Grands stades - Rapport de la Commission Euro 2016
Valentin Jean-Louis, Des Sports Et De La Vie Associative, Premier Ministre; Ministère De La Santé, De La Jeunesse, Seguin Philippe
Risk factors and outcomes for prolonged versus brief fever: a prospective cohort study
Seguin Philippe, Roquilly Antoine, Mimoz Olivier, Maguet Pascale, Asehnoune Karim, Biederman Sébastien, Carise Elsa, Mallédant Yannick, The
Dopexamine and norepinephrine versus epinephrine on gastric perfusion in patients with septic shock: a randomized study [NCT00134212]
Seguin Philippe, Laviolle Bruno, Guinet Patrick, Morel Isabelle, Mallédant Yannick, Bellissant, Bellissant Eric
Estimation of the diameter and cross-sectional area of the internal jugular veins in adult patients
Tartière Déborah, Seguin Philippe, Juhel Charlotte, Laviolle Bruno, Mallédant, Mallédant Yannick