Formes modulaires modulo l'ordre de nilpotence des








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ar X iv :1 20 4. 10 36 v1 [ ma th. NT ] 4 A pr 20 12 Formes modulaires modulo 2 : l'ordre de nilpotence des opérateurs de Hecke Jean-Louis NICOLAS a, Jean-Pierre SERRE b aCNRS, Université de Lyon, Institut Camille Jordan, Mathématiques, F-69622 Villeurbanne Cedex, France. bCollège de France, 3 rue d'Ulm, F-75231 Paris Cedex 05, France. Abstract The nilpotence order of the mod 2 Hecke operators. Let ∆ = ∑∞m=0 q(2m+1) 2 ? F2[[q]] be the reduction mod 2 of the ∆ series. A modular form f modulo 2 of level 1 is a polynomial in ∆. If p is an odd prime, then the Hecke operator Tp transforms f in a modular form Tp(f) which is a polynomial in ∆ whose degree is smaller than the degree of f , so that Tp is nilpotent. The order of nilpotence of f is defined as the smallest integer g = g(f) such that, for every family of g odd primes p1, p2, . . . , pg, the relation Tp1Tp2 . . . Tpg(f) = 0 holds. We show how one can compute explicitly g(f); if f is a polynomial of degree d in ∆, one finds that g(f) << d1/2.

  • f2-espaces vectoriels

  • pr modulo

  • ordre de nilpotence

  • exposant dominant

  • extension finie de f2

  • opérateur de hecke tp

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Formes modulaires modulo2: l’ordre de nilpotence des opérateurs de Hecke a b JeanLouis NICOLAS , JeanPierre SERRE a CNRS, Université de Lyon, Institut Camille Jordan, Mathématiques, F69622 Villeurbanne Cedex, France. b Collège de France, 3 rue d’Ulm, F75231 Paris Cedex 05, France.
The nilpotence order of the mod 2 Hecke operators. P 2 (2m+1) LetΔ =qF2[[q]]be the reduction mod 2 of theΔseries. A modular formfmodulo2of level m=0 1 is a polynomial inΔ. Ifpis an odd prime, then the Hecke operatorTptransformsfin a modular formTp(f) which is a polynomial inΔwhose degree is smaller than the degree off, so thatTpis nilpotent. The order of nilpotence offis defined as the smallest integerg=g(f)such that, for every family ofgodd primesp1, p2, . . . , pg, the relationTp1Tp2. . . Tpg(f) = 0holds. We show how one can compute explicitlyg(f); iff 1/2 is a polynomial of degreedinΔ, one finds thatg(f)<< d.
Keywords:modular forms modulo2, Hecke operators, order of nilpotence.
Mathematics Subject Classification 2000:11F33, 11F25.
1. Introduction
∞ ∞ Y X n24n SoitΔ(q) =q(1q) =τ(n)qτest la fonction de Ramanujan. Soitkun entier>0. n=1n=1 X k n On écritΔ (q) =τk(n)q .Les congruences connues surτ(n2)) (mod (cf. [5]), montrent queΔ(q)n=k X 2 (2m+1) q(mod 2), ce qui entraîne m=0
Email, http://math.univLouis NICOLAS),Pierre SERRE).
Cet article va paraître aux C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 350 (2012),
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