Grace for a Greater Life , livre audio






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In Grace for a Greater Life best-selling author Lori Wilke invites you to join her on a journey to discover something more in your life than meets the eye. Using understandable and biblically-based teaching, she will explain what Jesus describes as the most important characteristics for a person to possess and then help you to develop and apply them to your everyday life. This book will satisfy you as you dare to believe that God will reveal His truth to you! Each chapter highlights the attitudes and life-choices that God calls "truly great". Personal life testimonies from Lori and others are provided by the author to keep it real! If you are someone seeking to serve God you will highly benefit from these truths for they will equip you to be a victorious leader. "What does it mean to do life God's way?" "What makes Jesus marvel?" Find out the answers to these questions and more as you read this book. You will overcome as you believe in the God who believes in you! Lori Wilke is a Bible teacher, author, singer, songwriter, intercessor and conference speaker. She and her husband Tom are the senior pastors of Spirit Life Church in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Lori and her husband Tom have been married for over 40 years. They have one daughter, Laurelle who assists them in the ministry. Lori has authored the best selling book, The Costly Anointing and has traveled throughout the United States and abroad teaching God's grace and truth. Her mission is to empower people to become victorious leaders and ministers.
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Date de parution

10 mai 2023





Poids de l'ouvrage

599 Mo

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