Geol 104 Geology of National Parks Lecture 15: The Appalachians ...








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  • cours magistral
  • cours magistral - matière potentielle : national parks
Geol 104 Geology of National Parks Lecture 15: The Appalachians; Smokey Mountains and Acadia 3/5/05 Dr. Stewart 1 I. Physiography of Appalachian Mountains A. Introduction 1. These mountains extend from NE Canada to Georgia 2. They are the remains of a deeply eroded, ancient mountain chain once larger than the Himalayans B. Parts of the Appalachians (From E to W): 1. Coastal Plain (not strictly part of Appalachian) a.
  • current ice age
  • national park a. geography
  • part of appalachian
  • rifting of rodinia
  • orogeny sutures laurentia to the supercontinent rodinia
  • appalachian mountain building
  • appalachian mountain-building
  • laurentia
  • appalachian mountains
  • metamorphic rocks
  • ice
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Department of Art and Art History Course Listings
Spring 2009
Department of Art and Art History Spring 2009 Course # Title Faculty FAH 0002-01 Art, Politics and Culture Eva Hoffman FAH 0008-01Daniel Abramsonto Architecture  Introduction FAH 0010/0110-01Ikumi Kaminishi Japanese Art & the West FAH 0021/0121-01 Early Islamic ArtHoffman Eva FAH 0034/0134-01 Renaissance Venice Cristelle Baskins FAH 0047/0147-01 Romanticism to Realism Karyn Esielonis FAH 0071/0171-01 Arts of the Afro-Atlantic Diaspora Peter Probst FAH 0077-01 The Decorated Body in Africa & Beyond Peter Probst FAH 0084/0184-01 Latin American Cinema Adriana Zavala FAH 0092/0192-02 Arte Povera Silvia Bottinelli FAH 0092/0192-03 Celtic & Early Irish Art Karen Overbey FAH 0092/1092-04 The Art of War: Building Churches  on the Byzantine Frontier Christina Maranci FAH 0092/0192-05 Byzantine Art and Architecture Christina Maranci FAH 0092/0192-06 The Technologies of Contemporary ArtAmanda Boetzkes th FAH 0092/0192-07 17 Century Baroque Art Carrie Anderson FAH 0098 Senior Integrative Project Daniel Abramson FAH 0189 Multi-media & Visual Arts II Christine Cavalier FAH 0192-01 European Visual Works in the 1300s Madeline Caviness FAH 0220-01 Seminar: Medieval Dress Codes: Clothing,  Textiles & Representation Karen Overbey th FAH 0250-01 Seminar: Popular Arts in 19 C. Paris:  Caricature, Illustration, Graphic Art  & Photography Judith Wechsler FAH 0255-01 Seminar: After Abstract Expressionism:  Painting in the United States, 1956-1964 Eric Rosenberg FAH 0280-01 Seminar: Mexico City in the Creative  Imagination Adriana Zavala FAH 0284-01 Collections Management Margherita Desy FAH 0289-01 Museum Studies InternshipCynthia Robinson
Dual Level CoursesSeveral courses are listed as ‘dual level courses’ you may register for either the upper or lower level. Either level counts toward the major, and undergraduates probably will prefer the two-digit level; they will attend all lectures and do exams and term papers as assigned. Graduate students, and advanced undergraduates with the instructor’s permission, will sign up for the one-hundred level; they will have additional readings and discussion meetings, do the exams and write a more extended research paper.
