The Argyle Diaries
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2013 The Argyle Diaries: archaeological tests at a Cayo site of St. Vincent, W.I. (1994) Louis Allaire “Sins of my Youth and Old Age” No.8 11/3/2013 NOTES ST. VINCENT FIELD SEASON 1994 The Inspector said slowly: “Of course one never knows what may be useful or what may not.” Agatha Christie 3 June Trip to Argyle ca. 8:30 am. Site OK, as last year more or less. Small but interesting collection from surface out of land slide. Decorated sherds, large fragments. Same location as last year. By Escape school: workers working on road. Little material in work area but deep ditch has deep sherds running along 1.5 m from surface at foot of slope. Must measure. Small collection. Sherds in adjacent field. (...) PM: Picked up Earl Kirby around 3:15 pm; drove to Argyle owner; everything OK. (...). 4 June (...) Ca. 1:30 pm drop by Buccament; little changes. Fine surface collections in several areas towards beach: on dirt piles near road construction and below road towards beach. David collects in area against cliff, then in W. shelter. Some cloud bursts; very humid. Ca. 3:30 pm back to Museum. M* and Kirby later. Dismayed and appalled at situation in storage area. Place broken in and shelves boards stolen. Boxes collapsed, bags. Heaps of sherds all over the place. A disaster. What to do? (...). Back house ca. 6:00 pm quite discouraged both of us (…) Henry calls from Guadeloupe.


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Publié le 03 novembre 2013
Nombre de lectures 51
Langue English
Poids de l'ouvrage 1 Mo


The Argyle Diaries: archaeological tests at a Cayo site of St. Vincent, W.I. (1994)
Louis Allaire
Sins of my Youth and Old Age” No. 8
3 June
The Inspector said slowly: “Ofcourse one never knows what may be useful or what may not.”  Agatha Christie
 Trip to Argyle ca. 8:30 am. Site OK, as last year more or less. Small but interesting collection
from surface out of land slide. Decorated sherds, large fragments. Same location as last year.
 By Escape school: workers working on road. Little material in work area but deep ditch has
deep sherds running along 1.5 m from surface at foot of slope. Must measure. Small collection.
Sherds in adjacent field. (...) PM: Picked up Earl Kirby around 3:15 pm; drove to Argyle owner;
everything OK. (...).
4 June
 (...) Ca. 1:30 pm drop by Buccament; little changes. Fine surface collections in several areas
towards beach: on dirt piles near road construction and below road towards beach. David
collects in area against cliff, then in W. shelter. Some cloud bursts; very humid.
 Ca. 3:30 pm back to Museum. M* and Kirby later. Dismayed and appalled at situation in
storage area. Place broken in and shelves boards stolen. Boxes collapsed, bags. Heaps of sherds
all over the place. A disaster. What to do? (...). Back house ca. 6:00 pm quite discouraged both
of us(…) Henry calls from Guadeloupe. May try to visit. [he didn’t] 
5 June
   Sherd washing. Rain, rain, rain! Buccament sherds: “below road” has thin sherds and decoration like Post Office. David’s collection is coarser, thicker. Shelter collection has large
Suazey FIR, griddles as expected, plain ware.
6 June
 (...) Ca. 2:00 pm, return to Argyle. Place inspected. Field walked around; just cleared, very
little material. Some large sherds from eroded slope. Most stuff between 2 erosion exposures
south of hill. Nothing further north? - north end of site. (Hill towards Escape still to be
inspected). Vegetation cover quite thick, but approached out of erosion. Small collection from
various places. ... decorated rim, large fragments from wall. Some metal; large axe head.
7 June
 See sketch of site.
Beginnings of Argyle Tests
8 June
 First field day at Argyle. Picked
up Clinton at 7:00 am. Some rain
drops but clear. Inspect site. In
major eroded area facing sea: some
small sherds with large concave
metal object out of yellow matrix
(see photo). Small bowl rim sherd
with white bead-like things on rim; 
to look at more carefully later. This
area seems our best bet. Clinton and
David poking around embankment
 Ca. 8:15 am, David starts to shovel pit away from edge where larger sherds have been found.
Very loose dark brown soil. Lots of roots; not much at first. Digging ca. 1 x 0.5 m. Some sherds
and possible stone tool ca 40 cm. Soil becomes harder and yellow; many stones, few sherds.
Practically sterile at yellow tuff.
 Pit abandoned. Shovel hole right on top of eroded area yields nothing. Another shovel test to
the south in process. Not promising, considering sherds in eroded profile.
