Lessons from Emotion Psychology for the Design of Lifelike Characters








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Lessons from Emotion Psychology for the Design of Lifelike Characters Jonathan Gratch University of Southern California, Institute for Creative Technologies Stacy Marsella University of Southern California, Information Sciences Institute Abstract This special issue describes a number of applications that utilize lifelike characters that teach indirectly, by playing some role in a social interaction with a user. The design of such systems reflects a compromise between competing, sometimes unarticulated de- mands: they must realistically exhibit the behaviors and characteristics of their role, they must facilitate the desired learning, and they must work within the limitations of current technology, and there is little theoretical or empirical guidance on the impact of these compromises
  • emotion computer
  • relationship to the design goals
  • such forms
  • emotional state
  • social interaction
  • human behavior
  • emotion
  • systems
  • design
  • work
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Storage for DBAs – Course Syllabus
1. Description Database administrators and storage administrators have always been on different camps. They don't speak the same language, they don't have the same point of views, they don't use the same tools, etc. It is quite common to witness a debate between a database administrator and a storage administrator about where the problem is – the database or the storage. Yet, these two camps need to work together in order to troubleshoot performance problems and improve throughput. When the database administrator and the storage administrator work well together, the system can get so much more from its storage in terms of capacity, redundancy and performance. The main problem is that each side doesn't really understand the field of the other side. Most DBAs don't really understand storage, just like most storage administrators don't really understand databases. The goal of this course is to teach DBAs the language of the storage administrators, the way they look at storage and the tools they use in order to measure capacity and performance. After this course, a DBA will be able to work together with the storage administrator in order to achieve better results for the system. In small companies, where the DBA is also responsible for the storage, the DBA will be able to see the whole picture and maximize the utilization of the storage.
2. Audience The course is intended for database administrators that need to deal with storage (any type of storage) as part of their work. It is relevant for DBAs who need to work with storage administrators as well as DBAs who are responsible for the storage themselves.
3. Length The course length is 16 academic hours (two days), including presentations, demos and practice.
4. Outline
Introduction to StorageA.
• Introduction
• Understandingworkloads
• Storagecore components
• Storageterminology
 WebsiteEmail AddressPhone Fax www.madeira.co.il info@madeira.co.il P.O.Box 348 Hod HaSharon 45102 Israel+972-9-7400101 +972-9-7402104
B. Spindle • MagneticSpindle
• SSDSpindle
• SSDvs. Magnetic
• EffectiveSpindle for your IO workload
C. Raid • Raidtypes
• Raidcomparison
• Raid& IOP’s calculations
• Raidrecommendations
D. None shared Storage
• Introduction
• Localdisks • DirectAttached Storage • PCIstorage • Introduction
E. Shared Storage
• IP • NAS • ISCSI • SAN • Multipath
F. Disk • DiskAlignment
• StripeUnit Size
Storage for DBAs – Course Syllabus
 WebsiteEmail AddressPhone Fax www.madeira.co.il info@madeira.co.il P.O.Box 348 Hod HaSharon 45102 Israel+972-9-7400101 +972-9-7402104
• Diskallocation • Files& file groups
• Multidisks management challenges
G. Tiered Storage
• Getthe right data to the right place
• Identifyyour IO hot spots
• Tiermanagement
H. Storage monitoring
• Predeployment checks
• Activemonitoring
• Proactivemonitoring
I. SAN for DBA Challenges • Dataavailability • Storagereplication • Capacitymanagement
Storage for DBAs – Course Syllabus
 WebsiteEmail AddressPhone Fax www.madeira.co.il info@madeira.co.il P.O.Box 348 Hod HaSharon 45102 Israel+972-9-7400101 +972-9-7402104
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