Annual report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution








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1iillili!111IiPlilPiPlililill'iiilllllililililiiiii^ilii 1vmfMfi^iithe Board RegentsAnnual Report of oftheofSMITHSONIANINSTITUTION4232PUBLICATIONand Condition theShowing the Operations, Expenditures, ofInstitution the Year Ended June 30for1955UNITED STATESGOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICEWASHINGTON 1956For gale the Superintendent of Docnraenta, U. S. GoTernment Printing 0£BcebyWashington D. • Price $4 (cloth)23, C.WOV -p I95SLETTER OF TRANSMITTALSmithsonian Institution,Washington, December 29, 1955.To the Congress oj the United States:section of Revised Statutes of theIn accordance with 5593 theUnited States, I have the honor, on behalf of the Board of Regents,of theto submit to Congress the annual report operations, expendi-Smithsonian Institution for thetures, and condition of the year endedJune 30, 1955. I have the honor to be.Respectfully,Leonard Carmichael, Secretary.CONTENTSPagevList of officials1General statement5The EstablishmentRegents 6The Board of7Finances7Visitors9Lecturesof Langley medal 9AwardDr. Abbot honored 10Funds for the Institution 1011Bio-Sciences Information Exchange11Organization and staffyear's activities of the Institution 12Summary of theof the Institution:Reports of branchesNational Museum 16United StatesAmerican Ethnology 36Bureau ofObservatory 60AstrophysicalCollection of Fine Arts 64NationalGallery of Art 76FreerAir Museum 88National Zoological Park 104Canal Zone Biological Area ...
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1 iillili! 111 I iPlilPiPlililill ' iiilllllililili liiiii^ ilii 1 vmfM fi^ii the Board RegentsAnnual Report of of theof SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION 4232PUBLICATION and Condition theShowing the Operations, Expenditures, of Institution the Year Ended June 30for 1955 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON 1956 For gale the Superintendent of Docnraenta, U. S. GoTernment Printing 0£Bceby Washington D. • Price $4 (cloth)23, C. WOV -p I95S LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Smithsonian Institution, Washington, December 29, 1955. To the Congress oj the United States: section of Revised Statutes of theIn accordance with 5593 the United States, I have the honor, on behalf of the Board of Regents, of theto submit to Congress the annual report operations, expendi- Smithsonian Institution for thetures, and condition of the year ended June 30, 1955. I have the honor to be. Respectfully, Leonard Carmichael, Secretary. CONTENTS Page vList of officials 1General statement 5The Establishment Regents 6The Board of 7Finances 7Visitors 9Lectures of Langley medal 9Award Dr. Abbot honored 10 Funds for the Institution 10 11Bio-Sciences Information Exchange 11Organization and staff year's activities of the Institution 12Summary of the of the Institution:Reports of branches National Museum 16United States American Ethnology 36Bureau of Observatory 60Astrophysical Collection of Fine Arts 64National Gallery of Art 76Freer Air Museum 88National Zoological Park 104 Canal Zone Biological Area 129 International Exchange Service 136 National Gallery of Art 145 Report on the library 157 Report on publications 160 Board of of the executive committee of the Regents 167 GENERAL APPENDIX Science serving the Nation, by Lee A. DuBridge 177 D.The development of nuclear power for peaceful purposes, by Henry Smyth 189 The time scale of our universe, by E. J. Opik 203 Spencer 227Solar activity and its terrestrial effects, by Sir Harold Jones Hunsaker 241Forty years of aeronautical research, by J. C. 273A transatlantic telephone cable, by H. A. AfFel Genetics man, Bentley 299in the service of by Glass Cultural Raymond A. Dart 317status of the South African man-apes, by The history the mechanical heart, by George B. Griffenhagen andof Calvin Hughes 339H. III : CONTENTSIV Pace Some chemical studies on viruses, by Wendell M. Stanley 357 The scent language of honey bees, by Ronald Ribbands 369 The army ants, by T. C. Schneirla 379 The hibernation of mammals, by L. Harrison Matthews 407 Parasites common to animals and man, by Benjamin Schwartz 419 Some observations on the functional organization of the human brain, by Wilder Penfield 433 The place of tropical soils in feeding the world, by Robert L. Pendleton. _ 441 Tree rings and history in the western United States, by Edmund Schulman. 