were with your best friend. When you have a moment to reflect on your own careers, remember that big smile and what it meant to pediatric dermatology.
It is said that the fulfillment of life is to love, be loved, and have useful work. Al Jacobs loved his charming wife, Opal; his children and grandchildren; and his chosen field of pediatric dermatology. In turn, he was loved by the hundreds of physicians whose lives he touched.
This book is also dedicated to our families: Dr. Janet Atkinson Weston, Betsy and Kemp Weston; Maureen, Amy, Andy, Jeremy, Jordan, and Matthew Lane; Laura Wilson, Reed and Stefan Morelli.
William L. Weston, MD, Alfred T. Lane, MD, Joseph G. Morelli, MD
This fourth edition (4e) of Color Texbook of Pediatric Dermatology is designed for two purposes. Firstly, 4e is intended to be a practical University course on Pediatric Dermatology. Secondly, 4e is designed as a rapid access reference source for the busy clinician. In both instances, 4e is written from the perspective of what is best for the child. For the course in pediatric dermatology, new information has been added to every chapter and there is a major reorganization of chapters 11 , 13 , 15 , 17 and 20 . Chapter 2 was expanded in order to add many clinical photographs of primary and secondary lesions. For ease of interpretation, all the line drawings are in color. The latest references were added and the information incorporated into the text as original source information. As for previous editions, the authors did not wish to copy other textbooks. It is our hope that 4e will provide a format to medical educators that wish to create a course in pediatric dermatology for their trainees.
For the reference text, the problem-oriented differential diagnosis index was redone and will remain on the front and back of the book. By understanding primary and secondary lesions as described in chapter two, the clinician can rapidly create a differential diagnosis with the index. In addition, the number of clinical photographs has increased by 30%. Our colleagues primarily caring for children wished to have more images of the skin conditions described. Ten new patient education sheets have been created and the others revised..
This fourth revision was heavily dependent on comments from primary care providers, residents and students. The Dermatology residents at the University of Colorado systematically reviewed the previous edition a chapter per week and made many valuable suggest