FAH 0002-01 Art, Politics and Culture A survey of major monuments and themes of western and non-western art and architec-ture from the 15th century to the present with emphasis on the function of art in society; art and politics; art, technology and commerce; art and the idea of the modern; nature and abstraction. Students will develop tools and approaches to analyze and understand the language of the visual arts and how art affects us today. Some sections will be held in local museums. EvaHoffman, coordinator, with members of the department. Lecture: Block E+ Mon. & Wed. (10:30 - 11:20 am) Sections will be offered in various blocks. FAH 0008-01 Introduction to ArchitectureA survey of the history of architecture covering major architects, buildings, theories, and urban and landscape developments from the Renaissance through Postmodernism. Emphasis on European and American architectural history within its social and global contexts. Introduction to basic methods of architectural analysis.Daniel Abramson I+ Block Mon. & Wed. (3:00—4:15 pm) FAH 0010/0110-01 Japanese Art and the West Artistic exchange between Japan and the West from the sixteenth century to the present. Focus on Japan's Occidental-ism and the West's Japonisme movements; also Japanese na-tionalists' rebellion against cultural and artistic invasions from the West. Major artists include Hokusai, Degas, Aoki Shigeru, and Van Gogh. May be taken at 100 level. This course may be used to fulfill the World Civ. requirement. Ikumi Kaminishi H+ Block Tues. & Thurs. (1:30—2:45pm)
FAH 0021/0121-01 Early Islamic Art A survey of the visual arts in Muslim lands from Spain to Central Asia between the seventh and thirteenth centuries, emphasizing the role of visual arts in the formation and expression of cultural identity. Painting, sculpture, architecture, and the portable arts of ceramics, ivory, metalwork, and manuscript illustration will be considered. Topics will include the uses of figural and non-figural imagery; calligraphy and ornament; religious and secular art; public and private art; the art of the court and the art of the urban middle class; and the status, use, and meaning of the portable arts. Cross-listed as REL 23/0121. May be taken at 100 level. This course may be used to fulfill the World Civ. requirement Eva HoffmanI+ Block Mon. & Wed. (3:00—4:15)
FAH 0034/0134-01 Renaissance Venice Painting, sculpture, and architecture in the "most serene republic" of Venice, 1400-1600. Elite patrons, confraternal piety, wealth from the Levant, and a taste for pleasure provide some framing contexts for Venetian subject matter ranging from altarpieces to sensuous female nudes. Artists to be considered include Bellini, Giorgione, Titian, Sansovino, Palladio, and Tintoretto. Prerequisite FAH 002. May be used to fulfill the Women’s Studies requirement. May be taken at 100 level.Cristelle Baskins D+ Block Tues. & Thurs. (10:30—11:45)
FAH 0047/0147-01 Romanticism & Realism: Art in Europe 1789-1860Themes in the representational arts from Neo-classicism to Realism. Art and revolution, the public monument, the rise of landscape, the romantic genius, caricature and popular imagery, art criticism (Stendhal, Baudelaire). Artists to include Goya, Géricault, Friedrich, Turner, Courbet, Daumier. May be taken at 100.Karyn EsielonisM+ Block Mon. & Wed. (6:00—7:15)
FAH 0071/0171 Arts of the Afro-Atlantic Diaspora Examination of the arts of African peoples from both sides of the Atlantic. Emphasis on movement of images and ideas back and forth across the Atlantic. The unique ways artists from different parts of the Afro-Atlantic diaspora have fused indigenous and foreign ideas and forms in their work. May be taken at 100 level. May be used to fulfill the World Civ. requirement.Peter Probst L+ Block Tues. & Thurs. (4:30—5:45pm) FAH 0077-01The Decorated Body in AfricaExamination of the wide range of symbolic meanings and practices of body adornment in Africa. Focus on the correlation between the actual practice of body adornment and its visual representation in different art forms. Topics range from tattooing and scarification to clothing and photography. Body Adornment in other parts of the world. May be used to fulfill the World Civ. requirement.Peter Probst 12+ Block Wed. (6:00—9:00pm) FAH 0084/0184-01 Latin American Cinema The development of cinema in district Latin American contexts with emphasis on Mexico, Brazil, Cuba, and Latinos in the U.S.. Emphasis on how film form aids articulations of cultural and political identity. Course consists of weekly film screening outside of class and in-class discussion and film screening. Students taking the course at the 100-level are required to write an additional research paper incorporating both contextual and comparative analysis of two films selected in consultation with the instructor. Prerequisite: Art History or course with Latin American content. May be used to fulfill the World Civ requirement and the Latin American/Latino Studies requirement. Adriana Zavala 12+ Block Wed. (6:00—9:00pm)
