Corrigé Bac ES, S et L 2017 - LV2 Anglais
10 pages

Corrigé Bac ES, S et L 2017 - LV2 Anglais

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10 pages
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Extrait du corrigé :
Il fallait bien lire la consigne et choisir deux sujets. L’exigence de nombre de mots pour chaque sujet
est habituelle et raisonnable compte tenu des sujets proposés.
La notation tient compte de :
-le respect de la consigne (nombre de mots, …)
-la structure
-l’adéquation et la pertinence de vos idées
-la correction de la langue (grammaire, lexique et syntaxe)
Write a conversation
Au niveau de contrainte d’écriture, l’écriture nécessitait une forme de dialogue avec guillemets et
tirets. Nous devions utiliser principalement les temps du présent ou future. Vous pouviez mettre en
évidence les raisons de votre choix de destination et de période.
Write a speech
Il fallait respecter la forme du discours (avec un titre si possible) et choisir une suggestion en
particulier, utiliser un ton élogieux, l’humour, l’emphase, la répétition...
Pour gagner des points, il fallait bien entendu introduire le sujet, développer de manière logique (en
utilisant des mots de liaison), illustrer vos propos, et conclure.
Il s’agissait proposer un discours structuré. Voici quelques expressions :



Publié par
Publié le 21 juin 2017
Nombre de lectures 7 425
Langue Français


BaccalauréatES, L et S
Session 2017
Épreuve :Anglais LV2
Durée de l’épreuve : 2 heures
Coefficient : 2 à 8
Propriété exclusivedeStudyrama.Toutereproductionoudiffusioninterditesans autorisation.
Série L I.Compréhension de l’écrit DOCUMENT A A . 1. This document is a poster advertising the steamer boat to travel to the Americas. 2. It targets the third-class travellers, those who are poor. B. This steamer is much bigger in size than the other boats. It also has more powerful steam engines and we can see cabins to host the travelers. It conveys a majestic and mighty image of the steamer compared to the other little boats. C. The Statue of Liberty is associated with the ship because it was the frits thing that the migrants from Europe saw when they arrived on the new continent. It is shown in the far distance to symbolize the long journey from Europe to the USA. DOCUMENT B D. 1.Helen is Harry’s mother so Harry is Helen’s son.  2. Helen is proud of her son because he is going to work on the Titanic: l. 4 “the unmistakable look of pride on her face”. She is protective and careful as she checks his appearance: l. 2 “brushing flecks of dust from his trousers”. She also wants him to be polite with the customers: l. 9 “mind that you look after those third-class passengers”. E. It is a special day because Harry is going to board the Titanic as a steward. It is an honour for him and his mother. F. Harry is going to look after third-class passengers that is to say to serve them and ask them if they need something during they stay on the boat . G. Helen feels honoured that Harry is going to serve “people like themselves” l. 23 and she is enthusiastic because Harry is going to work on the Titanic “ this much-talked –about ship” l.19. She has “great pleasure in telling all her friends and neighbors about it” l.20. H. 1. FALSE Harry had been assigned to steerage class, to look after people like themselves” l. 22-23  2. TRUE “her son was going to be one of the three hundred stewards who would work on this … ship” l. 18-19  3. FALSE “American billionaires … had chosen to sail on the Titanicto make business contacts or to give them something to boast about …” l.14-15  4. FALSE “it hadn’t actually been Harry’s intention to work on the ship at all” l. 25
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I. 1. Helen comes from the working class. 2. She gives him two pieces of advice: first to work hard and then to treat third-class passengers the same as rich ones. This may be related to her background because she doesn’t want her son to forget where he comes from. He must remember that he is the same as the people he is going to work for. J. Although Helen is working class and doesn’t want to mix with rich people l. 14 “no time at all for the stuck-p American millionaires”, she would nevertheless like to experience the wealthy way of life. She would like to rise above her standards, for example by “to know exactly how ostentatious the first-class accommodations were” l.20-21. K. Harry doesn’t pay real attention to, he doesn’t really care about the Titanic on which he is going to work while his mother is amazed and overjoyed at the idea . L. The Walsh family has always worked on the docks of Southampton without probably having ever travelled on a steamer. Therefore when she calls her son with his full name, she feels it is an honour for her family to have her son do this for the first time. DOCUMENT C M. This document focuses on rich and famous travellers. N. 1. “a rare gathering it was” l. 2  2. “many celebrated names” l. 3  3. “ those who made ocean crossings regularly found acquaintances” l. 7 O. 1. Name Job Destination Purpose Frank Millet artist Washington Design Lincoln Memorial Archie Butt White House aide Home Election campaign Lady Duff Gordon coututière NY city Business in her salon 2. They are portrayed as high-achievers, people who work hard to make it in their line of business. It makes them different from the other group as they symbolize the myth of the self-made man /woman. They achieved their goals of being either famous or rich by doing what they really like. Their work ethics is strong. th P. At the beginning of the 20 century when the Titanic crossed the Atlantic, the British society was going to the US to succeed in their careers. The fact that they were artist or businessmen show this ‘” exquisite microcosm” of King Edward VII’s England. British people at that time were refined and posh and they travelled to bring their art and gifts to the new world.
