Watergate scandal








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The Watergate scandal is arguably one of the largest scandals to come out of the White House since Andrew Johnson was impeached in the 1870’s. It originally started as a small break-in at the Watergate complex in Washington DC, which was the Democratic National HQ. Five men were arrested in the wee hours of June 17, 1972 on the sixth floor of the Democratic National HQ. That was the start of a case that would lead up to the most powerful man in the country, president Richard M. Nixon. One of the men arrested was named James McCord who worked for the chairman who ran the Committee to Re-elect the President (CREEP). Which would mean that he worked for the Republican Party. It seems strange that a man, who works for the Republican Party is breaking into the Democratic National HQ, doesn’t it? The Watergate scandal is an extremely interesting topic and it goes into much depth as time progresses. Plenty of powerful political people went served time because of their role in the Watergate scandal. People who helped cover-up the scandal, people who leaked out information, they all played a large part in the Watergate scandal and trial. The involvement of President Richard M. Nixon was probably the most important part of the entire Watergate scandal. He was the commander and chief of his country and he lied to his people under oath. He not only broke the law, but he tried to cover it up.
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The Watergate scandal is arguably one of the largest scandals to come out of the
White House since Andrew Johnson was impeached in the 1870’s. It originally started
as a small break-in at the Watergate complex in Washington DC, which was the
Democratic National HQ. Five men were arrested in the wee hours of June 17, 1972 on
the sixth floor of the Democratic National HQ. That was the start of a case that would
lead up to the most powerful man in the country, president Richard M. Nixon. One of
the men arrested was named James McCord who worked for the chairman who ran the
Committee to Re-elect the President (CREEP). Which would mean that he worked for
the Republican Party. It seems strange that a man, who works for the Republican Party
is breaking into the Democratic National HQ, doesn’t it? The Watergate scandal is an
extremely interesting topic and it goes into much depth as time progresses. Plenty of
powerful political people went served time because of their role in the Watergate
scandal. People who helped cover-up the scandal, people who leaked out information,
they all played a large part in the Watergate scandal and trial. The involvement of
President Richard M. Nixon was probably the most important part of the entire
Watergate scandal. He was the commander and chief of his country and he lied to his
people under oath. He not only broke the law, but he tried to cover it up. The judicial
part of Watergate is probably the most memorable part because it was the part where
Nixon gets himself tangled up in his lies. The Watergate scandal is one of America’s
most shameful memories but it will remain in history books because it’s an event that it
changed presidential trust forever.
In the early morning of June 17, 1972 five men were caught breaking into the
Watergate complex. These men were James McCord, Bernard Baker, Eugenio
Martinez, Frank Sturgis, and Vigillo Gonzalez. Bernard Baker was a Cuban exile living
in Miami at the time. He had taken photographs of various documents that were in the
Democratic National headquarters. Martinez and Gonzalez were also Cuban exiles that
were helping Frank Sturgis. Sturgis was a former American solider who was a very
strong supporter of Nixon. The head of the plan was James McCord. McCord was a
former CIA agent. They were all helping place a wiretap on the phone of the Democratic
Party Chairman Lawrence O’Brien. That night, in a hotel room at the Watergate Hotel,
two very important men waited for the four helpers and McCord to come back. These
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