FAH 0092/0192-02Arte Povera: Art in Italy in the 1960s and 1970s The termArte Poverawas coined in 1967 by critic Germano Celant to define a group of Italian artists interested in simple materials. The wordpovera, literally “poor”, also meant to criticize Pop Art, interpreted as an acceptance of consumerism. Through photography, installa-tion and performance art,Arte Poveraoffered an alternative to the traditional media of Classic and Renaissance Art. This class considers the theoretical, cultural, social, political and gender issues of the Italian art scene in the 1960's-70's. The different perspec-tive of Italian and English speaking scholars on Arte Povera will be taken into account and discussed in class. No prerequisites. Visit to MFA collections of modern Italian art. Silvia Bottinelli F+ Block Tues. & Thurs. (12:00—1:15pm) FAH 0092-0192-03 Celtic and Early Irish Art Art in Ireland from the Celtic through the Hiberno-Norman period (c. 500 BC – c. 1500 AD). Manuscript illumination, metalwork, sculpture and architecture in its cultural contexts: political, economic, artistic and religious. A particular focus on Ireland in its “global” context: the coming of Christianity, the travels of Irish monks to the Continent, the urbanization of the Hiberno-Norse period and the impact of Anglo-Norman colonization. Pre-requisite: Art History 1 and Art History major; or permission of instructor.Karen Overbey G+ Block Mon. & Wed. (1:30—2:45pm) FAH 0092/0192-04 The Art of War: Building Churches on the Byzantine Frontier In an era referred to by some as an architectural “Dark Age”, the seventh-century building boom in Armenia forms a stunning exception. This course explores why and how the churches arose in a world of violent change, considering the building forms, the engraved and written messages which clothe them, and the ceremonial that unfolded around them. Shedding light on a virtually unstudied chapter of medieval art, this course will demonstrate how monuments could function in, and respond to, an age of acute anxiety. Cross-listed as REL 0010-09/0192-13Christina Maranci M+ Block Mon. & Wed. (6:00—7:15pm)
FAH 0092/0192-05 Byzantine Art & Architecture Byzantine art is a rich and complex tradition which developed over a thousand years, from the fourth to fifteenth centuries CE. This course will explore a wide array of works, including icons, mosaics, illuminated manuscripts, sculpture, church architecture, metal-work, and textiles. It will focus on the historical, religious, and social context for artistic production and address such issues as patronage, art and devotion, secular art, classical revivals, and the role of images in Byzantine society.Christina Maranci K+ Block Mon. & Wed. (4:30—5:45pm) FAH 0092/0192-06 Technologies of Contemporary Art This course investigates the technologies of contemporary art. It seeks to define “technology” and to question how technology structures artistic practice, spectatorship and the aesthetic experience. Conversely, it will also examine how contemporary art is critical of the technologies it deploys and how it exposes the ideological underpinnings of technological development. We will discuss performance art, photography, video art, as well as art that deals with biotechnologies, photography, digital images and the internet. Amanda Boetzkes J+ Block Tues. & Thurs. (3:00—4:15pm) FAH 0092/0192-07 17th Century Baroque Art This course will examine the works of major artists in the seventeenth century in Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, and France. The work of Caravaggio, Artemisia Gentileschi, Bernini, Rubens, Rembrandt, Velazquez, Poussin, and others will be considered in the context of religion, politics, and patronage. Special emphasis will be placed on the widespread diffusion of Baroque trends, which was stimulated not only by ongoing artistic dialogues, but also trade, exploration, and colonization.Carrie Anderson H+ Block Tues. & Thurs. (1:30—2:45)
FAH 0098-01Architectural Studies Integrative Project Seminar A required spring semester seminar for all senior architectural studies majors, through which each student individually completes the major’s culminating integrative project either as an internship, independent study, or honors thesis. The seminar meets as a group to consult about individual ongoing work, to take field trips, to listen to invited speakers, to discuss selected readings, and for the public presentation of the integrative projects at the end of the semester. Proposals for the integrative project must be submitted and approved the previous semester. Senior Honors Thesis students enroll by registering for FAH-0199-07. Open only to senior architectural studies majors. May be registered for by Civil Engineering double majors in architectural studies as CEE 99. Daniel Abramson 2 Block Wed. ( 9:00—11:30am) FAH 0189-01Multimedia & Visual Art II A study of art and architecture in the context of new media. Students design and produce their own interactive project for delivery on the Web or CD-ROM. Students may work on art from a range of historical periods, or on works from the Tufts art collection and campus architecture. Exploration of nonlinear, multithreaded structures as presenta-tion tools for art-historical arguments.PrerequisitesFAH 188 or permission of the instructor.Christine Cavalier F+ Block Tues. & Thurs. (12:00—1:15pm) FAH 0192-01 European Visual Works in the 1300s. Social differences manifest in art in relation to changing notions of the human body, especially through the lens of gender, class, and skin color; the roles of calamitous events such as the great famine, the Black Death, the Hundred Years’ war, and the Pogroms against Jews, as well as the rise of new heresies and Christian religious orders; legal and medical illustrations are scrutinized, as well as religious art. Cultural centers for in-depth study chosen from France, England, Bohemia, and Italy. Cross-listed with REL 0192-11. May be used to fulfill Women’s studies requirement.Madeline CavinessBlock 11+ T (6:00 – 9:00pm)
