Bernissart Dinosaurs and Early Cretaceous Terrestrial Ecosystems , livre ebook









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The iconic dinosaur Iguanodon and its world

In 1878, the first complete dinosaur skeleton was discovered in a coal mine in Bernissart, Belgium. Iguanodon, first described by Gideon Mantell on the basis of fragments discovered in England in 1824, was initially reconstructed as an iguana-like reptile or a heavily built, horned quadruped. However, the Bernissart skeleton changed all that. The animal was displayed in an upright posture similar to a kangaroo, and later with its tail off the ground like the dinosaur we know of today. Focusing on the Bernissant discoveries, this book presents the latest research on Iguanodon and other denizens of the Cretaceous ecosystems of Europe, Asia, and Africa. Pascal Godefroit and contributors consider the Bernissart locality itself and the new research programs that are underway there. The book also presents a systematic revision of Iguanodon; new material from Spain, Romania, China, and Kazakhstan; studies of other Early Cretaceous terrestrial ecosystems; and examinations of Cretaceous vertebrate faunas.

Preface by David B. Norman

Part 1. New Investigations into the Iguanodon Sinkhole at Bernissart and Other Early Cretaceous Localities in the Mons Basin (Belgium)
1. Bernissart and the Iguanodons: Historical Perspective and New Investigations
2. The Attempted Theft of Dinosaur Skeletons during the German Occupation of Belgium (1914–1918) and Some Other Cases of Looting Cultural Possessions of Natural History
3. A Short Introduction to the Geology of the Mons Basin and the Iguanodon Sinkhole, Belgium
4. 3D Modeling of the Paleozoic Top Surface in the Bernissart Area and Integration of Data from Boreholes Drilled in the Iguanodon Sinkhole
5. The Karstic Phenomenon of the Iguanodon Sinkhole and the Geomorphological Situation of the Mons Basin during the Early Cretaceous
6. Geodynamic and Tectonic Context of Early Cretaceous Iguanodon-Bearing Deposits in the Mons Basin
7. Biostratigraphy of the Cretaceous Sediments Overlying the Wealden Facies in the Iguanodon Sinkhole at Bernissart
8. On the Age of the Bernissart Iguanodons
9. The Paleoenvironment of the Bernissart Iguanodons: Sedimentological Analysis of the Lower Cretaceous Wealden Facies in the Bernissart Area
10. Mesofossil Plant Remains from the Barremian of Hautrage (Mons Basin, Belgium), with Taphonomy, Paleoecology, and Paleoenvironment Insights
11. Diagenesis of the Fossil Bones of Iguanodon bernissartensis from the Iguanodon Sinkhole
12. Histological Assessment of Vertebrate Remains in the 2003 Bernissart Drill
13. Early Cretaceous Dinosaur Remains from Baudour (Belgium)
14. Geological Model and Cyclic Mass Mortality Scenarios for the Lower Cretaceous Bernissart Iguanodon Bonebeds

Part 2. The Bernissart Iguanodons and Their Kin
15. Iguanodontian Taxa from the Lower Cretaceous of England and Belgium
16. The Brain of Iguanoian Taxa (Dinosauria: Ornithischia) from the Lower Cretaceous of England and Belgium
16. The Brain of Iguanodon and Mantellisaurus: Perspectives on Ornithopod Evolution
17. Hypsilophodon foxii and Other Smaller Bipedal Ornithischian Dinosaurs from the Lower Cretaceous of Southern England
18. The African Cousins of the European Iguanodontids
19. Anatomy and Relationships of Bolong yixianensis, an Early Cretaceous Iguanodontoid Dinosaur from Western Liaoning, China
20. A New Basal Hadrosauroid Dinosaur from the Upper Cretaceous of Kazakhstan

Part 3. Early Cretaceous Terrestrial Ecosystems In and Outside Europe
21. Dinosaur Remains from the "Sables Verts" of the Eastern Paris Basin
22. Dinosaur Faunas from the Early Cretaceous (Valanginian–Albian) of Spain
23. New Early Cretaceous Multituberculate Mammals from the Iberian Peninsula
24. Danish Dinosaurs: A Review
25. The Age of Lycoptera Beds (Jehol Biota) in Transbaikalia (Russia) and Correlation with Mongolia and China
26. A New Basal Ornithomimosaur (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Early Cretaceous Yixian Formation, Northeast China
27. Australia's Polar Early Cretaceous Dinosaurs
28. Assessment of the Potential for a Jehol Biota–like Cretaceous Polar Fossil Assemblage in ictoria, Australia
29. Freshwater Hybodont Sharks in Early Cretaceous Ecosystems: A Review

Part 4. Cretaceous Vertebrate Faunas after the Bernissart Iguanodon
30. The Late Cretaceous Continental Vertebrate Fauna from Iharkút: A Review
31. First Discovery of Maastrichtian Terrestrial Vertebrates in Rusca Montană Basin
32. First Late Maastrichtian Vertebrate Assemblage from Provence
33. Reassessment of the Posterior Brain Region in Multituberculate Mammals


