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20 février 2018
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Date de parution
20 février 2018
What others are saying about Touch of Joy
“One of the most important scientific discoveries of the twentieth century is that consciousness—defined as existence, awareness, and joy—is the ground of all being. Touch of Joy is designed to take you to the joy of unity consciousness. I strongly recommend it.”
—Amit Goswami, PhD, quantum physicist and author of The Self-Aware Universe and The Everything Answer Book
“I literally felt ‘touched with joy’ when I read this book by Jyotish and Devi Novak—a collection of the most amazing articles, which will bring immediate inspiration and satisfaction to any spiritual seeker. Examples are taken from all walks of life and all sorts of people, providing a deep authenticity. The language is simple, yet filled with deep insights that can be appreciated by anyone. I would recommend it to everyone interested in improving the quality of their lives.”
—Vanamali Devi, author of The Song of God and The Play of Rama
“ Touch of Joy brings Yogananda’s remarkable legacy to everyday life. Jyotish and Devi Novak are excellent interpreters of Yogananda’s teachings, having lived and imparted them for decades. No matter how much of Yogananda you’ve read, you will find in these pages fresh stories, shiny pearls of wisdom, and practical applications for spiritual living in today’s world.”
—Philip Goldberg, author of American Veda and The Real Life of Yogananda
“A treasure trove of inspiration and guidance for every possible situation—an outstanding achievement!”
—Naidhruva Rush, author of Change Your Magnetism, Change Your Life
“In Touch of Joy , Jyotish and Devi Novak beautifully express Yogananda’s teachings for bringing divine grace into our daily lives. Their deep humility and discipleship, profound wisdom, and universal love for all enable them to transmit the highest teachings of yoga.”
—Joseph Bharat Cornell, author of Sharing Nature and Deep Nature Play
“Gem after gem after gem. Touch of Joy is full of day-to-day, practical spirituality, hard-won wisdom, loving compassion, gentle humor, and soaring, joyous inspiration. Jyotish and Devi enliven my spiritual journey with grace and intelligence.”
—Joseph Selbie, author of The Yugas and The Physics of God
“The ability to express deep truths simply and succinctly—and often with humor!—is a sure sign of wisdom. Jyotish and Devi Novak have been demonstrating this wisdom for years through their “Touch of Light” blog, and it is a delight to see their profound insights brought together in Touch of Joy . This is not a book to read through quickly and place on a shelf, but one to savor over weeks and months. Each chapter offers fresh ways and practical tips to keep one’s heart and mind elevated above the assaults of noise and negativity. Together, then, these “touches” of joy can guide you to a life of joy!”
—Kraig Brockschmidt, author of Solving Stress: The Power to Remain Cool and Calm Amidst Chaos
“This book offers compact gems of wisdom that are instructive, insightful, and entertaining. I often find they address issues I’m currently working on, showing me their universal nature and helping me to live the spiritual path as a great adventure. I thank you with all my heart!”
—Lila Devi, founder of Spirit-in-Nature Essences and author of From Bagels to Curry
“ Touch of Joy is delightful! I recommend you keep it close to you at all times. A dip into any one of its short articles of spiritual encouragement is like walking into a refreshingly clear and cool river on a hot day. One of my favorites pieces is ‘How to Avoid Doing Your Duty,’ which explains how you can do what you need to in your life, while keeping it rewarding, inspiring, and fun.”
—Savitri Simpson, teacher, and author of The Meaning of Dreaming , Chakras for Starters , and other spiritually uplifting books
“I am looking forward to reading again the many thoughtful and instructive stories from two spiritual leaders so intimately attuned to Paramhansa Yogananda and Yogananda’s classic Autobiography of a Yogi . This book is full of rare insights for everyone interested in yoga, meditation, and joy.”
—Nischala Cryer, co-founder of Ananda University and author of The Four Stages of Yoga: How to Lead a Fulfilling Life
A Yogi’s Guide to Lasting Happiness
crystal clarity publishers
Nevada City, California
Crystal Clarity Publishers , Nevada City, CA 95959
Copyright © 2018 by Hansa Trust All rights reserved. Published 2018.