Graduate Seminars Open to Art History majors and qualified undergraduates with consent FAH 0220-01 Seminar: Medieval Dress Codes: Clothing,  Textiles & Representation This seminar investigates the social constructions and social meanings (both public and private) of dress, costume, bodily ornamentation, and even nudity in the medieval West, c. 400-1500. Examination of the visual, textual and ritual discourses that created cultures of clothing, with attention to the intersections of dress with gender, religion, beauty and status. We will also Consider the historiography of medieval dress, as well as cross- cultural, multi-cultural and interdisciplinary perspectives on the history and interpretation of clothing and textiles in the Middle Ages. Prerequisites: Graduate standing or permission of instructor. Advanced under graduate art history majors (with FAH 100 and one other 100-level course) strongly encouraged to apply. Karen Overbey 12+ Block Wed. (6:00—9:00pm) FAH 0250-02Seminar: Popular Arts in 19th c. Paris:  Caricature, Illustration, Graphic Art & Photography The popular arts developed in 19th century Paris in the context of massive urban development and cultural change. We will study the caricature, illustration, photography, dioramas, panoramas, and graphic design (posters) which developed in this society of spectacles and influenced the generation of the Impressionists. Special focus on Daumier and the writings of Baudelaire and Walter Benjamin. Open to graduate students, majors in art history, French, and history, and by permission of the instructorJudith Wechsler 6 Block Tues. (1:30—4:00pm)
FAH 0255-01 Seminar: After Abstract Expressionism:  Painting in the United States, 1956-1964 This seminar will examine the varied answers to Abstract Expressionism active in the world of painting in the United States between the death of Jackson Pollock and Clement Greenberg's 1964 essay and exhibition "Post Painterly Abstraction," a kind of summing up and looking forward that considers painting's status in the US over the previous decade or so and into the future. Artists to be considered, in no particular order, include Jasper Johns, Robert Rauschenberg, Richard Diebenkorn, Joan Mitchell, Helen Frankenthaler, Morris Louis, Ellsworth Kelly, Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, Willem De Kooning, Robert Ryman, Agnes Martin, Mark Rothko, Frank Stella, Kenneth Noland, Jules Olitski, Friedl Dzubas and others. "Movements" in play will include "Homeless Representation," Color Field, Pop, Neo-Dada, Minimalism, Conceptual art, "Post Painterly" and, of course, Abstract Expressionism.Eric Rosenberg 7 Block Wed. (1:30—4:00pm) FAH 0280-01 Seminar: Mexico City in the Creative Imagination This course will examine Mexico City as a source of inspiration in art and cultural production from the conquest to the present. Emphasis will be on contemporary art produced in and about Mexico City since the 1990s, and we will examine Mexico City's growing importance as a global art center. We will study artists like Melanie Smith, Francis Alÿs, Rafael Lozano Hemmer and Teresa Margolles, as well as filmmakers like Alejandro Gónzalez Iñarritu "Amores Perros," and Marisa Sistach "No One is Listening: Perfume de Violetas," whose work engages with Mexico City as metropolis/megalopolis, utopia/dystopia. As a reading course, this seminar will examine representations of Mexico City across disciplines, visual, literary, theoretical, architectural, and socio-political. Prerequisite: Advanced coursework in Art History or considerable background in modern Latin American history/studies. Adriana Zavala 8+ Block Thurs. (1:20—4:20pm)
Museum Certificate Program Courses (Open to Museum Studies and Graduate Students by Consent) FAH 0284-01 Collections Management Every museum has a curator, registrar, or collections manager whose primary role is to oversee the use, management, and care of its collections. While types of collections may vary, these functions are critical to the success of all collecting institutions. This course examines the responsibilities of the collections manager or registrar in documenting, researching, storing, and exhibiting objects. Students are exposed to various collection policies and registration methods, the acquisition process, loan procedures, and the nu-merous legal and ethical issues that surround accessioning and de-accessioning artifacts. Security, insurance, access to and use of collections are also discussed. The class will make at least one site visit to view collection storage at a local museum. Prerequisite FAH 0285Margherita Desy Mondays 6:30—9:30pm FAH 0289-01Museum Internship Available to students in the Museum Studies Certificate program only. A one-semester, intensive internship with specific projects and responsibilities to be arranged by the student, the museum resource person, and the Tufts Museum Studies advisor, culminat-ing in a written report. Prerequisites: A minimum of three Museum Studies courses, one of which must be FAH 285, must be completed before beginning the internship.To register contact internship supervisor, Cynthia Robinson, Continuing Studies 617-627-3022.
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