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Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés B162772 - L140103971 déposé le 24/06/2014 MENTION Nom de la Société : Netflix Luxembourg S.à r.l. Siège Social : 26, Boulevard Royal Luxembourg L-2449 Numéro du Registre de Commerce : B 162.772. N° code donneur d’ordre : 1026 Les comptes annuels de la société Netflix Luxembourg S.à r.l. au 31/12/2013 ont été enregistrés et déposés au Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés. Pour mention aux fins de la publication au Mémorial, Recueil Spécial des Sociétés et Associations. Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés B162772 - L140103971 RCSL Nr. : B162772 Matricule : 2011 2429 981 enregistré et déposé le 24/06/2014 BALANCE SHEET Financial year from to01/01/2013 31/12/2013(in GBP )01 02 03 Netflix Luxembourg S.à r.l. 26, Boulevard Royal L-2449 Luxembourg ASSETS Reference(s) Current year Previous year A. Subscribed capital unpaid 0,00 0,001101 101 102 I. Subscribed capital not called 0,00 0,001103 103 104 II. Subscribed capital called but unpaid 0,00 0,001105 105 106 B. Formation expenses 1107 107 0,00 108 0,00 C. Fixed assets 187.761.063,85 105.464.456,721109 109 110 I. Intangible fixed assets 182.642.702,45 105.226.817,401111 111 112 1. Research and development costs 0,00 0,001113 113 114 2. Concessions, patents, licences, trade marks and similar rights and assets, if they were 182.642.702,45 105.226.817,401115 115 116 a) acquired for valuable consideration and need not be shown under C.I.3 4 182.642.702,45 105.226.


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Publié le 05 septembre 2014
Nombre de lectures 2 070
Langue Français
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Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés
B162772 - L140103971
déposé le 24/06/2014
Nom de la Société : Netflix Luxembourg S.à r.l.
Siège Social : 26, Boulevard Royal Luxembourg L-2449
Numéro du Registre de Commerce : B 162.772.
N° code donneur d’ordre : 1026
Les comptes annuels de la société Netflix Luxembourg S.à r.l. au 31/12/2013 ont été enregistrés et déposés au
Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés.
Pour mention aux fins de la publication au Mémorial, Recueil Spécial des Sociétés et Associations.Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés
B162772 - L140103971
RCSL Nr. : B162772 Matricule : 2011 2429 981 enregistré et déposé le 24/06/2014
Financial year from to01/01/2013 31/12/2013(in GBP )01 02 03
Netflix Luxembourg S.à r.l.
26, Boulevard Royal
L-2449 Luxembourg
Reference(s) Current year Previous year
A. Subscribed capital unpaid 0,00 0,001101 101 102
I. Subscribed capital not called 0,00 0,001103 103 104
II. Subscribed capital called but
unpaid 0,00 0,001105 105 106
B. Formation expenses 1107 107 0,00 108 0,00
C. Fixed assets 187.761.063,85 105.464.456,721109 109 110
I. Intangible fixed assets 182.642.702,45 105.226.817,401111 111 112
1. Research and development
costs 0,00 0,001113 113 114
2. Concessions, patents, licences,
trade marks and similar rights
and assets, if they were 182.642.702,45 105.226.817,401115 115 116
a) acquired for valuable
consideration and need not be
shown under C.I.3 4 182.642.702,45 105.226.817,401117 117 118
b) created by the undertaking
itself 0,00 0,001119 119 120
3. Goodwill, to the extent that it
was acquired for valuable
consideration 0,00 0,001121 121 122
4. Payments on account and
intangible fixed assets under
development 0,00 0,001123 123 124
II. Tangible fixed assets 0,00 227.787,841125 125 126
1. Land and buildings 0,00 0,001127 127 128
2. Plant and machinery 0,00 0,001129 129 130
The notes in the annex form an integral part of the annual accountsRCSL Nr. : B162772 Matricule : 2011 2429 981
Reference(s) Current year Previous year
3. Other fixtures and fittings, tools
and equipment 5 0,00 227.787,841131 131 132
4. Payments on account and
tangible fixed assets under
development 0,00 0,001133 133 134
III. Financial fixed assets 5.118.361,40 9.851,481135 135 136
1. Shares in affiliated undertakings 6 9.851,48 9.851,481137 137 138
2. Amounts owed by affiliated
undertakings 6 5.093.436,96 0,001139 139 140
3. Shares in undertakings with
which the company is linked
by virtue of participating
interests 0,00 0,001141 141 142
4. Amounts owed by undertakings
with which the company is
linked by virtue of participating
interests 1143 143 0,00 144 0,00
5. Securities held as fixed assets 0,00 0,001145 145 146
6. Loans and claims held as fixed
assets 6 15.072,96 0,001147 147 148
7. Own shares or own corporate
units 0,00 0,001149 149 150
D. Current assets 38.672.761,51 26.004.146,291151 151 152
I. Inventories 0,00 0,001153 153 154
1. Raw materials and consumables 0,00 0,001155 155 156
2. Work and contracts in progress 0,00 0,001157 157 158
3. Finished goods and
merchandise 0,00 0,001159 159 160
4. Payments on account 0,00 0,001161 161 162
II. Debtors 7 10.800.485,66 9.906.684,761163 163 164
1. Trade receivables 4.653.139,58 596.151,131165 165 166
a) becoming due and payable
within one year 4.653.139,58 596.151,131167 167 168
after more than one year 1169 169 0,00 170 0,00
2. Amounts owed by affiliated
undertakings 5.841.058,84 9.114.868,721171 171 172
