1iillili!111IiPlilPiPlililill'iiilllllililililiiiii^ilii 1vmfMfi^iithe Board RegentsAnnual Report of oftheofSMITHSONIANINSTITUTION4232PUBLICATIONand Condition theShowing the Operations, Expenditures, ofInstitution the Year Ended June 30for1955UNITED STATESGOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICEWASHINGTON 1956For gale the Superintendent of Docnraenta, U. S. GoTernment Printing 0£BcebyWashington D. • Price $4 (cloth)23, C.WOV -p I95SLETTER OF TRANSMITTALSmithsonian Institution,Washington, December 29, 1955.To the Congress oj the United States:section of Revised Statutes of theIn accordance with 5593 theUnited States, I have the honor, on behalf of the Board of Regents,of theto submit to Congress the annual report operations, expendi-Smithsonian Institution for thetures, and condition of the year endedJune 30, 1955. I have the honor to be.Respectfully,Leonard Carmichael, Secretary.CONTENTSPagevList of officials1General statement5The EstablishmentRegents 6The Board of7Finances7Visitors9Lecturesof Langley medal 9AwardDr. Abbot honored 10Funds for the Institution 1011Bio-Sciences Information Exchange11Organization and staffyear's activities of the Institution 12Summary of theof the Institution:Reports of branchesNational Museum 16United StatesAmerican Ethnology 36Bureau ofObservatory 60AstrophysicalCollection of Fine Arts 64NationalGallery of Art 76FreerAir Museum 88National Zoological Park 104Canal Zone Biological Area ...