 Shovel tests negative. Problem with ownership and permits. Mr T*, local tenant, says Clinton
digging on his land. Must settle. Possibilities at south end of site. What are we digging in?
Already disturbed? Work stopped ca 11:00 am.(…)Some surface collections including rim
with beads and heavy iron object out of the embankment. Must reconsider project, or go on with
test pits?
 PM: Talk with B* about Museum and Argyle. Things should be OK. Check small rim sherd
with beads: may be glass trade beads and prove historic age of Cayo. Metal fragments and
objects should also be associated. (...) Material from test #1 still to be washed. Does not really
look Cayo but Dev. Saladoid? And belong to Escape occupation. Can it be? (...)
9 June
 Morning with Earl.(Kirby). First, Mr. Vidal on Young Island about Argyle field. OK. Then to
Argyle. K(irby)’s comments: site was planted with sugar cane down to the sea in the past.
Vegetation today is: crawling sea grapes, grass typical locally, andcanelletree (fish poison), near
low areas. (...) Back to Escape to look at ditch. Drive up the road towards new hotel. Lots of
small sherds on dirt heaps along road. Very small (Dev. Sal.). To go back. On first terrace behind
site, likely same component as in lower ditch as last year.
 Fine view of site behind from there. To go back for photos. Then drive across the river to
famous petroglyphs and Lourdes shrine, right across the back of the site. To go back.
 Return towards Indian Bay. Stop at Mt. Pleasant on different road. Rich site on terrace cut by
road. Collected by Bullens ? Sherds (full bag) from road cut and tree roots. Same component as
lower peanut field at Mt. Pleasant. Appears to have Cayo. (...)
10 June
 AM: New test pit just 50 cm east of shovel test done first day. Area cleared by Clinton. Trench
stringed and pickets by David. Dug by 20 cm levels.
Level I (0-20 cm),and loose dark brown soil, reddish, hardly anything: oneon slope roots
tiny piece of red jasper. Two gravel size sherds. Bring level on slope to 20 cm. Few sherds tom
20 cm. Brown soil becomes grainy reddish-yellow. Rootless. Few or no small stones. Still easy
to dig. Photo BW + Color. To resume Level II after break II.. LevelPiece of corroded iron near
W wall (sketch 1). Depth 28.5 cm from surface. Some small sherds are associated. After below
25 cm, rocks begin to appear - some may have been tools- one tiny (grater?) Flint chip. One pot
fragment in W wall; to be measured and photo. (65 cm from S into W wall; depth 40-42 cm
below surface. Another large pot piece in S half of W wall. More larger pieces in W ½ of pit.
Brick fragment (?). One historic ceramic in
E ½; under 30 cm dirt becomes harder with
large rocks, smooth like beach or river - one
is 19 x 15 cm. Color becomes greyish, and
hard to dig. Breaks in hard lumps, with
fewer sherds or none. Higher concentration
on upper ½ of pit + wall. Thick brick or
tile-like fragment, more stones - not a brick
but a stone + some sherds. Good size of
sherds at same level under 20-30 cm - one historic decorated sherd in that layer 2 ca. 40 cm.
Possible small pieces of black glass. Down to 18" (50 cm) in upper wall of pit. Sterile when
finished. (...) Upper part richest, may be worth digging upwards. (...)
11 June
 (...) Sherd washing - Argyle tests and Mt. Pleasant surface. Mt. Pleasant has coarse pottery,
some Cayo rims (2) but most look like Suazey without diagnostics, e.g. like Leeward Islands or
late Macabou! Area D (Macabou) has some Cayo-like rims.
 Argyle test has 3 white painted sherds! Thick brick-like fragment spalls in 2 and may be same
as sherds with coarse “pebble” surface. 2 of the white sherds are all corroded inside = beer
 (...) David finds a cockroach on his bed when coming back at 10:00. Chases it with a broom and
changes his bedding. (...)
13 June
 Clear; very windy at Argyle. Resume test excavations after weekend. Today 1 x 1 m test (test
#2) in lower part of site near eroded surface - S of
surface. C(linton) and D(avid) clear area sufficient
(ca. 2 x 2 m) of crawling sea grape for pit. Check
eroded surface to tuff. Still scattering of very small
sherds, eroded. Some metal. Much green glass
fragments. Some pop caps, plastic, glass seem
recent. Some patinated (glass) sherds kept as sample.
Beer bottles common on surface; old iron too.
 A few surface pieces of red, grey chert-like stuff; sma
cores? One small clay pipe stem from eroded bank. More
pieces of metal artifact by roadside. Plastic and glass but
sherds too associated. Much metal, rusty scraps across
road on beach too. Be careful.
