A Long Walk to Purgatory: The Tales of Dante & Mashudu , livre ebook









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A Long Walk to Purgatory is a play that places Dante in the South African context. It works with the idea that dead poets must guide living poets through the afterlife on a journey of poetic reckoning. It is now Dante's turn to guide a poet, as he was once guided by Virgil. Dante comes to meet Mashudu, a South African poet in her Dark Wood. He comes to take her through Inferno and Purgatory where she meets South African characters along the way including Jan Van Riebeeck and John Dube. Driving the play is the notion that poets need to know where they come from in order to play their role as aids to how a nation understands itself. This means Mashudu has to witness the truth of her context both in terms of the narrative of South Africa as a country and her own personal morality. Mashudu, guided by Dante, reckons with her understanding of South Africa's past such as with witnessing the punishment of Verwoerd, to reckoning with the country's present including a domestic abuser. Mashudu is also faced with the precariousness of her own morality when she meets an old friend in Purgatory. As the play continues, Dante becomes Mashudu's friend showing that friendship can cross centuries and contexts for poets share their role as poets no matter the society they belong to. Both Mashudu and Dante are connected by their unwavering commitment to their own moral imagination. Virgil as comic relief completes the picture as narrator, cementing the idea that the poets of the past are deeply connected to the poets of the present. Ultimately A Long Walk to Purgatory aims to show the importance of literature to both be grounded in and transcend particularities of time and place. Literature can ultimately open up a new space for us that is both informed by a context but is intrinsically connected to a wider humanity.
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24 février 2023

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2 Mo

A Long Walk to Purgatory
The Tales of Dante & Mashudu
Chariklia Martalas
A Long Wak to Purgatory
Published by UJ Press University o Johannesburg Library Auckland Park Kingsway Campus PO Box 524 Auckland Park 2006 https://ujonlinepress.uj.ac.za/
Compilation © Chariklia Martalas 2023
Chapters © Chariklia Martalas 2023
Published Edition © Chariklia Martalas 2023
First published 2023
978-1-7764256-7-9 (Paperback)
978-1-7764256-8-6 (PDF)
978-1-7764256-9-3 (EPUB)
978-1-7764341-0-7 (XML)
This publication had been submitted to a rigorous double-blind peer-review process prior to publication and all recommendations by the reviewers were considered and implemented beore publication.
Copy editor: Kyleigh Greatorex
Cover design: Hester Roets, UJ Graphic Design Studio
Cover image: Simone Zanetti
Typeset in 10/13pt Merriweather Light
Synopsis ............................................................................................
Dedication .........................................................................................
Part One: Inerno ............................................................................
Prologue ....................................................................................
Scene I .......................................................................................
Scene II ......................................................................................
Scene III ....................................................................................
Scene IV .....................................................................................
Scene V ......................................................................................
Scene VI .....................................................................................
Scene VII ....................................................................................
Part Two: Purgatory .......................................................................
Scene VIII ..................................................................................
Scene IX .....................................................................................
Scene X ......................................................................................
Scene XI .....................................................................................
1 1 7 13 17 25 33 37 47
53 53 63 71 81
Bibliography ..................................................................................... 89
Acknowledgements .......................................................................
A Long Wak to Purgatorya play that places Dante in the is South Arican context. It works with the idea that dead poets must guide living poets through the aterlie on a journey o poetic reckoning. It is now Dante’s turn to guide a poet, as he was once guided by Virgil. Dante comes to meet Mashudu, a South Arican poet in her Dark Wood. He comes to take her through Inerno and Purgatory where she meets South Arican characters along the way including Jan Van Riebeeck and John Dube. Driving the play is the notion that poets need to know where they come rom in order to play their role as aids to how a nation understands itsel. This means Mashudu has to witness the truth o her context both in terms o the narrative o South Arica as a country and her own personal morality. Mashudu, guided by Dante, reckons with her understanding o South Arica’s past such as with witnessing the punishment o Verwoerd, to reckoning with the country’s present including a domestic abuser. Mashudu is also aced with the precariousness o her own morality when she meets an old riend in Purgatory. As the play continues, Dante becomes Mashudu’s riend showing that riendship can cross centuries and contexts or poets share their role as poets no matter the society to which they belong. Both Mashudu and Dante are connected by their unwavering commitment to their own moral imagination. Virgil, as comic relie, completes the picture as narrator, cementing the idea that the poets o the past are deeply connected to the poets o the present. Ultimately,A Long Wak to Purgatoryaims to show the importance o literature to both be grounded in and transcend particularities o time and place. Literature can ultimately open up a new space or us that is both inormed by a context but is intrinsically connected to a wider humanity.
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