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DOCUMENTS A B C Q. To begin with, the Titanic was just a ship to join the old continent with the new one. Anyone who could afford the fare could board her. She became a symbol of mixing classes in one broad place. On the one hand, working class and upper class could join together on board even though they didn’t really mix. On the other hand she brought to American great talents and gifted people. That’s why it is considered a microcosm. NB : ship is female so not it but SHE R. All these documents present them as an object of fascination because she symbolized the access to the new world where a lot of migrants wanted to go. At that time, she was the only means of transport to cross the ocean. This was also the place where all the society could make acquaintances. Her appearance was so outstanding that it appealed to all citizens, poor and wealthy alike. S. The Titanic enabled wealthy people to put themselves on stage as though they were performing some kind of play. Everyone would stare at them in the restaurant hall, there would be great balls. The fact that this ship is advertised in the first documents is also important to understand how she became a theatre. Passengers boarded her not only for the pleasure of travelling but also for their business. Thus we can say that her presentation went beyond that of a mere means of transport. 4 Propriété exclusivedeStudyrama.Toutereproductionoudiffusioninterditesans autorisation.
II.Expression écrite L LVO Au choix 2 sujets de création : écrire une page de journal ou écrire un discours SUJET 1 Dear diary Today is April 15th 1910. I’ve been travelling on this amazing ship or 5 days now, it’s unbelievable how she goes swiftly and softly at the same time. I am in the steerage class with my parents, we don’t have much space and we feel seasick but the view from our little window is outstanding. I keep thinking about the day when we left Southampton, we were so frightened about leaving the land. I can hardly remember why we left in the first place. Now I do! My father wants to start his business in New York, he thinks he will be better off with new customers. However we have very little money so I hope we’re gonna manage. I wish we had more because I know life s going to be tough over there. I heard that new migrants had to go through a place called Ellis Island in NY bay , and that they refused some migrants in. I fear my father who is in poor health light be rejected, and we would have travelled so far for nothing. The food is disgusting on board, actually we eat very little, it’s difficult to have fresh air too because sometimes we can’t go on the deck, only rich people are allowed. Lie is boring too even though we play dice with my mother. Oh my mother’s calling me I have to go now. Write to you again soon dear diary. Nancy Little SUJET 2 Ladies and Gentlemen I am here today as the head of the White Star Line Company to celebrate the first travelling of our extraordinary boat the Titanic. She will sail across the Atlantic for 300 days with special guests on her board. You can see her behind us, rising high up in the sky, almost hiding it. I am proud to show our long-making ship, I say long-making for you can imagine it took years to build it. She will be renowned all the world from now on . Think of all the trips she will do with famous, upper and working class passengers. It won’t be her first and only trip ,I can assure you ! Now let’s celebrate this moment with champagne, you know the tradition is to let a bottle swing to her side. I welcome the mayor of Southampton for this event, he is joining me right now. Dear mayor, would you like to help me throw this bottle against her prow? The Titanic has been waiting for this moment for quite a while now. Are the photographers ready? Mayor, 1 2 3 go … and the Titanic is baptised now. 5 Propriété exclusivedeStudyrama.Toutereproductionoudiffusioninterditesans autorisation.
L LVA Sujet 1 ( sujet 2 identique au L LVO) When Robert Louis Stevenson wrote this quote about the goal of travelling, he was probably crossing another country or continent. The key idea is to go but to move. To what extent does this quote represent the idea of travelling? On the one hand, travelling is not just aimed at going from one place to another but to appreciate the movement, the distance you travel between these two places. The destination is not the goal , what you do during this travel is the purpose . Moving is opposed to staying, in Stevenson’s words it becomes and art just like any form. It‘s like painting which can be art for its own sake, just for the action and not for the final production. On the other hand, what is there in travelling if not the destination, you usually go on a tour to visit some specific site, not just to take a means of transport. Your goal is to see the place you had planned to see from the start. When he said this, I believe he meant that travelling consists in the joy of moving physically but also mentally. He who was a great explorer and who wrote the famous book “Treasure Island” must have seen many places in the world to identify travel as a goal in his life. To conclude, I would say I agree with his idea of travelling although travelling also means the discovery of the place at the end of the trip and not just the action. Travelling is not so important nowadays as we can get the idea of it through social media and with the Internet. 6 Propriété exclusivedeStudyrama.Toutereproductionoudiffusioninterditesans autorisation.
