The Ghost Pirates









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The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Ghost Pirates, by William Hope HodgsonThis eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it,give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online atwww.gutenberg.netTitle: The Ghost PiratesAuthor: William Hope HodgsonRelease Date: February 6, 2004 [EBook #10966]Language: English*** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK THE GHOST PIRATES ***Produced by Suzanne Shell, Alev Akman and PG Distributed ProofreadersTHE GHOST PIRATES"Strange as the glimmer of the ghastly light That shines from some vast crest of wave at night."THE GHOST PIRATESWilliam Hope Hodgson1909To Mary Whalley "Olden memories that shine against death's night— Quiet stars of sweet enchantments, That are seen In Life's lost distances…"The World of DreamsAuthor's PrefaceThis book forms the last of three. The first published was "The Boats of the 'Glen Carrig'"; the second, "The House onthe Borderland"; this, the third, completes what, perhaps, may be termed a trilogy; for, though very different in scope,each of the three books deals with certain conceptions that have an elemental kinship. With this book, the authorbelieves that he closes the door, so far as he is concerned, on a particular phase of constructive thought.The Hell O! O! ChauntyChaunty Man . . Man the capstan, bullies!Men . . . . . . Ha!-o-o! Ha!-o-o!Chaunty Man . . ...
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08 décembre 2010

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The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Ghost Pirates, by William Hope Hodgson
This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at
Title: The Ghost Pirates
Author: William Hope Hodgson
Release Date: February 6, 2004 [EBook #10966]
Language: English
Produced by Suzanne Shell, Alev Akman and PG Distributed Proofreaders
E THSOHGIP TETARS-o-oa! Ho-!-Ha! . . neM!. . . . psta. Cars, n-bauatn!ohC n . yaMha CtyunauChy nthTeH eO ll!O !capstan, bulliesaM n . .aM nht etyunan M-o-oha!Cb dnot y. . atS turn!Men Take a . . H !a. . . . -o-oa! Ho!o-!-Ha. . naM ytnuahC!uls!y sotarryou  . . . . . .eM nnaM . . !aH o-o-o-oen!M . . . .M!ne. . . . . .  Ha!-o-o!ChauntyM ytnuahS . . nay  bndtageur stoteM!f el. . ne.  . H . .-o!Ca!-ohsleblcaebraed d                   e    o pmht fhe tra tar Htok . . M nanuytC!ahe goay wd aw  An                    ! MPRA T . .          treadign             amTrngpist, piamuahC ytn naM . .r 'e heaamp!m tr          O     h!us H .        . neM!sk. . . .                 ng, vamping,      el             W  lehihe tab cpmni nar n ..geM        es i com
THE GHOST PIRATES William Hope Hodgson 1909
Author's Preface This book forms the last of three. The first published was "The Boats of the 'Glen Carrig'"; the second, "The House on the Borderland"; this, the third, completes what, perhaps, may be termed a trilogy; for, though very different in scope, each of the three books deals with certain conceptions that have an elemental kinship. With this book, the author believes that he closes the door, so far as he is concerned, on a particular phase of constructive thought.
To Mary Whalley "Olden memories that shine against death's night—  Quiet stars of sweet enchantments,  That are seen In Life's lost distances…" The World of Dreams
"Strange as the glimmer of the ghastly light That shines from some vast crest of wave at night."
. . . . !rkHa. 
 O hear 'em stamp! Chaunty Man . . Surge when it rides!  Surge when it rides!  Round o-o-o - handsome as it slacks! Men . . . . . . Ha!-o-o-o-o!  hear em ramp! '  Ha!-oo-o-o!  hear 'em stamp!  Ha!-o-o-o-o-oo!  Ha!-o-o-o-o-o-o! Chorus . . . . They're shouting now; oh! hear 'em   A-bellow as they stamp:—  Ha!-o-o-o! Ha!-o-o-o!  Ha!-o-o-o!  A-shouting as they tramp! Chaunty Man . . O hark to the haunting chorus  of the capstan and the bars!  Chaunty-o-o-o  and rattle crash—  Bash against the stars! Men . . . . . . Ha-a!-o-o-o!  Tramp and go!  Ha-a!-o-o-o!  Ha-a!-o-o-o! Chaunty Man . . Hear the pawls a-ranting: with  the bearded men a-chaunting;  While the brazen dome above 'em  Bellows back the 'bars.' Men . . . . . . Hear and hark!  O hear 'em!  Ha-a!-o-o!  Ha-a!-o-o! Chaunty Man . . Hurling songs towards the  heavens—! Men . . . . . . Ha-a!-o-o!  Ha-a!