Business Plan Document IMPORTANT








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Business Plan Document IMPORTANT
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Business Plan Document
What is given in this is just a guideline and may be modified suitably according to the context of the business.
The intent in preparing this note was to cover all possible issues a business plan document should contain in as much detail as possible. However, for this note to be useful, it had to be as short as can be meaningfully digested without having the need to go through a fat book on business management. With the above contradictory objectives, this note makes an attempt to deal with generic issues in writing a business plan, albeit in differing degree of detail, that need to be covered in a business plan. A lot more can be said about each of the topics. This note does not claim to cover all the issues in great detail and in great theoretical rigor for which several management books are available. The treatment given to some of the topics may be cursory and may not at all be sufficient.
Some of what is written in this note may not appear to be directly relevant. At a very high level of abstraction, most of it should be applicable. The entrepreneur would have to think through it to before finally leaving it as not applicable to his/her business.
For some entrepreneurs who have some kind of formal training in management, lot of what is written in this note may seem obvious. However, the note is also meant for the consumption of some of the budding entrepreneurs who do not have such formal training.
It may not be possible to obtain the information required to produce the business plan document below without external help or without spending inordinate amount of time by the entrepreneurs (which they can ill afford given the multiplicity of the tasks that they need to manage in parallel). However, the purpose of the note is make the entrepreneur aware about the issues that need to be understood (and covered in a business plan) and that the entrepreneur would need be better off if he has considered these issues while he interacts with the possible financers or makes his business strategy.
Most of what is prescribed in this note has been done by most of the entrepreneurs who have submitted the business plans atleast to some degree of detail. However, it has been included in this note to enable the entrepreneur to make the business plan in a bit a more systematic manner. It is also understood that the given the time and other constraints during the Enterprise KGP event, it may not have been possible for the entrepreneurs to cover every aspect of the business in the business plan they had submitted to the panelists.
Ideally all the aspects of the business that are covered below should be included in a business plan. However, in the context of the entrepreneurs approaching VCs, the entrepreneurs may get some advice and inputs from the VCs in some of the general or specific aspects of business (and accordingly the entrepreneur may not fret over them, if they are not able fill those details in the business plan). For example, elaborate financial or demand modeling may be desirable but not strictly necessary if the idea is good enough to catch VCs attention.
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