The Happiness Policy Handbook , livre audio






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Build a better society through happiness policy

Build a better society through happiness policy

Thomas Jefferson said that “the purpose of government is to enable the people of a nation to live in safety and happiness.” Yet only now, 270 years later, is the happiness of citizens starting to be taken seriously as the purpose of government.

While happiness science is advancing rapidly, and governments and organizations are creating indices for measuring happiness, there is little practical information on how to create policy to advance happiness.

Drawing from a deep well of expertise and experience, The Happiness Policy Handbook is the first step-by-step guide for integrating happiness into government policy at all levels. Coverage includes:

  • A concise background on happiness science, indices and indicators, and happiness in public policy
  • Tools for formulating happiness policy and integrating happiness into administrative functions
  • A concept menu of happiness policies
  • Communicating happiness policy objectives to media and engaging with the community
  • A happiness policy screening tool for evaluating the happiness contribution of any policy
  • Policy perspectives from seasoned experts across sectors.

The Happiness Policy Handbook is the essential resource for policymakers and professionals working to integrate happiness and well-being into governmental processes and institutions.

Authors' Welcome

       The Origins of the Happiness Policy Handbook
       A Roadmap to the Handbook

Section 1: The Landscape of the Happiness Movement
1. Brief History of the Happiness Movement
       An Evolution of Sustainable Development: The Happiness Movement
       A Few Words about Terminology

2. What Happiness Policy Is and Why It Matters
       Happiness Policy Makes Economic Sense
       Easterlin Paradox
       Income Inequality
       Mental Health Care
       Purchasing Habits

3. The Happiness–Sustainability Connection
       Climate Change
       The Local–Global Connection: Community Solutions to Sustainable Development
       Connecting Sustainable Development to Happiness Through Indicators

4. Connections between Positive Psychology and the Happiness Movement
       The Positive Psychology Movement
       Happiness Determinants
       Workplace Happiness

5. Moving Forward
       Overcoming Impediments, Choosing Pathways
       Connecting to Community
       Criteria for Taking Action
       Concluding Remarks on the Happiness Movement

Section 2: Happiness Action Plans for Policymakers
6. Action Plan: Happiness Proclamations
       Example Proclamations
       Working with the Media

7. Action Plan: Happiness Roles and Responsibilities
       Integrating Happiness Roles and Responsibilities
       Appointing Happiness Roles and Responsibilities

8. Action Plan: Community Engagement
       Engaging Through Social Media
       Convening a Happiness Council
       Global Councils
       Local Councils
       Community Forums
       Online Portals
       Town Hall Meetings
       World Café Style Meetings

9. Action Plan: Measuring Happiness
       Subjective and Objective Indicators
       How to Use Happiness Data in Brief
       How Happiness Is Measured Using Surveys
       How to Measure Happiness
       The Happiness Index

10. Action Plan: A Tool for Policy: The Happiness Policy Screening Tool
       Origin of Happiness Policy Screening Tool
       Instructions for Using the Happiness Policy Screening Tool
       Happiness Policy Screening Tool Scenario

Section 3: Appendices
A. Concept Menu of Happiness Policies
B. Happiness Lessons for the Workplace
C. Strategy Resources
D. The Happiness Proclamation
E. Model Press Releases for a Happiness Proclamation and for Announcing the Use of the Happiness Index
F. Model Happiness Minister or Officer Job Description
G. Social Media Guide
H. Questions and Answers for Happiness Survey Takers
I. The Happiness Index Questions
J. The Happiness Policy Screening Tool

About the Authors
About New Society Publishers

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Date de parution

05 juin 2020





Poids de l'ouvrage

644 Mo

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