-o-o! Chaunty Man . . Hush! O hear 'em!  Hark! O hear 'em!  Hurling oaths among their spars! Men . . . . . . Hark! O hear 'em!  Hush! O hear 'em! Chaunty Man . . Tramping round between the  bars! Chorus . . . . They're shouting now; oh! hear  A-bellow as they stamp:—  Ha-a!-o-o-o! Ha-a!-o-o-o!  Ha-a!-o-o-o!  A shouting as they tramp! -Chaunty Man . . O do you hear the  capstan-chaunty!  Thunder round the pawls! Men . . . . . . Click a-clack,  a-clatter  Surge!  And scatter bawls! Chaunty Man . . Click-a-clack, my bonny boys,  while it comes in handsome! Men . . . . . . Ha-a!-o-o!  Hear 'em clack! Chaunty Man . . Ha-a!-o-o! Click-a-clack! Men . . . . . . Hush! O hear 'em pant!  Hark! O hear 'em rant! Chaunty Man . . Click, a-clitter, clicker-clack. Men . . . . . . Ha-a!-o-o!  Tramp and go! Chaunty Man . . Surge! And keep away the slack! Men . . . . . . Ha-a!-o-o!  Away the slack:
nssoea rel bor ft gniveireht tahs ane wang iythiyera nhtobtusna an; I d oktohe trif o tsroppinutty to ask him whteeh rehh daa ynr emac eh ,yltne mldtod an, ndou don eidtah  ehty paf anow ot kntA.prif eht ihs ins incl hstwae a b tio det  oebut, presffish; bta , thtehs tat  I mhich. Yeeanttol erewtil fo smetie ame erth, w ihhcc uodlb  erticularincidentht nes e esnw nillca uedsunu ialde ss malwayhe a,es atcni snF ro
dhad ans egassap gnol hcuput them if you  shwci,hltteihgna k t.biu yointhm ,r edagot ehtek-a-Clic. . Man tn yhCuaaeysni grgSu                !o-o-!a-aH .. . . . !!Men . e a-s-y-S ruiggn engy!as S  giur                A ll    ydM?r ae                 reppots  !ereht        e thn Ma !              urge; and steady            S   atclrte        e tlus Bcheaw noJ ylloj     .kcaClic    clack-a-nuytCkah. . M na H  a!a--o-o  !                                               y!    hc etnuasaV ht tn!      e capstaV sa tht                             !o-o-!a-aH  . . Manunty!Chao-o-o-o-aeyd  tS!sra            ! -oshUn tip bheo-o- !rTma pna d           Ha-a!ht porD !slwap e                . . . . !ao-H -al-a- Be-orusy!Ch .lCci-k yaM n . my bouna-clack,eM:s . ngnicyob Ha. !--a. . . . . H . . . . ne.     !   -o-oa-a!                ntauCho!o-!--aHa pawls, and comeb ca k                      syeaneM.. . . . . .     o-o!                arpm  T o! gnd ay ntauCh . . naMeht tfiLthe beacarly on ooj loyl,ha dnt er hut;b andutbotteren yw I p sa. Befles tribout lca yla,sb isedt geo  tusionx aa yrrow ot ,yawaoMtreztssui  nF'risco. I heard b ynacricolmuituc.Ionoi jd nee thmo eers  yayufnnfloarns  routing I erofeo dengist ha tn,wee erth                o-o-  o!-aHao-!-                !       a!-o-o-o tuohtiw nageb eaHSee thf  out Ouger eiF!hTo-o--o-oa!-o Ha-    ! rs            !o-oohS edluab r          Ha-a!-og !                    a- H      !wolb          Ando-o!y we awa        a--!  aHap hhtig matths ekcap yna ot nep notouldnd wt, alb eroatocfmb  eo.ntti S rto iunrew ht e ,llyehtry thinge ordinaaw siwll,sna d I .rehtaeht ,oslA hhe satcewi tadt ehh dakc ss itn oublow hert ofna ,eh dac r ogrifshd.tees Besida llt ehes , aehap ofother thinghttaaw sem ,le lld t couthey Alldnuht edam dna ,kyucnl uas whe sh dan  oeg,sa dnng passaering loridfw ytahs o era n irfaremoha t enoightso fugh st ,ocnusar hswentmeatre Wt.en wrg sa rat dna buows to give it aeh n Isaek defllllracoy d ult.noman t ,e yehenegone any  didelsen to ,rof riT.ehy-paa w t ouy da ,reh fo rehtehwnow him, that hei tnneed dotd ar mldfteawaers,rdehw  I n togk ots iht eh kybtscue tot. H porp inc a ,wollef gnuod hao wh, eyknocah tsi ,ircs,ot pt one yall exce tuonehwaelc dernt i'Fo eythot goh" eht  "tol em. wdro ce,seu Yor set eht eh tfoad sey hd onignef I dnuoaht ht tk oo bmy dagn,owefercn.ehWneI t  a matter of preasl sees verth oemosni deppihs e havouldI shce, hcnaht eev n nigad hee b, me Iifht las eemohlA . to get sk them,hgt  oirni gneuo as,erftll aso, t emhturdnu ylreing the vague stroei s Iahhdaedrmas hi.Trae  mderuc reht I .suoin tobegader  woneh rhwte eawhtret nos ehej r stsemse tedjeub, ct ehwlo e oatekhteriouslymatter soc gnuoy eht tpesamliil Wynecko  fetdai snhw,othei at hinglaug lrtaeet dht eamted; yet they al ,lltaht,si cxe ertts  ajoa ;ake ftisai  enaw repokeey sher  of  ehs tahnuah sawteepcc a tctfad re was sthat theleolsw ,o htref ipshTh. utboe theuq a retemognihnd t four, In hesai I w githtsn he tngmo alktan ommoc saw ti tah
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