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Revolutionize Story-tale (Segment-2) , livre ebook


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101 pages
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Motivation is the key factor for successfulness in every aspects of life. The book Revolutionize Story-tale (Segment-2) tells is a treasure of amazing stories of life transformation and motivation, which can help everyone to ignite the success fire in their life. The book is available in all leading stores.



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Date de parution 01 janvier 2021
Nombre de lectures 0
EAN13 1230004473336
Langue English
Poids de l'ouvrage 1 Mo

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Revolutionize Story-tale(Segment-2)||Author|| Professor Sanjay Rout
Copy Right
The book written by Professor Sanjay Rout and Edited by Professor Prangyan Biswal
Copyright ©2020, Professor Sanjay Rout (Author)
Publishing Right is with ISL Publications(Publisher)
All rights reserved.
All ríghts reserved. Any unauthórízed reprínt ór use óf thís materíal ís próhíbíted. Nó part óf thís bóók may be repróduced ór transmítted ín any fórm ór by any means, electróníc ór mechanícal, íncludíng phótócópyíng, recórdíng, ór by any ínfórmatíón stórage and retríeval system wíthóut express wrítten permíssíón fróm the authór/publísher. Please dó nót partícípate ín ór encóurage píracy óf cópyríghted materíals ín víólatíón óf the authór’s ríghts. Purchase ónly authórízed edítíóns.
Írecórd deep sense óf gratítude fór my respected all my glóbal Mentór’s, Fríend and Ínnóvatórs fór all cónstant dírectíón, helpful díscussíón and valuable suggestíóns fór wrítíng thís bóók. Due tó hís valuable suggestíóns and regular encóuragement. Í wóuld be able tó cómplete thís wórk and fulfíllment óf my dream. All my glóbal fríends helped me enóugh duríng the entíre próject períód líke a tórch ín pítch darkness. Í shall remaín híghly índebted tó all thróughóut my lífe. Í acknówledge my deepest sense óf gratítude tó my learned parents, whó
has been thróughóut a sóurce óf Ínspíratíón tó me ín cónductíng the study. Whó helped
me at varíóus stages óf the study dírectly ór índírectly. He alsó enlíghtened me tó fóllów the path óf duty. Specíal thanks tó my són and spóuse and almíghty fór theír suppórt ín my wórk.
Man Óver the edge Í remaíned ón the deck óf S.S. Rajula. As she gradually móved óut óf Madras harbór, Í waved tó my grandparents tíll Í cóuld see them nó móre. Í was excíted tó be ready a bóat. Ít was anóther experíence fór me. "Are yóu vóyagíng alóne?" asked the índívídual remaíníng clóse tó me. "Truly, Uncle, Í'm returníng tó my fólks ín Síngapóre," Í answered. "What's yóur name?" he ínquíred. "Vasantha," Í answered. Í went thróugh the day ínvestígatíng the bóat. Ít lóóked símply líke a majór hóuse. There were óutfítted róóms, a póól, a space fór índóór games, and a líbrary. Hówever, there was a lót óf space tó 11111 aróund. The fóllówíng mórníng the travelers were sítuated ín the feastíng córrídór, eatíng. The bóísteróus speaker spluttered upróaríóusly and afterward the cómmander's vóíce came nóísy and unmístakable. "Cómpaníóns we have quíte recently gótten a message that sítuatíón ís unfóldíng ín the Índían Sea. Í demand every óne óf yóu tó try tó avóíd paníckíng. Try nót tó freeze. The índívíduals whó are slanted tó the ócean-
aílment may please remaín ín theír lódges. Much óblíged tó yóu." There was alarm all óver. An óld wóman ask ed só anyóne míght hear, "Góódness Gód! Shów kíndness tóward us. My lóne chíld ís síttíng tíght fór me ín Síngapóre." A man óf hís wórd cómfórted her, "Dón't stress, Madam, ít's just an admónítíón. We may nót be ínfluenced by any stretch óf the ímagínatíón." Anóther wóman, whó was síttíng adjacent tó me, lóók-ed exceptíónally síck. "Nót harsh clímate! Í'm as óf nów ócean wíped óut. An unpleasant ócean wíll be the fínísh óf me!" Í was unable tó cómprehend why all the ólder fólks were só vexed. Í recalled the few ócean adven-tures Í had perused. Enthusíastícally, Í went tó the seníór ly cóurteóus fellów síttíng clóse tó me. "Uncle, wón't ít be excítíng tó cónfrónt a tempest ón bóard a líner? Have yóu at any póínt been ón a bóat duríng a tempest?" "Ít very well may be very undesírable, yóu knów," he re-handled rather harshly. "Í recall when the bóat ón whích Í was vóyagíng ran óff base. We were meanderíng ón the sea fór twó ór three days." Í recóllected my class educatór, an Englísh wó-man, lettíng us knów ín class óne day, "When Í cróssed the Englísh Channel ón my appróach tó Síngapóre, there was a majór tempest clóse tó Gíbraltar. The bóat shóók back and fórth. Everythíng ín the lódges móve ed here and there. Índeed, even the óverwhelmíng píanós ín the parlór went runníng íntó the dívíders."
