Partition complète, Kol Nidrei, Lewandowski, Louis par Louis Lewandowski
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Partition complète, Kol Nidrei, Lewandowski, Louis par Louis Lewandowski


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14 pages
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Visionnez la partition de musique Kol Nidrei partition complète, Liturgies, par Lewandowski, Louis. La partition romantique écrite pour les instruments suivants: chœur mixte, voix, orgue
Cette partition comprend plusieurs mouvements et est classifiée dans les genres pour voix et chœur avec clavier, partitions pour piano, partitions pour violon, pour voix, chœur mixte, orgue, pour hautbois damore, basse hautbois (arr), pour piano (arr), partitions pour voix, pour 1 musicien, pour 2 instruments (arr), pour violon (arr), partitions pour hautbois, Liturgies, religieux travaux, partitions avec ouvert instrumentation, partitions pour basse hautbois, partitions pour viole de gambe, pour 2 musiciens, partitions pour violoncelle, Hebrew langue, pour violoncelle (arr), pour viole de gambe (arr), partitions pour basson, partitions pour orgue, partitions chœur mixte, partitions pour hautbois damore, pour hautbois, basson (arr), pour violon, piano (arr)
Obtenez en même temps une sélection de musique pour chœur mixte, voix, orgue sur YouScribe, dans la rubrique Partitions de musique romantique.
Rédacteur: Jennifer Paull
Edition: Amoris International. Edition AI EN 011.



Publié par
Nombre de lectures 33
Licence : En savoir +
Paternité, pas de modification
Langue Hebrew




Oboe d’amore ( Oboe ) & Bass Oboe ( Bassoon )

EN 011 Elaine Fine
( 1959- )

Elaine Fine was born in 1959 in Cleveland, Ohio, USA. She began
musical life as a violinist, but received a Bachelor of Music Degree in flute
performance from The Juilliard School of Music, New York, where she
was a student of Julius Baker. She studied recorder in Vienna, Baroque
flute in Boston and composition at Eastern Illinois University. Ms. Fine
remains active as a performing musician playing violin, viola, viola
d'amore, and recorders. She teaches at Lake Land College, in Mattoon,
Illinois, USA.

She has more than seventy published chamber works to her credit as well
as three operas, various pieces of orchestral music and numerous songs
and song cycles. Several chamber works have been recorded commercially.

As a writer, Elaine Fine has written numerous articles for The
Instrumentalist’s, Strings Magazine, The Journal of the American String
Teachers' Association and has contributed articles for Classical Music: The
Third Ear--The Essential Listening Companion, published by Backbeat
Books ( 2002 ). She has also been part of the reviewing staff of the
American Record Guide since 1993 and is the programme annotator for
the New Philharmonic, DuPage County, in Chicago’s metropolitan area.

Awards include a special commendation for her opera, The Snow Queen in
the 2003 Nancy Van de Vate International Composition prize for opera.
Her opera is scored for chamber orchestra, four singers (soprano, mezzo-
soprano, contralto, tenor) and four dancers. It is based upon the story of
the same name by the Danish writer, Hans Christian Andersen ( 1805-
1875 ). Elaine Fine has also received annual Awards from the American
Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers ( ASCAP ) from 2003 to


Kol Nidrei
Oboe d’amore ( Oboe ) & Bass Oboe ( Bassoon )
EN 011
Every year I play my own solo viola version of the Kol Nidrei prayer for
Yom Kippur, but in 2009 I decided to devise alternative versions to share
with other musicians interested in playing music for the Jewish High Holy
Days. The Kol Nidrei prayer is recited in the evening of Yom Kippur and,
in the Jewish faith, begins the yearly process of atonement.
I completed the working for oboe and bassoon in August 2009. In
September 2010, at the suggestion of Jennifer Paull, I extended the range
to two other members of the oboe family. Kol Nidrei can thus be
performed by any combination of the above instruments. The developed
melody, originally by Louis Lewandowski (1821-1894), is based upon a
traditional theme most probably centuries old.

Elaine Fine


Works by Elaine Fine published by Amoris International include the following

Summer Music SI 027

Monday Waltz EN 012

Sonata d’amore EN 013

Duo EN 014

There Are Things I Just Don’t Understand OR 005


Louis Lewandowski
( 1821 -1894)
arranged: Elaine Fine
Slowly and freely
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www.amoris.comOboe d'more & Bass Oboe2
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www.amoris.comAI EN 011

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