Test #2
Level 1(0-20 cm)Loose brown dark humus with lots of
rootlets. Little or no material. In few first top cm, one sherd and an old glass fragment. Some
small stones; very dark soil. Larger root across units. Level 1 will go to level surface only; a few
interesting sherds. Cayo small bowl. Some stones as elsewhere. Problem getting plan of level -  
leveled with line because of slopy surface. Very little material; stones and roots (Sketch 2). Floor
of Level 1 (surface) all soil; no features. No photos.
Level 2(20 cm)Still loose brown, with rootlets, some stones. 20 cm below SE corner. No
material in first few cms. In the meantime, L(ouis) collects a few sherds, glass, metal on top of
bank near peanut field. Large very regular stone, like hammer left there. Level 2 fine pot sherds
showing up under 30 cm. Some glass. Att: one small “bullet” 
near excavation area. Pit 2: very little material. Dug with shovel to 60 cm in NW corner to
yellow tuff. Hardly anything. Pit abandoned. All in all, not very rewarding day. Takes care of
lower site. David finds sherds across river near bridge. To go again. Some photos of pit from
distance, across road for stratigraphy (Sketch 3) (...).
14 June
 Rain in the morning, unsure about digging. Leave before 7:00 am. Weather clearing. After
7:30 extend clearing surface W of pit #1, on upper part of site in extension of pit 1 to 1 x 1 m (Pit
3). There are sherds in W wall - wind strong from the sea. Few sherds on surface. D(avid)
strings out square.
   Level 1.less a step. Loose brown (soil) with rootlets, becomes harder and yellowishMore or
below a few cms. Few stones; no artifacts practically. Difficult conditions today because of
strong winds and sloped terrain for tidy excavation. Dug up top 20 cm: 3 small sherds in all.
Very poor. Mostly shoveled. Under 20 cm, dirt becomes harder and breaks in lumps. Not very
rich; a large field stone in SE corner; larger than usual but few small stones as yet, as in other pits. One neck of old green bottle (18thor 17thc.?). A few small sherds. Nothing exiting yet.
 Below 35 cm, sherds and larger rocks begin to appear. One large red jar neck or collar.
Cleared near large rock by David, plan and photo. Other large sherd also appears; unique blue-
green bead in association. Must be trade bead. There seems to be a darker layer below reddish
one, all slope action or original layer? (...)
 While clearing around large pot fragment, notable how large sherd is reddish like paint. Not
found on surface pieces. Ca. 11:00, photos of concentration. Relentless winds while note taking.
Very difficult ... bags just fly away. (...)
16 June
 (...) Today extend trench by 1 x 1 m, Pit #4, W of pit #3. Removing 20 cm of top soil, sterile, by
shovel to get to cultural layer.
Level 1. trowel excavation of Level 2 in darker, harder ThenDown to 20 cm by shovel. Sterile.
soil like other pits.
Level 2. Sherds begin to appear in small numbers. One possible botanical. Another glass bead
came out of pit 4. Rock feature. Below ca. 30 cm, rock feature + large pot fragments appear. It
will be cleared first, excavated and photographed. Like Pit #3. Soil humid today. Breaks into
flat lumps; alternates yellow - black = slump action? Small rocks few; rocks well concentrated.
Soil on top of “feature” is dark, humid, greyish dark = organic remains? Some freshly excavated
sherds are distinctively black often reddish like paint when taken out. Soil becomes harder in SW
corner area. One very black rim sherd in that corner. One small clay pipe stem fragment or
tubular bead. One small piece of red jasper. Color slides of the concentration, then removed
more or less middle of unit; large pot fragments, one very black on one face. One larger griddle-
like fragment? (...) (SE=33 cm b.s.; SW= 47 cm; NE= 33 cm; NW=47 cm).
Level 3. almost spherical Below level 2 rock concentration to rocks on W wall of pit #3. Large
rock from wall(E). New level bag. We should be in extension of pit 3's rock concentration.
Matrix very hard, greyish; some rocks. Poor in pottery. Practically sterile. One large sherd in
center of unit stuck on edge in floor, deep! It is a
griddle, Suazey?? Level dug with fork, very hard,
large lumps. Another large cazuela-like piece from
layer. White object in S. wall like coral or shell?
Seems big piece of brain coral. Another large
fragment, same pot? Near W wall in floor, hard.
