Household Hacks: 150+ Do It Yourself Home Improvement & DIY Household Tips That Save Time & Money , livre audio






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Are you tired of doing things the hard way?
Would you like to save time and money?
Whether you want to (1) discover incredible household hacks, (2) save time and money, or (3) optimize and organize your home environment the right way, this is the audio book for you!
The best hacks and tips for cleaning and organizing your home!
Hacks are wonderful shortcuts and clever tricks that make it much easier to live your life. These household hacks are innovative solutions to many of the problems you may face on a regular basis.
Rediscover joy in your environment.
Being chronically disorganized can affect your relationships and your mental well-being, as well as your physical health! In this audio book you will discover what you can do to put everything in its proper place for peace of mind and a happier, healthier life.
Rid your house of toxic chemicals and clean just as effectively using natural methods.
Discover ways to easily clean, optimize, and organize every room in your home.
The best household hacks in modern history.
Don’t settle for toxic store-bought cleaning products, unorganized methods of storage, and spending all kinds of money on things you don't really need. Throughout this audio book you will find incredible hacks for simplifying your life, maximizing your money, building a safe environment for children, and creating an inviting ambiance for both yourself and your guests.
Discover just how incredible your home can be.
Live Better: Buy It Now!
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Date de parution

12 novembre 2020

Nombre de lectures






Poids de l'ouvrage

353 Mo

  • Univers Univers
  • Ebooks Ebooks
  • Livres audio Livres audio
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  • Podcasts Podcasts
  • BD BD
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