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Date de parution

05 juillet 2012





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25 Mo

Bernissart Dinosaurs and Early Cretaceous Terrestrial Ecosystems
Life of the Past JAMES O. FARLOW, EDITOR
This book is a publication of

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Bernissart dinosaurs and early Cretaceous terrestrial ecosystems / edited by Pascal Godefroit.
p. cm. - (Life of the past)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-253-35721-2 (cloth: alk. paper) - ISBN 978-0-253-00570-0 (e-book) 1. Iguanodon-Belgium-Bernissart. 2. Paleontology-Belgium-Bernissart. 3. Paleoecology-Cretaceous. I. Godefroit, Pascal, [date]
QE862.O65B485 2012

1 2 3 4 5 17 16 15 14 13 12
This book is dedicated to
As the head of the department of paleontology of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences between 1991 and 2003, Pierre initiated the renaissance of vertebrate paleontology, including dinosaur research, in Belgium.
Have pity on an Iguanodon
Whose history lacks precision,
On account of which a lot of savants
Have been saying dumb things for thirty years
Ah! If only Barnum had found him!
He would have informed us better;
I m sure that if he had looked,
He could have shown us a living one.

Marcel Lefevre, The Bernissart Iguanodon s Complaint (1912)
List of Contributors
Preface by David B. Norman

Part 1
New Investigations into the Iguanodon Sinkhole at Bernissa and Other Early Cretaceous Localities in the Mons Basin (Belgium)

1 Bernissart and the Iguanodons: Historical Perspective and New Investigations
Pascal Godefroit, Johan Yans, and Pierre Bultynck

2 The Attempted Theft of Dinosaur Skeletons during the German Occupation of Belgium (1914-1918) and Some Other Cases of Looting Cultural Possessions of Natural History
Christoph Roolf

3 A Short Introduction to the Geology of the Mons Basin and the Iguanodon Sinkhole, Belgium
Jean-Marc Baele, Pascal Godefroit, Paul Spagna, and Christian Dupuis

4 3D Modeling of the Paleozoic Top Surface in the Bernissart Area and Integration of Data from Boreholes Drilled in the Iguanodon Sinkhole
Thierry Martin, Johan Yans, Christian Dupuis, Paul Spagna, and Olivier Kaufmann

5 The Karstic Phenomenon of the Iguanodon Sinkhole and the Geomorphological Situation of the Mons Basin during the Early Cretaceous
Yves Quinif and Luciane Licour

6 Geodynamic and Tectonic Context of Early Cretaceous Iguanodon-Bearing Deposits in the Mons Basin
Sara Vandycke and Paul Spagna

7 Biostratigraphy of the Cretaceous Sediments Overlying the Wealden Facies in the Iguanodon Sinkhole at Bernissart
Johan Yans, Francis Robaszynski, and Edwige Masure

8 On the Age of the Bernissart Iguanodons
Johan Yans, Jean Dejax, and Johann Schnyder

9 The Paleoenvironment of the Bernissart Iguanodons: Sedimentological Analysis of the Lower Cretaceous Wealden Facies in the Bernissart Area
Paul Spagna, Johan Yans, Johann Schnyder, and Christian Dupuis

10 Mesofossil Plant Remains from the Barremian of Hautrage (Mons Basin, Belgium), with Taphonomy, Paleoecology, and Paleoenvironment Insights
Bernard Gomez, Thomas Gillot, V ronique Daviero-Gomez, Cl ment Coiffard, Paul Spagna, and Johan Yans

11 Diagenesis of the Fossil Bones of Iguanodon bernissartensis from the Iguanodon Sinkhole
Thierry Leduc

12 Histological Assessment of Vertebrate Remains in the 2003 Bernissart Drill
Armand de Ricql s, Pascal Godefroit, and Johan Yans

13 Early Cretaceous Dinosaur Remains from Baudour (Belgium)
Pascal Godefroit, Jean Le Loeuff, Patrick Carlier, St phane Pirson, Johan Yans, Suravech Suteethorn, and Paul Spagna

14 Geological Model and Cyclic Mass Mortality Scenarios for the Lower Cretaceous Bernissart Iguanodon Bonebeds
Jean-Marc Baele, Pascal Godefroit, Paul Spagna, and Christian Dupuis

Part 2
The Bernissart Iguanodons and Their Kin

15 Iguanodontian Taxa (Dinosauria: Ornithischia) from the Lower Cretaceous of England and Belgium
David B. Norman

16 The Brain of Iguanodon and Mantellisaurus: Perspectives on Ornithopod Evolution
Pascaline Lauters, Walter Coudyzer, Martine Vercauteren, and Pascal Godefroit

17 Hypsilophodon foxii and Other Smaller Bipedal Ornithischian Dinosaurs from the Lower Cretaceous of Southern England
Peter M. Galton

18 The African Cousins of the European Iguanodontids
Philippe Taquet

19 Anatomy and Relationships of Bolong yixianensis, an Early Cretaceous Iguanodontoid Dinosaur from Western Liaoning, China
Wu Wenhao and Pascal Godefroit