Deeply set in clayish hard compact grey level below
 PM. Sherd washing. May be some Troumassoid
there? Like Caliviny cazuela!! Some surface
textures also like Suazey. Red/black painted
17 June
 Rainy morning at Indian Bay; clearer at site but had rained there during the night. Today clear
around and extend pit 0.5 m to follow rock-pottery concentration. (Sketch 4) (...)
 (Updated 18/6) Soil color ideal for photo because of rain. Photo + video of bank erosion with
soil layers yellow-dark-yellow and some sherds sticking out. Small collection out of wall, and
iron rod object. Base of slope stratigraphy (Sketch 5).
 (18/6) Several slides photo of site and overall stratigraphy, and pits, yet not all cleaned up taken
today, Friday.
 Stratigraphy W wall (Sketch 6):
I. Br. + w. rootlets - sterile
II. Yellow granular - sterile, but lenses coming from the S. into
yellow layer.
III. Compact grey clayish w. large rocks.
Note: probably complex slope colluvium stratigraphy.
 Pit 5 (50 cm into S. of Pit 3). 20 cm top layer removed casually -
sterile, to uncover cultural level. Shoveling. E. corner at large rock
left in pit 3. Dig into top yellow level. Att. David says “dark
brown silty”, sterile; LA says: “yellowish sandy”; Clintonsays: “ sandy, hard to retain water”.
Lower level like clay. (Sketch 7).
 Att.: large red jasper fragment (core?) Out of SW corner at 43 cm below surface, on top of grey
compact layer - belongs to Pit 4 level. Removed by LA. Upper yellow level more compact than
grey one below, - near or same context as coral piece. Piece removed; beautiful core.
 Stratigraphy: S. wall of Pit 3 almost all yellow, grey compact must be below, below coral piece.
 Pit 5: rock concentration (?) Begins 37 cm b.s. Some rain interruptions (...).
   Level 2.40-35 b.s. top of rocks, little material. Brown sandy soil. B.s. 35 cm in middle of unit.
More humid, compact brown soil, grainy. Same level bag, begin top of rock concentration. Still
Level 2. Weather: still overcast, some light wind. Comfortable to dig until next shower. Another
white bead out of that unit - some spherical stones?
 Bigger pieces of pot begin to appear below 35 cm with the rocks. Large fragment in S. wall.
Large body sherd from floor of pit 1 in compact clay. Nice unusual Cayo rim in floor of level -
red pigment on surface. Level finished at 40 cm w. concentration. Seems to occur as a circle in
the unit. W. of large rock. Photos: slides and
BW of walls, esp. W and S.
Level 3. Begin Level 3 (below 40 cm) in rock
concentration. Hard, compact grey with rocks,
some large sherds still on surface of level 2 (as
in W wall of unit). Att: small egg-shaped
rocks, often enough. Soil under rocks is greyish
and hard; different texture and “sound” than above. Practically sterile below a few cm of unit. 45
cm below sloping surface level “forked” through: rock fragments in upper part, some small
sherds. Another glass bead from unit. Att: small charcoal flecks in rock concentration.
18 June
 Saturday. (Thunderstorm; no work at site)
20 June
 Overcast. Argyle, very windy. Draw stratigraphic profiles. Some humid soil but otherwise site
not damaged by heavy rain on Saturday. Clean walls. String around trenches. Profiles taken of
pit 4: S, W, N walls. Then Pit 5, S + W walls (...) Coral piece removed from pit 4, S wall near
bottom. Measure large rock on floor of trench (Sketch 8); much larger, almost round when
removed (ca 30 x 30 cm). Relentless annoying wind! Take several more or less measurements
for mapping. (Sketches 9, 10, 11). Measurements taken and last strat. profiles in spite of strong
wind and dust and uncomfortable slope. Backfilled some pits. Left site at 12:30.
End of Argyle tests
21 June
 Clear, already muggy. Today survey east coast.
Friendly. Cayo sherds on beach embankment like last year. Sherds below level of garbage, with
possible Barrancoid sherds mixed with heavy black rocks and grey soil and sand. Seems
undisturbed there. Large sherds from cut; large iron container in wall almost 35-
40cmhigFragments taken. One fragile top shell; = Caribs? (?) Ca 50 cm but not dense. Ancient
reworked deposits. No modern stuff there. One glass bottle neck near iron object not removed.
Returned to Friendly on the way back. Checked out ditches between beach and road. Some
sherds (large) in low ditch near beach. Deposits are deep. Site must begin S. of sand dune area
with sea grape and pandanus. At place where sherds are exposed, took measurements and photos
with ruler. More sherds from crab holes and parts of iron objects and glass bottle neck (blue)
removed. Stratigraphy is as below (Sketch 13).
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