The Adventures of Arsène Lupin - The Final Collection: 14 Books in 1: Arsène Lupin Gentleman-Burglar, Arsène Lupin vs Herlock Sholmes, The Mysterious Mansion, The Golden Triangle, The Eight Strokes of The Clock...
Maurice Leblanc, Alexander Teixeira De Mattos
Romans et nouvelles
The Adventures of Arsène Lupin - The Final Collection: 14 Books in 1: Arsène Lupin Gentleman-Burglar, Arsène Lupin vs Herlock Sholmes, The Mysterious Mansion, The Golden Triangle, The Eight Strokes of The Clock...
Maurice Leblanc, Alexander Teixeira De Mattos
17 pages
Fabre's book of insects, retold from Alexander Teixeira de Mattos' translation of Fabre's "Souvenirs entomologiques,"
Edward Julius Detmold, Jean-Henri Fabre, Alexander Teixeira De Mattos
The Old Willow Tree and Other Stories
Carl Ewald, G. E. [Illustrator] Lee, Alexander Teixeira De Mattos, Helen M. [Illustrator] Jacobs
The Blue Bird for Children - The Wonderful Adventures of Tyltyl and Mytyl in Search of Happiness
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The Wonders of Instinct - Chapters in the Psychology of Insects
Jean-Henri Fabre, Alexander Teixeira De Mattos, Bernard Miall