459 New light on the dodo and its illustrators, by Herbert Friedmann 475 and JohnGeorge Catlin, painter of Indians the West, by C. Ewers 483 LIST OF PLATES Secretary's Report: Plates 1, 2_ 46 3, 4 86 Plates 5, 6, 7 118 Solar activity (Spencer Jones) : Plates 1, 2 230 (Hunsaker) 1-10Forty years of aeronautical research : Plates 262 South African mau-apes (Dart) 1-4.Plates 326 (Griffenhagen and Hughes) : Plates 1-4 342Mechanical heart 1-3 358Viruses (Stanley): Plates honey (Ribbands) : Plates, 2 374Scent language of bees 1, Army ants (Schneirla): Plates 2 3901, Hibernation of mammals (Matthews): Plates 4141,2 Parasites common animals and man (Schwartz) : Plates 1-4 422to organization of the human brain (Penfield) : Plate 1 438Functional Tree rings and history (Schulman) : Plates 1-4 470 Dodo (Friedmann): Plates 1-5 478 George Catlin (Ewers): Plates 1-20 528 THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION 1955June 30, —Presiding Dvviqht D. Eisenhower, President of the UnitedOfficer ex officio. States. —Chancellor. EaelWakken, Chief Justice of the United States. Meynbers of the Institution: DwiGHT D. Eisenhoweb, President of the United States. RichardM. Nixon, Vice of the Earl Warren, Chief Justice of the United States. John Foster Dulles, Secretary of State. George M. Humphrey, of the Treasury. Charles E. Wilson, Secretary of Defense. Herbert Browneix, Jr., Attorney General. Arthur E. Summerfield, Postmaster General. Douglas McKay, Secretary of the Interior. EzraTaft Benson, of Agriculture. Sinclair Weeks, Secretary of Commerce. James P. Mitchell, of Labor. OvETA and Welfare.CuLP Hobby, Secretary ofHealth, Education, Regents of the Institution: EablWarren, Chief Justice of the United States, Chancellor. Richard M. Nixon, Vice President of the United States. Clinton P. Anderson,Member of the Senate. Leverett Saltonstall, of the H. Alexander Smith, Member of the Senate. ClarenceCannon, of the House Representatives.of 0^^!:RTON Brooks, Member of theHouse of John M. Vorys, of the of VannevabBush, citizen ofWashington, D. C. Arthur H. Compton, citizen of Missouri. Robert Fleming,V. of D. C. Jerome C. Hunsaker, citizen of Massachusetts. —Executive Committee Robert V. Fleming, chairman, Vannevar Bush, Clar- ence Cannon. —Seci'etary. Leonard Carmichael. —Assistant Secretaries. John E. Graf, J. L. Keddy. —Administrative assistant to the Secretary. Mrs. Louise M. Pearson. —Treasurer. Thomas F. Clark. —Chief, editorialand publications division. Paul Oehseb,H. —Assistant editorial andchief, publications division. John S. Lea. —Librarian. Mrs. Leila Clark.F. Superintendent buildingsof and grounds.—L. L. Oliver. —Assistant superintendents of buildings and grounds. Charles C. Sinclair, Andrew P. Michaels, Jr. —Chief, personnel division. Jack B. Newman. — supply division. Anthony W. Wilding. Chief, photographic laboratory.—F. B. Kestner. ;;; REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1955VI ANNUAL STATES NATIONAL MUSEUMUNITED —A. Remington Kellogg.Director. specialist.— E. Anglim.Exhihits J. —T. G. Baker, Don H. Berkebile, R. O. Hower, BenjaminExhiiits toorkers. Marinetti, Edward W. Normandin, Jr., Morris M. Pearson,Lawless, W. T. George Stuart. —records. Helena M. Weiss.Chief, office correspondence andof Department of Anthropology : Andrews, exhibits specialistFrank M. Setzler, head curator ; A. J. Smithsonian fellow in anthropologyMrs. Arthur M. Greenwood, W. W. Taylor, Jr., collaborator in anthropology. asso-Division Archeology: Waldo R. Wedel, curator; Clifford Evans, Jr.,of Meggers,ciate curator ; George S. Metcalf, museum aid ; Mrs. Betty J. research associate. Division Ethnology: H. W. Krieger, curator; J. C. Ewers, C. M. Watkins,of associate cui-ators; R. A. Elder, Jr., assistant curatoi'. Division Physical Anthropology: T. Dale Stewart, curator M. T. Newman,of ; curator Tobin, research associate.associate ; W. J. in Anthropology : Neil M. Judd.Associate Department of Zoology : chief exhibits preparatorWaldo L. Schmitt, head curator ; W. L. Brown, D.C. R. Aschemeier, W. M. I'errygo, E. G. Laybourne, C. S. East, J. Biggs, exhibits preparators ; Mrs. Aime M. Awl, scientific illustrator. Division Mammals: D. H. Johnson, acting curator; H. W. Setzer, Charlesof O. Hauley, Jr., associate curators; J. W. Paradise, museum aide; A. Brazier Plowell, collaborator ; Gerrit S. Miller, Jr., associate. Division Birds: Herbert Friedmann, curator; H. G. Deignan, associateof curator ; Gorman M. Bond, museum aide ; Alexander Wetmore, research associate and custodian of alcoholic and skeleton collections. Division Reptiles Amphibians: Doris Cochran, associate curator.of and M. Fishes: Leonard P. Schultz, curator; E. A. Lachner, associateof curator Robert H. Kanazawa, museum ; aide. Divisimi of Insects: J. F. Gates Clarke, curator; O. L. Cartwright, W. D. Field, Paifin,Grace E. Glance, associate curators; Sophy junior ento- mologist ; W. L. Jellison, M. A. Carriker, R. E. Snodgrass, C. F. W. Muese- beck, collaborators. Section of Hymenoptera : W. M. Mann, Robert A. Cushman, assistant custodians. Section of Diptera : Charles T. Greene, assistant custodian. of Coleoptera : L. L. Buchanan, specialist for Casey collection. Division Marine Invertebrates: F. A. Chace, Jr., curator; Frederick M.of Bayer, T. E. Bowman, associate curators; Mrs. L. W. Peterson, museum aide; Mrs. Harriet Richardson Searle, Max M. Ellis, J. Percy Moore, collaborators ; Mrs. Mildred S. Wilson, collaborator in copepod Crustacea. Division Mollusks: Harald A. Rehder, curator; Joseph P. E. Morrison,of associate curator ; W. J. Byas, museum aide ; Paul Bartsch, associate. Section of Helmiuthological Collections: Benjamin Schwartz, collabo- rator. Associates in Zoology : T. Palmer, B. Marshall,S. W. A. G. Boving, C. R. Shoemaker. Collaborator in Zoology Clark. : R. S. in Biology : D. C Graham.
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