a) becoming due and payable
within one year 5.841.058,84 9.114.868,721173 173 174
after more than one year 0,00 0,001175 175 176
3. Amounts owed by undertakings
with which the company is
linked by virtue of participating
interests 1177 177 0,00 178 0,00
a) becoming due and payable
within one year 0,00 0,001179 179 180
after more than one year 0,00 0,001181 181 182
4. Other receivables 306.287,24 195.664,911183 183 184
a) becoming due and payable
within one year 306.287,24 195.664,911185 185 186
The notes in the annex form an integral part of the annual accountsRCSL Nr. : B162772 Matricule : 2011 2429 981
Reference(s) Current year Previous year
b) becoming due and payable
0,00 0,00after more than one year 1187 187 188
III. Transferable securities 0,00 0,001189 189 190
1. Shares in affiliated undertakings
and in undertakings with which
the company is linked by virtue
of participating interests 1191 191 0,00 192 0,00
2. Own shares or own corporate
units 0,00 0,001193 193 194
3. Other transferable securities 0,00 0,001195 195 196
IV. Cash at bank, cash in postal cheque
accounts, cheques and cash in hand 27.872.275,85 16.097.461,531197 197 198
E. Prepayments 201.423,68 279.930,831199 199 200
TOTAL (ASSETS) 226.635.249,04 131.748.533,84201 202
The notes in the annex form an integral part of the annual accountsRCSL Nr. : B162772 Matricule : 2011 2429 981
Reference(s) Current year Previous year
A. Capital and reserves 1301 301 6.100.586,36 302 740.771,60
I. Subscribed capital 8 11.657,94 11.657,941303 303 304
II. Share premium and similar
premiums 0,00 0,001305 305 306
III. Revaluation reserves 0,00 0,001307 307 308
IV. Reserves 1309 309 1.083,24 310 0,00
1. Legal reserve 9 10 1.083,24 0,001311 311 312
2. Reserve for own shares or own
corporate units 0,00 0,001313 313 314
3. Reserves provided for by the
articles of association 0,00 0,001315 315 316
4. Other reserves 0,00 0,001317 317 318
V. Profit or loss brought forward 10 728.030,42 -252.528,301319 319 320
VI. Profit or loss for the financial year 10 5.359.814,76 981.641,961321 321 322
VII. Interim dividends 0,00 0,001323 323 324
VIII. Capital investment subsidies 0,00 0,001325 325 326
IX. Temporarily not taxable capital
gains 0,00 0,001327 327 328
B. Subordinated debts 11 33.056.776,19 20.635.440,771329 329 330
C. Provisions 0,00 0,001331 331 332
1. Provisions for pensions and
similar obligations 0,00 0,001333 333 334
2. Provisions for taxation 0,00 0,001335 335 336
3. Other provisions 0,00 0,001337 337 338
D. Non subordinated debts 12 168.159.865,53 104.066.674,761339 339 340
1. Debenture loans 0,00 0,001341 341 342
a) Convertible loans 0,00 0,001343 343 344
i) becoming due and payable
within one year 0,00 0,001345 345 346
after more than one year 0,00 0,001347 347 348
b) Non convertible loans 1349 349 0,00 350 0,00
i) becoming due and payable
within one year 0,00 0,001351 351 352
after more than one year 0,00 0,001353 353 354
2. Amounts owed to credit
institutions 0,00 0,001355 355 356
a) becoming due and payable
within one year 0,00 0,001357 357 358
after more than one year 0,00 0,001359 359 360
The notes in the annex form an integral part of the annual accountsRCSL Nr. : B162772 Matricule : 2011 2429 981
Reference(s) Current year Previous year
3. Payments received on account
of orders as far as they are not
deducted distinctly from
inventories 0,00 0,001361 361 362
a) becoming due and payable
within one year 0,00 0,001363 363 364
after more than one year 0,00 0,001365 365 366
4. Trade creditors 161.244.995,86 100.180.371,231367 367 368
a) becoming due and payable
within one year 118.826.829,24 73.586.233,991369 369 370
after more than one year 42.418.166,62 26.594.137,241371 371 372
5. Bills of exchange payable 0,00 0,001373 373 374
a) becoming due and payable
within one year 0,00 0,001375 375 376
after more than one year 0,00 0,001377 377 378
6. Amounts owed to affiliated
undertakings 1.603.916,07 1.332.487,051379 379 380
a) becoming due and payable
within one year 1381 381 1.603.916,07 382 1.332.487,05
after more than one year 0,00 0,001383 383 384
7. Amounts owed to undertakings
with which the company is
linked by virtue of participating
interests 0,00 0,001385 385 386
a) becoming due and payable
within one year 1387 387 0,00 388 0,00
after more than one year 0,00 0,001389 389 390
8. Tax and social security debts 5.310.953,60 2.553.816,481391 391 392
a) Tax debts1393 393 394
b) Social security debts 1395 395 0,00 396 0,00
9. Other creditors 0,00 0,001397 397 398
a) becoming due and payable
within one year 0,00 0,001399 399 400
after more than one year 0,00 0,001401 401 402
E. Deferred income 19.318.020,96 6.305.646,711403 403 404
TOTAL (LIABILITIES) 226.635.249,04 131.748.533,84405 406
The notes in the annex form an integral part of the annual accountsRCSL Nr. : B162772 Matricule : 2011 2429 981
Financial year from to01/01/2013 31/12/2013(in GBP )01 02 03
Netflix Luxembourg S.à r.l.
26, Boulevard Royal
L-2449 Luxembourg
Reference(s) Current year Previous year
1. Use of merchandise, raw materials and
consumable materials 4.455,84 138.742,111601 601 602
2. Other external charges 58.626.695,85 43.682.089,5

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