Série ES-S I.Compréhension de l’écrit DOCUMENT A A . 1. This document is a poster advertising the steamer boat to travel to the Americas. 2. It targets the third-class travellers, those who are poor. B. This steamer is much bigger in size than the other boats. It also has more powerful steam engines and we can see cabins to host the travelers. It conveys a majestic and mighty image of the steamer compared to the other little boats. DOCUMENT B C. 1.Helen is Harry’s mother so Harry is Helen’s son.  2. Helen is proud of her son because he is going to work on the Titanic: l. 4 “the unmistakable look of pride on her face”. She is protective and careful as she checks his appearance: l. 2 “brushing flecks of dust from his trousers”. She also wants him to be polite with the customers: l. 9 “mind that you look after those third-class passengers”. D. It is a special day because Harry is going to board the Titanic as a steward. It is an honour for him and his mother. E. Harry is going to look after third-class passengers that is to say to serve them and ask them if they need something during they stay on the boat . F. Helen feels honoured that Harry is going to serve “people like themselves” l. 23 and she is enthusiastic because Harry is going to work on the Titanic “ this much-talked –about ship” l.19. She has “great pleasure in telling all her friends and neighbors about it” l.20. G. 1. FALSE Harry had been assigned to steerage class, to look after people like themselves” l. 22-23  2. TRUE “her son was going to be one of the three hundred stewards who would work on this … ship” l. 18-19  3. FALSE “American billionaires … had chosen to sail on the Titanicto make business contacts or to give them something to boast about …” l.14-15  4. FALSE “it hadn’t actually been Harry’s intention to work on the ship at all” l. 25
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H. 1. Helen comes from the working class. 2. She gives him two pieces of advice: first to work hard and then to treat third-class passengers the same as rich ones. This may be related to her background because she doesn’t want her son to forget where he comes from. He must remember that he is the same as the people he is going to work for. I. Although Helen is working class and doesn’t want to mix with rich people l. 14 “no time at all for the stuck-p American millionaires”, she would nevertheless like to experience the wealthy way of life. She would like to rise above her standards, for example by “to know exactly how ostentatious the first-class accommodations were” l.20-21. DOCUMENT C J. This document focuses on rich and famous travellers. K. 1. “a rare gathering it was” l. 2  2. “many celebrated names” l. 3  3. “ those who made ocean crossings regularly found acquaintances” l. 7 L. 1. Name Job Destination Purpose Frank Millet artist Washington Design Lincoln Memorial Archie Butt White House aide Home Election campaign Lady Duff Gordon coututière NY city Business in her salon 2. They are portrayed as high-achievers, people who work hard to make it in their line of business. It makes them different from the other group as they symbolize the myth of the self-made man /woman. They achieved their goals of being either famous or rich by doing what they really like. Their work ethics is strong. DOCUMENTS A B C M. To begin with, the Titanic was just a ship to join the old continent with the new one. Anyone who could afford the fare could board her. She became a symbol of mixing classes in one broad place. On the one hand, working class and upper class could join together on board even though they didn’t really mix. On the other hand she brought to American great talents and gifted people. That’s why it is considered a microcosm. NB : ship is female so not it but SHE 8 Propriété exclusivedeStudyrama.Toutereproductionoudiffusioninterditesans autorisation.
II.Expression écrite ES - S Au choix 2 sujets de création : écrire une page de journal ou écrire un discours SUJET 1 Dear diary Today is April 15th 1910. I’ve been travelling on this amazing ship or 5 days now, it’s unbelievable how she goes swiftly and softly at the same time. I am in the steerage class with my parents, we don’t have much space and we feel seasick but the view from our little window is outstanding. I keep thinking about the day when we left Southampton, we were so frightened about leaving the land. I can hardly remember why we left in the first place. Now I do! My father wants to start his business in New York, he thinks he will be better off with new customers. However we have very little money so I hope we’re gonna manage. I wish we had more because I know life s going to be tough over there. I heard that new migrants had to go through a place called Ellis Island in NY bay , and that they refused some migrants in. I fear my father who is in poor health light be rejected, and we would have travelled so far for nothing. The food is disgusting on board, actually we eat very little, it’s difficult to have fresh air too because sometimes we can’t go on the deck, only rich people are allowed. Lie is boring too even though we play dice with my mother. Oh my mother’s calling me I have to go now. Write to you again soon dear diary. Nancy Little SUJET 2 Ladies and Gentlemen I am here today as the head of the White Star Line Company to celebrate the first travelling of our extraordinary boat the Titanic. She will sail across the Atlantic for 300 days with special guests on her board. You can see her behind us, rising high up in the sky, almost hiding it. I am proud to show our long-making ship, I say long-making for you can imagine it took years to build it. She will be renowned all the world from now on . Think of all the trips she will do with famous, upper and working class passengers. It won’t be her first and only trip ,I can assure you ! Now let’s celebrate this moment with champagne, you know the tradition is to let a bottle swing to her side. I welcome the mayor of Southampton for this event, he is joining me right now. Dear mayor, would you like to help me throw this bottle against her prow? The Titanic has been waiting for this moment for quite a while now. Are the photographers ready? Mayor, 1 2 3 go … and the Titanic is baptised now. 9 Propriété exclusivedeStudyrama.Toutereproductionoudiffusioninterditesans autorisation.
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