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Langue anglaise appliquée à l'informatique et à la gestion 2002 BTS Informatique de gestion

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Examen du Supérieur BTS Informatique de gestion. Sujet de Langue anglaise appliquée à l'informatique et à la gestion 2002. Retrouvez le corrigé Langue anglaise appliquée à l'informatique et à la gestion 2002 sur Bankexam.fr.



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Publié le 10 janvier 2008
Nombre de lectures 39
Langue Français


Session 2002
(partie écrite)
Durée : 2 heures
Coefficient : 2
L’usage d’un dictionnaire bilingue est autorisé.
Les calculatrices sont interdites.
The wildest optimism has greeted the Internet. A whole industry of cybergurus has enthralled
audiences (and made a fine living) with exuberant claims that the Internet will prevent wars,
reduce pollution, and combat various forms of inequality. However, although the Internet is
still young enough to inspire idealism, it has also been around long enough to test whether the
prophets can be right.
Grandest of all the claims are those made by some of the savants at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology about the Internet's potential as a force for peace. […] The idea is that
improved communications will reduce misunderstandings and avert conflict.
This is not new, alas, any more than were the claims for the peace-making possibilities of
other new technologies
. Indeed, even if that were true, the Internet can also be used to
advocate conflict. Hate speech and intolerance flourish in its murkier corners, where
governments (as France is now discovering) find it hard to intervene.
But might it reduce energy consumption and pollution ?
Certainly, shopping online from
home is far less polluting than driving to a shopping mall.
Yet doing things online is more
energy-efficient only if it genuinely displaces real-world activities. If people shop online as
well as visiting the bricks-and-mortar store, the result is an overall increase in energy
And it is more efficient to read documents online only if doing so replaces,
rather than adds to, the amount of printed bumf.
Furthermore, as more and more offices and homes connect to the Internet, millions of PCs,
printers, servers and other devices gobble significant quantities of energy.
What about the belief that the Internet will reduce inequality? According to a study carried
out by America's Department of Commerce, households with annual incomes above $75,000
are more than 20 times as likely to have Internet access as the poorest households. Bill Clinton,
struck by the "digital divide" between rich and poor, argues that universal Internet access would
help to reduce income inequality.
But, as the cost of using the Internet continues to fall (services offering free access are
becoming the norm, and a basic PC can now be had for little more than a video recorder), the
true reason for the digital divide between rich and poor will become apparent. The poor are not
shunning the Internet because they cannot afford it: the problem is that they lack the skills to
exploit it effectively.
Yet, even in the more ludicrous claims for the Internet, there may be germs of truth. This
open network, so hard for governments to control, may indeed help to give more power to
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individual citizens and encourage democracies. As democratic governments rarely fight each
other, that might promote peace. As for the environment, the Internet will allow many pieces of
machinery to be monitored and tuned more precisely from afar. That will promote energy
Even inequality may, in some cases, be reduced thanks to the Internet. A computer
programmer in Bangalore or Siberia can use the Internet to work for a software company in
Seattle without leaving home, and can expect to be paid a wage that is closer to that of his
virtual colleagues at the other end of the cable.
The Internet changes many things. It has had a dramatic impact on the world of business.
For individuals, e-mail has emerged as the most important new form of personal
communication since the invention of the telephone.
The extent to which the Internet will transform other fields of human endeavour, however, is
less certain. Humanity cannot simply invent away its failings. The Internet is not the first
technology to have been hailed as a panacea and it will certainly not be the last.
Adapted from The Economist, August 19th 2000.
Indiquez, pour chaque partie, le nombre de mots utilisés.
Résumez le texte
en français
en 220 mots
en anglais
l'une des deux
