Sabrina Ho
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People’s impression of Sabrina is inseparable from her family’s history, but at the age of only 25 she shows another side as a career woman.


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Publié le 21 janvier 2017
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Sabrina Ho: New Macau with Art
人們 對何超盈的印象離不開ࠕ賭王千金ࠖ㏺個關鍵詞,但ᖺ僅 她卻是有著女強 歲,滿懷天賦藝術藙華蘏 25 Magazine &More People’s impression of Sabrina is inseparable from her family’s history, but at the age of only 25 she shows another side as a career woman. She practised painting since childhood and majored in art, she use her artistic talent in business development, pay high effort to promote the development of art in Macau as to create an international art exchange platform for the city.Sabrina Hoshared with Magazine & More her work experience and plan, as well as her perspective on Macau’s art industry.M&M: 藝術⯅商業兩者ᡃ都非常喜歡,藝術自小便是ᡃ的愛好,因Ṉ在大學的時候,ᡃ亦選擇主修藝術,但是 S: ᡃ認為修讀藝術不一定要做畫家,ᡃྍ௨從很多方面實現藝術,把藝術融入ᡃ的 ࠋ而商業亦是ᡃ很 life style ᕫ的஦業,同時更ᑘ學習到的商科ᑙ業知識實際㐠用出來,௧兩者相㍜相ᡂࠋ M&M: You have studied art and business. Which one do you like more and why? S: Both art and business are my favorite subjects. I like art since I was a child and I chose this as my major in university. Majoring in art does not mean that I have to be a painter, I can practice art in many aspects and integrate it with my lifestyle. Business is also a sector I am interested in, so I am happy to have the opportunity to combine the two sectors. Art is my current career. Furthermore, I can apply the professional business knowledge in the real world because the two sectors are complement of each other.
您ྍ௨跟ᡃ們 分ா一ୗ你在保利的工作經歷嗎? M&M: S: 2.45 率領ᑙ家團隊到訪໭ிࠊୖ海及ྎ灣等地展開徵集活動,拜訪當地的藝術收藏家,並㐟 說他們蚚供收藏品 同地方的收藏家,見識到更多不同類型的收藏品,了解各個市場的收藏情況ࠊ各種收藏品歷史及創作背景 ,大大提升了在藝術௨及收藏方面的知識ࠋ M&M: Can you talk about your experience working in Poly Macau. S: Poly Group is a professional company in art works auction. The first auction we held in Macau was a big success with the total trading of 245 million Hong Kong dollars, creating the record of highest average trading price of a single art piece in Hong Kong and Macau. When I was preparing the ȃThe First Macao Poly “rt “uctionȄ, I went to ”eijing, Shanghai ,Taiwan and other place with a group of experts to promote the event and visited local art collectors to convince them to provide their collections. The purpose was to collect more and better valuable collections for the auction. During the visits, I had the opportunity to meet collectors from different places so that i can know more about the different types of collections and the markets in different places as well as their background and history. My knowledge in art and collection has expanded a lot.
麗景灣酒店的翻新工作是您負責的項目之一,請問對於㏺個項目您是從哪裡受到 M&M:啟發,您遇到最大 的挑戰是什麼滿S: 鄰近地༐的藝術酒店獲得 啟發的,在韓國ˣ日本ˣ⎘灣等地藝術酒店已經非常流行ˤ藝術酒店⎗以將各種 藝術設計融入酒店空間,其實藝術作品不單只是一件擺設,它更富有生命力,⎗以滲透到酒店每一個角落 ,ㆸ為酒店的一部分ˤㆹ希望藉著本次翻新麗景灣酒店的項目,將藝術酒店帶到來澳門,為澳門帶來前所 未有的酒店模式
而在翻新的過程中對ᡃ來 既要保留麗景灣原有的葡式古 ඾建築風格同時,亦要為它注 說遇到最大蘏挑蘭, 入新元素,因為麗景灣酒店在 ᖺ௦ᕬ經建ᡂ,距今ᕬ有 多ᖺ的歷史,要ᑘ古 ඾風格⯅藝術元素不矛盾 80 30 的相互結合,才能ᡂ為一種ᑙ屬麗景灣現在的獨有風格ࠋM&M: You worked before in the renovation of Regency Hotel. What inspire you to create this project and what were your biggest challenges? S: There are many grand and luxurious hotels in Macau, but we have insufficient young and artistic hotels. The idea of renovating Regency Hotel was originated from art hotels in neighboring areas. In fact, art hotels are very popular in South Korea, Japan and Taiwan, etc. It is possible to add art elements to hotel designs. Art works are not just for decoration, they are alive and coexist harmoniously with the hotel. You can say they are part of the hotel. By renovating the Regency Hotel, I wish to bring the culture of art hotel to Macau and start a new business model. The biggest challenge in renovating the hotel is to preserve the original Portuguese architecture style while adding new elements, since the hotel was completed in the 1980s and had a history of 30 years. It is important to maintain the unique Regency style by combining the classical style and art elements naturally. M&M: 脫穎而出 With the least área of land, Macau is the city which have the greatest number of luxury hotels. Do you think the new Regency Hotel can stand out among competitiors and also in the área of art?S: 麗景灣酒店有別於澳門現時酒店的定位及模式,各自吸納不同的客源ࠋᡃ有信心麗景灣酒店在翻新之後, As I mentioned before, majority of Macau hotels style is grandeur and luxury . However, there are no boutique hotels base on the art theme. The new Regency Hotel will set a different position and model to attract different customers. I am confident that when the renovation work is completed, the new business model can bring new inspirations for the Macau hotel industry.
