Proverbes et structures stéréotypées - article ; n°1 ; vol.123, pg 85-104









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Langue française - Année 1999 - Volume 123 - Numéro 1 - Pages 85-104
Christine MICHAUX, Proverbs and stereotyped structures Proverbs are traditionally described either as being a proposition or as being a name. In this paper, 1 shall concentrate on the second definition type and analyse Kleiber's proposal on that matter. Kleiber claims indeed that proverbs can be defined by taking into account the nature of the referential relation in which they enter. In this perspective, Kleiber makes of the referential relation by proverb a referential relation similar to that linking a name to its referent. In this sense, proverbs should be considered in Kleiber's terms as a « metalinguistics » denomination. The first step of my analysis will consist in checking Kleiber's hypothesis by testing the validity of such a nominal conception of the proverb. This investigation will lead to a double conclusion. On the one hand, proverbs exhibit referential specificities that are note shared by names. On the other hand, defining proverbs in purely denominative terms can be shown not to provide a satisfying picture of proverbial semantics. The second step of the analysis shall then consist in introducing the phrasal dimension that characterises propositionalist approaches. The aim will be at that stage to put together the nominal and phrasal traits observed in all proverbial units. The last stage of my analysis will consist in describing an interpretative procedure integrating the specificities of this double proverbial status.
20 pages
Source : Persée ; Ministère de la jeunesse, de l’éducation nationale et de la recherche, Direction de l’enseignement supérieur, Sous-direction des bibliothèques et de la documentation.
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01 janvier 1999

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Proverbes et structures stéréotypées In: Langue française. N°123, 1999. pp. 85-104.
C. Michaux
Abstract Christine Michaux, Proverbs and stereotyped structures Proverbs are traditionally described either as being a proposition or as being a name. In this paper, 1 shall concentrate on the second definition type and analyse Kleiber's proposal on that matter. Kleiber claims indeed that proverbs can be defined by taking into account the nature of the referential relation in which they enter. In this perspective, Kleiber makes of the referential relation by proverb a referential relation similar to that linking a name to its referent. In this sense, proverbs should be considered in Kleiber's terms as a « metalinguistics » denomination. The first step of my analysis will consist in checking Kleiber's hypothesis by testing the validity of such a nominal conception of the proverb. This investigation will lead to a double conclusion. On the one hand, proverbs exhibit referential specificities that are note shared by names. On the other hand, defining proverbs in purely denominative terms can be shown not to provide a satisfying picture of proverbial semantics. The second step of the analysis shall then consist in introducing the phrasal dimension that characterises propositionalist approaches. The aim will be at that stage to put together the nominal and phrasal traits observed in all proverbial units. The last stage of my analysis will consist in describing an interpretative procedure integrating the specificities of this double proverbial status.
Citer ce document / Cite this document : Michaux C. Proverbes et structures stéréotypées. In: Langue française. N°123, 1999. pp. 85-104. doi : 10.3406/lfr.1999.6298 http://www.persee prescript/ar _ _ _ _ _1_6298 .fr/web/revues/home/ ticle/lfr 0023-8368 1999 num 123
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