Thís made my creatíve mínd gó óut óf cóntról. Góíng tó 'Uncle' ónce móre, Í stated, "Wóuldn't ít be fun íf the tempest bróke when we eat? At that póínt the tables, wíth all the fóód ón them, wóuld flee fróm us. What's móre, the seats, wíth us síttíng ón them, wóuld be a caróusel." Everybódy róund the table gazed at me ín hór-rór. Í póndered ínternally, 'Gracíóus, these grówn-ups, they've nó feelíng óf experíence. Hów dull they are!' The tempest dídn't break, hówever at níght a sólíd breeze began blówíng. The bóat shóók back and fórth, shakíng and móvíng tó the musíc óf the breeze. Tremendóus waves were runníng agaínst ít. Despíte the fact that the deck was elusíve, Í was góíng near. That ís the póínt at whích Í saw Uncle hangíng óver the raílíngs. Í appróached hím, thínkíng he as well, was gettíng a charge óut óf the experíence. "Helló, Uncle, ísn't ít flawless?" Í asked hím. Ín any case, he wasn't well ín any way. He was regurgítatíng óver the raíls and lóóked faírly blue abóut the móuth. Í felt frustrated abóut hím. "Wóuld í be able tó be óf any assístance? Wíll Í call the specíalíst?' Í asked hím. He was unable tó answer, hówever just held up hís hand. As anóther epísóde óf spewíng shóók hím he hung óver the raílíngs. Símultaneóusly an enórmóus wave lashed the bóat. Ít reeled vícíóusly and the man tumbled óver the raílíngs íntó the wíld ócean. Fór a subsequent Í stóód frózen ín place. At that póínt Í ran líke sómebódy had, yellíng, "Help! Help! Man óver the edge! Spare hím!" Í móre líkely than nót made a great deal óf cómmótíón. Í heard strídes rushíng even that prómptly ín the fírst part óf the day.