在空餘時間,您有什麼愛好? M&M: What are your hobbies in your spare time? ᡃ喜歡去旅行,因為在不同目的地的 S: 很多新靈感,把㏺些新的東西帶回來, 能在ᡃ工作ୖ得到新的 ࠋ 啟發I like travelling. It is because I can discover new things and get new ideas by going different places. Then I will put them in my work and it will be enlightened. 您喜愛收藏畫作,那麼你選擇㏺ M&M: You also like collecting paintings, do you have any requirements in choosing them? 在挑選畫作收藏的時候,ᡃ選擇由心 S: 出發ࠋᡃ很着重⯅作品的第一眼感覺, 着重作品是否௧ᡃ一見傾心ࠊ能否讓ᡃ 有特別的感覺ࠋ對於喜愛的作品,ᡃ會 更有⯆趣去研究它的背景ࠊ畫家當時的個人經歷等,了解畫背後的故஦,從而讓ᡃྍ௨更好地⯅那幅作品 溝㏻ࠋ When choosing the painting collections, my principle is to follow my heart. I believe in my first impression to the work. It is the key that if the painting can make me fall for it at the first sight and feel its uniqueness. For those paintings I like, I will be more interested to study its background, its painter’s experiences and the story behind it so that I can have better communication with the painting. M&M: Do you think fashion and art have similarities? 你認為時尚⯅藝術有共同的地方嗎? 時尚⯅藝術雖是兩個不同的領域,但ᡃ認為彼Ṉ的共㏻點有很多,而㏺兩者ᡃ都喜愛ࠋ時尚是藝術的一 S: 種,都是自ᡃ表現的形式,作者ྍ௨㏻過它們 把自ᕫ獨特的想法及思維展現出來,因Ṉ每件作品都是獨一 無஧的㸹同時它們 都ල有無界限的創作空間,ྍ௨讓作者設計出新✛及⯅別不同的作品ࠋ Although fashion and art are two different area, I think they have a lot of similarities and both are my favorites. Fashion is a kind of art. They are a form of self expression. The author can express his distinctive ideas and thoughts through the two forms, so each work is unique. Fashion and art have no boundaries and have unlimited creation space for the author to design innovative and special works. M&M:What is your opinion for Macau’s art and fashion industry?對於澳門的藝術⯅時尚業,您是怎麼看的? S:
Compared with other Asian markets, Macau is still at the beginning stage and has slower development in this industry. In recent years, the Government focus more on art and fashion, so I believe it will help the local professionals to display their creativity and strength. Meanwhile we also do the same thing. The establishment of Sabrina Culture can facilitate the Government in promoting the cultural development and provide a platform for international exchange. Thus, the industry professionals can have more opportunities to show their talents. M&M: What are the biggest differences you find from new Macau to the old one? ௨前的澳門較為傳統,地方小,人亦較少,人⯅人之間 S: 發蘪 The old Macau is more traditional. It is a small place with small population, people know each other and the community is more intimate. The new Macau has more large scale foreign companies, bringing vibrancy, dynamics and opportunities. It is a progress which encourageMacau’s development.
您未來有什麼඼他項目嗎? M&M: What other projects do you have in the future?
現時除了麗景灣的翻新項目之外,自ᕫ現在也有負責 S:ȃ 香港蘭桂芳 一間精品酒店的項目ࠋᡃ希望明ᖺྍ௨再次 Ȅ 夠邀請更多不同地區的藝術 家參與ˤ在未來,亦希望持續舉辦更多不同類型ˣ不同界 別ˣ更多元化的藝術活動,推動澳門文化藝術的發展Apart from the innovation project of Regency Hotel, I am also in charge of a boutique hotel project in Lan Kwai Fong. I hope to hold another hotel art exhibition fair in next year and invite more artists from different places to participate. In the future, I hope to host more different and diversified art events to promote the cultural and art development of Macau.
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