Officer Camp Jazz “Getting Over You” By: David Guetta, featuring ...








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Officer Camp Jazz “Getting Over You” By: David Guetta, featuring ...
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Officer Camp Jazz “Getting Over You” By: David Guetta, featuring Fergie & L.M.F.A.O
Choreographed by: Amy Green
8- Rise up 1-4, R arm waist, L arm flick on 5, middle group; pose 6 L groups; pose out 7, R group pose out 8.
8- Shake 1-2, 3-4, and twirl wrist 5-6, 7-8.
8- Rond de jambe L leg and wrap R arm around head 1-2, set with hand on hips 3-4 turn out 5-6 chaine 7-8
8- Flick (back line faces back) 1- fav flick pose 2, step 3, 2
4, rhianna pose 5 or 6 or 7 head 8.
8- Walk fwd. 1 with L arm out 1, R2, around 3, release 4; step back L5, R6, back with arm on chest 7, 2
with arm 8.
8- Roll neck 1-4, arms up in stylized position 5-6 wrap 7 close L to R 8.
8- Pas de bourree and present R arm 1-2, prep 3, coupe turn 4-5, x jump 6, 1 and 7, roll 8.
8- Bug 1-2, booty 3, L leg around 4, step 5 up 6, walk 7-8
8- Prep 1, R kick 2, walk back to mark 3-4, chasse 5-6 directional leap 7-8.
8- 1 and 1-2 roll back 3-4 get up 5 prep 6, turn 7-8
8- out 1, pose (4) 2, hip R 3, swish 4, roll L arm 5 point 6, stag leap with arms behind head 7-8.
8- Present 1-2, turn over L shoulder 3 close front 4, masquerade 5-6, 2
7, shoulder pop & 8.
8- clip turn over R shoulder with arms melting up on 1-2, L leg crosses over R (R arm is pushed out with L arm
behind head) on 3, arm circles with R on top 4, arms out and ball change 5-6, step 7, tilt kick 8.
8- Step 1, turn to R side 2, bend 3, push and flick wrists 4, step out 5, circle R arm 6, again 7, pose with leg up in
attitude 8.
8- Step back with R leg on 1, clean to side 2, arms circle to prep 3, cross over 4, axle 5-7, land 8.
8- drag to walk in circle 1-2, walk around and back to mark 3-6, clap prep 7, “C” jump 8.
8- Land 1-2, slide 3-4, roll to back 5-6, jazz pivot to front 7-8.
8- Step with L foot and swing arms to R 1, switch 2, switch 3, circle arm 4, chest 5, pivot 6, and step 7, close 8.
8- Step with R 1, turned out passé with “L” arms to front 2, step back 3, 4, brush and swing arms around 5, step 6,
turn 7-8.
8- Chasse 1-2, developpe leap 3-4, walk 5-6, 7-8.
8- Party pick-up step 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, and 7-8.
8- Walk back to clump 1-4, turn around and draw arms up 5-7, pose in beginning pose 8.
4- music fades
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