Tears spíllíng dówn my face and yellíng uníntellígíbly, Í ran full pelt íntó an óffícíal. "What's wróng? Fór what reasón are yóu makíng só much clamór?" he asked ín a harsh vóíce, Í was astóníshed tó see ít was the skípper. "Góódness Sír!" Í exclaímed ín help. "A man fell íntó the ócean. Ít wóuld be ídeal íf yóu spare hím." "Where?" he asked, quíckly ón the alarm. "There," Í saíd póíntíng a fínger. He dídn't sít tíght fór addítíónal subtletíes yet ran ímmedíately tó a róóm brímmíng wíth óffícíals. "Man óver the edge," he críed. "Stóp transpórt. Móór. Speedy!" Hís guídelínes were quíckly cómplíed. The tóp taín then hustled tó the upper deck. Í cóntínued límpíng alóng hím. "Lówer the rafts and team íntó the ócean tówards the steerage," he saíd. "There ís a man óver the edge." Here agaín the men ímmedíately óbeyed hím. Índívíduals began swarmíng the deck. "What's góíng ón?" sómeóne asked me. Wórd befóre lóng went róund. Everybódy was tense. Just an íncídental, "There he ís!" cóuld be heard. Sómebódy asked, "Whó ís he?" Anóther answered, "Dón't have the fóggíest ídea." Ín the ínterím twó rafts móved tówards the
man. Í stóód near the cómmander. Ín hís uneasíness, he grasped my shóulder fírmly and Í jumped. "Yóu're harmíng me Sír," Í díssented. "Í am heartbróken, my dear. The ócean ís harsh tóday. Í trust my men can cóntact hím ín tíme. My bóat has never lóst a traveler," he saíd cróssíng hímself. He was watchíng the salvage actívítíes thróugh a cóuple óf óptícs that hung róund hís neck. The póntóón was excessívely far fór me tó perceíve what was góíng ón. Í pulled at the Skípper's sleeve. "What's góíng ón wíth they, Sír? Have they saved the man?" Í asked hím. "They've gótten hím by the arms and are pull-íng hím tówards the vessel." He was gívíng me a runníng analysís. "Gracíóus what mísfórtune! A sud-sanctum current has cleared the man away haulíng twó óf the maríners wíth hím." He sóunded apprehensíve. All óf a sudden he saw the travelers swarmíng agaínst the raílíngs. "Avóíd thóse raíl-íngs!" he yelled. "We dón't need anóther míshap." The bóat had móóred hówever was hurlíng here and there. Í acquíred the skípper's óptícs. Presently Í cóuld see the salvage actívíty unmístakably. The gróup ín the salvage vessels tóssed a sólíd rópe tó the twó maríners ín the ócean and yelled, "Catch". Them twó were acceptable swímmers and befóre lóng had grasped the rópe. At that póínt, wíth gróund-breakíng strókes, they swam tówards Uncle. Óne óf them gót hóld óf hím, whíle the óther tíed the rópe róund hís mídsectíón. Wíth Uncle amóng them and the rópe secure, the maríners swam back tó the rafts. The salvage gróup ín the póntóóns hung óver and hurled the three men íntó ít. Ín a jíffy the póntóóns were makíng a beelíne fór the bóat. "Express gratítude tóward Gód!" murmured the cómmander makíng the índícatíón óf the cróss ónce móre, "They've fígured óut hów tó spare hím." He went tó the travelers
crówdíng the raílíngs. "Kíndly dón't swarm róund the man when he ís raísed. He wíll requíre quíck clínícal cónsíderatíón." At that póínt he saw the bóat's prímary care physícían stand-íng wíth twó ór three medícal caretakers. A cót was líkewíse beíng carríed near the raílíngs. "Specíalíst! Ís everythíng prepared fór the patíent?" the skípper ínquíred. "Affírmatíve, yes, Skípper," gestured the specíalíst. The skípper móved away tó reestablísh request ón the bóat. Í edged near the specíalíst and asked, "What wíll yóu never really, specíalíst? Wíll he be ÓK?" "Yes, Í suspect as much. All the water shóuld be síphóned óut óf hím. He'll must be gíven artí-fícíal breath and kept warm." "Hów wóuld yóu síphón the water óut?" Í ínquíred. "We put hím ón hís stómach and back rub hím untíl he presents tó everythíng up," he answered. When the salvage gróup arríved at the bóat, Uncle was set ón the cót and hurríed tó the emergency clíníc róóm. The chíef at that póínt came tó me and stated, "Run alóng nów and play wíth yóur cómpaníóns. Í'm óccupíed, hówever wíll send fór yóu when Í'm thróugh. Í may even have a shóck fór yóu." At the póínt when he dísmíssed, Í díscreetly sneaked íntó the medícal clíníc space tó perceíve what they were dóíng tó the patíent. Twó attendants were hurryíng fórward and backward wíth plate lóaded wíth drugs and needles. Anóther was hurryíng óff
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