Printed in the United States of America
1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2
ISBN-13: 978-1-56589-325-2
ePub ISBN-13: 978-1-56589-580-5
Cover designed with love by Amala Cathleen Elliott Interior designed by David Jensen
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Available
crystal clarity publishers
Seven Revolutionary Teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda
How Is World Peace Possible?
Anything Will Talk with You
How to Draw God’s Help in Your Life
Understanding Is Overrated
Good Judgment / Bad Judgment
How to Be Friends with God
The Common Denominator
God Is the Doer
Being God’s Advisor
In Divine Friendship
Why I Meditate
The Benefits of Fasting
Where His Shadow Falls
Say “Yes” to Life
Two Bowls of Lemons
The Happiness Cycle
How to Be a Channel for God’s Light
Why Devotees Suffer
Doing the Work
The Power of Divine Love
Who Is It That Dies?
Nine Ways to Improve Concentration
The Transforming Power of God’s Light Within
Preparing for Life’s Storms
Imitating What We Hear
Joy Is the Solution, Not the Reward
Why Is Life Such a Struggle?
Gratitude Brings Happiness
Does God Listen to Our Prayers?
Positive Thinking
God’s Protecting Presence
Why We Need Nature
Is It Possible to Fail Spiritually?
Two Questions
The Yogic Lifestyle
Spiritual Birth
When God Speaks
The One Percent Solution
The Broken Connection
Finding Autobiography of a Yogi
Five Days in the Timeless Zone
Magnetizing Your Life
How to Defend a Principle
The Most Memorable Talk
The Dangers of Narrow Mountain Roads
Simple Living
Why Our Plans Go Awry
Mother, Reveal Thyself
Your Gifts to the World
Giving the Real Gift
The Christmas Mystery
The Full Moon
The Spark of a Spiritual Revolution
World Peace
Why Positive Thinking Changes Our Life
Stories as Teachers
Just a Play of Light and Shadows
The Formula for Success
When God Calls
The Monkeys of Brindaban
How Will Our Story End?
The Invisible Cord
Full Blast
How to Feel That God Is the Doer
Can We Change Our Future?
Five Essential Steps to Happiness
If You Want His Answer
Technological Yogis
Weeding and Pruning
Swami Kriyananda, a Model for Your Life
Rust Never Sleeps
Controlling Our Reactions
Moving Beyond the Ego
Achieving Balance in an Unbalanced World
From Concentration to Absorption to
Mountains, Outer and Inner
The Treasure Box
Lesson Learned, Lesson Reviewed
Breaking Free of Our Karma
Share Your Light
The Third Wave
Going Beyond the Restless Mind
The Reign of King Dwaparian
What Awaits Us
The Golden Rule
The Final Step in Discipleship
A Touch of Light and Joy
A Dream of the Future
The Game
My Personal Journey with Autobiography of a Yogi
How Autobiography of a Yogi Changed My Life
The Banana Tree
How to Avoid Doing Your Duty
Building Spiritual Power Against Troubled Times
A Miracle of Protection
Are You a Spiritual Success?
Two Great Masters
Crossing a Threshold Opened Long Ago
Christmas Images and Their Spiritual Meaning
The Second Coming of Christ
How to Be a Divine Sculptor
About the Authors
About Ananda
Additional Titles from Crystal Clarity
“W HAT A LAUGH YOU have!” Bhaduri Mahasaya, a revered Indian saint, spoke these words to a young Paramhansa Yogananda, author of Autobiography of a Yogi . Having an impish, utterly delightful sense of humor, Yogananda would sometimes laugh so hard at an amusing incident that tears would flow down his cheeks.
Swami Kriyananda, his direct disciple and our lifelong teacher, told us many stories, including amusing ones, from the years he spent with the Master. Often while Yogananda was telling a joke, he would be so overcome with mirth that those present couldn’t entirely understand what he was saying. Nevertheless, his waves of joy were so powerful that everyone would soon get swept away by them and begin roaring with laughter themselves.
The great master’s nature was not a frivolous one, however. Swami Kriyananda said that even in the midst of hearty amusement, when he looke