suivantes : (150 mots).
a) Thinking of the advantages and drawbacks of working from home, would you like to work
for a software company in Seattle, for example ?
b) What is your position concerning government intervention on the Internet ?
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Session 2002
(partie écrite)
Durée : 2 heures
Coefficient : 2
( 12 points)
On attendra dans chaque résumé que les points suivants soient mentionnés : (
10 points
Comme c'est souvent le cas avec les nouvelles technologies, à son avènement l'Internet devait être,
selon certains cyber gourous et autres pontes du MIT, la panacée à tous les maux de notre
civilisation : guerre, pollution, inégalité sous toutes ses formes.
Celui-ci existe maintenant depuis suffisamment longtemps pour faire un bilan.
S'il est vrai que le Net donne plus de pouvoir au citoyen et favorise donc la démocratie, on ne peut
cependant que constater que cet outil est aussi utilisé pour promouvoir la haine et l'intolérance sans
que les gouvernements y puissent grand chose.
S'il permet d'envisager l'économie d'énergie, elle ne sera réelle que si les activités en ligne
remplacent les activités réelles, ce qui n'est pas le cas.
Un programmeur russe travaillant pour une firme basée à Seattle sera rémunéré selon les standards
américains. Dans ce cas précis le Net semble donc réduire le fossé entre les salariés des pays riches
et des pays pauvres. Il n'en reste pas moins vrai que si le fossé numérique avec les classes
défavorisées se creuse, ce n'est pas faute d'argent mais parce que ces dernières n'ont pas les
compétences pour exploiter le réseau.
Le courrier électronique a certes changé notre mode de communication et l'Internet a eu un impact
considérable sur le monde du commerce. Néanmoins son influence dans d'autres domaines reste
beaucoup moins évidente.
223 mots
En outre, les
2 points restants
attribués en partie ou dans leur totalité en fonction de
la qualité et de la correction de l'expression ainsi que de la logique du discours
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( 8 points)
a) Voici quelques questions que devrait se poser le candidat :
Do I mostly work independently, without the need to communicate frequently with colleagues ?
Are there friends or relatives nearby during the day who would be able to have a chat or give me
some help if you needed it ?
Would I miss workmates ?
Would I mind not being up-to-date on the office gossip ?
Would I mind having to work on my own, with little encouragement ?
Am I ready to work hard (teleworkers tend to find themselves working harder and with fewer
Could I cope with having to manage all by myself on a remote basis ?
Is there a quiet area where I can work undisturbed ?
Can I make the arrangements I'd need to work without other members of the household disturbing
me ?
Am I self-motivated ?
Could I cope alone and unsupervised ?
Am I ready to solve unexpected problems and crises on my own ?
Do any of the following strongly appeal to me ?
- Not travelling to work every day.
- Being able to work uninterrupted.
- Being able to combine work and home life better.
Being out of sight, out of mind - what about promotion ?
Adapted from an article in The World in Focus. December 1992.
On pourra noter
l'expression sur 4 points
(richesse du vocabulaire et des structures grammaticales)
Opinion : to believe / in my opinion / to my mind
Mots de liaison : on the one hand ..... on the other hand / yet / however / nevertheless etc....
Capacité : can / be able to / don't have to / Conditionel : if..... I would.
Contraintes : have to / cannot. / Probabilité : may might must
b) L'article fait allusion au procès intenté par l'Etat Français à Yahoo au sujet de sites nazis que
celui-ci hébergeait. C'est la question de la censure qui est posée. Rappelons par exemple qu'en
février 1996, John Perry Barlow, se déclarant "Internet activist", publiait sa "Declaration of the
Independence of Cyberspace" où il déclarait :
"Governments of the industrial world,
On behalf of the future, I ask you of the past to leave us alone. You are not welcome among us. You
have no sovereignty where we gather. You have no moral rights to rule us nor do you possess any
methods of enforcement we have true reason to fear. Cyberspace doesn't lie within your borders."
Il y a là des pistes que les candidats devraient pouvoir exploiter.
Idem pour la notation
Regret / reproche : wish / should / could
Permission / interdiction : can / be allowed to / be forbidden to
Probabilité future : may / might / should / be likely to / be bound to / be unlikely to
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