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   Journal Article Bibliography:  1. (1976). New trends in the operative management ofAbbo, A.H., & Mukhtar, M. urinary fistulae.Sudan Medical Journal, 13(4), 126-132.  2. Adetoro, O.O., & Anate, M. (Unpublished). (1989).Prophylactic contrimoxazole in the management of vesico-vaginal fistulae at Ilorin, Nigeria. 9.  3. Ahmad, S. (Unpublished). (1988).Urinary fistulae in gynecological practice in North West Frontier Province presented in Lahore, 14p.. Paper  4. Ahmad, S., Nishtar, A., Hafeez, G.A. & Khan, Z. (2005). Management of vesico-vaginal fistulas in women.International Journal of Gynaecology & Obstetrics, 88(1), 71-75. CI.  5. Ahmed, S., & Holtz, S.A. (2007). Social and economic consequences of obstetric fistula: Life changed forever?International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, 99(1), S10-S15.  6. Ahmed, S., et al. (2007). Dead women walking: Neglected millions with obstetric fistula.International Journal of Gynaecology & Obstetrics,99, S1-S3. O.  7. Ahmed, T. (2004, October 28). Women, Peace and Security: Responding to the Needs of Victims of Gender-Based Violence.UNFPA. N. Retrieved May 11, 2005 from  8. Aina, O.F. (2007). An overview of the socio-cultural and psychiatric aspects of women's reproductive health in West Africa.The Nigerian Postgraduate Medical Journal, 14(3), 231-237.  9. Ali, S.E. (Unpublished). (1989).Repair of vesico-vaginal fistula. Dhaka, 1989. 6 p. .  10. Aimakhu, V.E. (1974).Reproductive functions after the repair of obstetric vesico-vaginal fistulae.Fertility and Sterility, 25(7), 586-591.  11. Alver, O., et al. (2008). Use of "house" advancement flap in anorectal diseases. World Journal of Surgery, 32(10), 2281-2286.  12. Ambrosoll, G. (1983).Pelvic masses in gynecologic practice.Tropical Doctor, 13(3), 127-130.  13. Amnesty International. (2004). Democratic Republic of Congo: Mass rape: Time for remedies. Retrieved June 15, 2005 from$File/AFR6201804.p df. 14. Amnesty International. (no date). Democratic Republic of Congo: The struggle for health care and justice for rape survivors. Retrieved March 16, 2005 from 15. Amnesty International. (2004). Liberia: No impunity for rape—a crime against humanity and a war crime. Retrieved May 27, 2005 from  16. Amnesty International. (2004). Rwanda: The enduring legacy of the genocide and war. Retrieved May 27, 2005 from   17. Amnesty International. (2004). Sudan—Darfur: Rape as a weapon of war: Sexual violence and its consequences. Retrieved May 26, 2005 from   18. Amnesty International. 2005. Women, violence, and health. Retrieved May 11, 2005 from MH.  19. Amo-Mesah, S., et al. (1996). Obstetric destructive procedures.International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, 54(2), 167-168.  20. Ised Cout prise en charge. Thesis prepared forAmoul Kinni, G. (date unknown). Cheik Anta Diop University, Senegal.   21. G (1990) Risk factors of vesico-vaginalAmpofo EK, Omotara BA, Otu T, Uchebo fistulae in Maiduguri, Nigeria: a case-control study. Tropical Doctor, 20(3), 138– 139. 22. Amr, M.F. (1979). Genito-urinary fistula in Jordan. Study of 72 cases.Journal of the Kuwait Medical Association, 13, 175-180. 23. Amr, M.F. (1998). Vesico-vaginal fistula in Jordan.European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynaecology, and Reproductive Biology, 80(2), 201-203. 24. Arrowsmith, S.D. (2007). The classification of obstetric vesico-vaginal fistulas: A call for an evidence-based approach.International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, 99(1), S25-S27. 25. Arrowsmith, S.D. (2007). Urinary diversion in the vesico-vaginal fistula patient: General considerations regarding feasibility, safety, and follow-up.International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, 99(1), S65-S68.  26. L. (1996). Obstructed Labor Injury Complex:Arrowsmith, S., Hamlin, E., Wall, Obstetric Fistula Formation and the Multifaceted Morbidity of Maternal Birth
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