20 A New Basal Hadrosauroid Dinosaur from the Upper Cretaceous of Kazakhstan
Pascal Godefroit, Fran ois Escuilli , Yuri L. Bolotsky, and Pascaline Lauters

Part 3
Early Cretaceous Terrestrial Ecosystems In and Outside Europe

21 Dinosaur Remains from the Sables Verts (Early Cretaceous, Albian) of the Eastern Paris Basin
Eric Buffetaut and Laetitia Nori

22 Dinosaur Faunas from the Early Cretaceous (Valanginian-Albian) of Spain
Xabier Pereda-Suberbiola, Jos Ignacio Ruiz-Ome aca, Jos Ignacio Canudo, Fidel Torcida, and Jos Luis Sanz

23 New Early Cretaceous Multituberculate Mammals from the Iberian Peninsula
Ainara Badiola, Jos Ignacio Canudo, and Gloria Cuenca-Besc s

24 Danish Dinosaurs: A Review
Niels Bonde

25 The Age of Lycoptera Beds (Jehol Biota) in Transbaikalia (Russia) and Correlation with Mongolia and China
Evgenia V. Bugdaeva and Valentina S. Markevich

26 A New Basal Ornithomimosaur (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Early Cretaceous Yixian Formation, Northeast China
Jin Liyong, Chen Jun, and Pascal Godefroit

27 Australia s Polar Early Cretaceous Dinosaurs
Thomas H. Rich and Patricia Vickers-Rich

28 Assessment of the Potential for a Jehol Biota-like Cretaceous Polar Fossil Assemblage in Victoria, Australia
Thomas H. Rich, Li Xiao-Bo, and Patricia Vickers-Rich

29 Freshwater Hybodont Sharks in Early Cretaceous Ecosystems: A Review
Gilles Cuny

Part 4
Cretaceous Vertebrate Faunas after the Bernissart Iguanodons

30 The Late Cretaceous Continental Vertebrate Fauna from Ihark t (Western Hungary): A Review
Attila Osi, M rton Rabi, L szl Mak di, Zolt n Szentesi, G bor Botfalvai, and P ter Guly s

31 First Discovery of Maastrichtian (Latest Cretaceous) Terrestrial Vertebrates in Rusca Montan i Basin (Romania)
Vlad A. Codrea, Pascal Godefroit, and Thierry Smith

32 First Late Maastrichtian (Latest Cretaceous) Vertebrate Assemblage from Provence (Vitrolles-la-Plaine, Southern France)
Xavier Valentin, Pascal Godefroit, Rodolphe Tabuce, Monique Vianey-Liaud, Wu Wenhao, and G raldine Garcia

33 Reassessment of the Posterior Brain Region in Multituberculate Mammals
Emmanuel Gilissen and Thierry Smith

Ainara Badiola Grupo Aragosaurus-IUCA ( ), Paleontolog a, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Zaragoza, Pedro Cerbuna 12, 50009 Zaragoza, Spain,
Jean-Mac Baele University of Mons, Facult Polytechnique de Mons, rue de Houdain 9, 7000 Mons, Belgium,
Yuri L. Bolotsky Palaeontological Museum of the Institute of Geology and Nature Management, Far East Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, per. Relochny 1, 675000 Blagoveschensk, Russia,
Niels Bonde Institute of Geography and Geology (Copenhagen University), ster Voldgade 10, DK-1350 Copenhagen K and Fur Museum, Nederby, DK-7884 Fur, Denmark,
G bor Botfalvai E tv s University, Department of Paleontology, P zm ny P. s. 1/c, 1117 Budapest, Hungary.
Eric Buffetaut Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (UMR 8538), Laboratoire de G ologie de l Ecole Normale Sup rieure, 24 rue Lhomond, 75231 Paris Cedex 05, France,
Evgenia V. Bugdaeva Institute of Biology and Soil Science, Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, 159 Prosp. 100-letiya, Vladivostok, 690022, Russia,
Pierre Bultynck Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Department of Paleontology, rue Vautier 29, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium,
Jos Ignacio Canudo Grupo Aragosaurus-IUCA ( ), Paleontolog a, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Zaragoza, Pedro Cerbuna 12, 50009 Zaragoza, Spain,
Patrick Carlier rue Haute 28 5190 Spy, Belgium,
Chen Jun Jilin University Geological Museum, Chaoyang Campus, 6 Ximinzhu Street, Changchun, Jilin Province 130062, People s Republic of China,
Vlad A. Codrea University Babe -Bolyai Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Biology and Geology, 1 Kog lniceanu Str., 400084, Cluj-Napoca, Romania,;
Cl ment Coiffard UMR 7207-Centre de Recherche sur la Pal obiodiversit et les Pal oenvironnements, 43 rue Buffon, CP 48, F-75005 Paris, France,; Museum f r Naturkunde, Invalidenstrasse 43, 10115 Berlin, Germ

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