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Écrit par
Danny Carlson
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Livres audio
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Publié par
Date de parution
15 novembre 2024
Poids de l'ouvrage
445 Mo
Conflict is an inevitable part of human interaction. It arises in our personal relationships, our professional lives, and even within ourselves. While conflict can be challenging and even painful, it also presents a powerful opportunity for growth, understanding, and positive change. This book is a guide to navigating and resolving conflicts effectively,
empowering you to approach them with confidence and skill.
Through a blend of practical strategies, insightful psychology, and real-life examples, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of the root causes of conflict, the different types of conflicts, and the various techniques for addressing them. You will learn to identify your own conflict patterns and develop strategies for communicating assertively, listening actively, and fostering empathy. You will discover the benefits of different conflict styles and learn when to utilize each one effectively.
This book is not just about resolving conflicts; it's about transforming them into opportunities for growth. By
understanding the psychology behind conflict and applying the skills you develop, you can transform conflict from a threat into a catalyst for positive change in your personal and professional life.
Throughout this journey, I encourage you to be patient with yourself, to embrace the process of learning and growth, and to trust in your ability to navigate conflict with wisdom and grace.
Publié par
Date de parution
15 novembre 2024
Poids de l'ouvrage
445 Mo