Niveau: Supérieur, Doctorat, Bac+8
1 Benthos and plankton metabolism of Sesoko island coral reef ecosystem. Studies performed on the framework of HCORE program. Sesoko station, Tropical Biosphere Research Center 26 july - 4 august 2005 Univ. Shizuoka, Univ. Ryukyus, IRD HISTORY As part of the « Japan-France joint research project on marine cyanobacteria » approved by the oceanography sub commission, two French-Japan expeditions had been carried out in November 2003 and December 2004 ( and ). The French participation had been financed by this commission managed for the French side by IFREMER, and by the university of Shizuoka . These expeditions had been done in the frame work of the “Chemical and Biological study in coral reef around La Réunion Island : Biogeochemical cycling related to the bleaching of coral. In June 2004, a special session of the 10th international coral reef symposium had been organized by B Casareto ( Japan ) and J Blanchot (IRD) focusing onto the plankton- benthos relationship in coral reef ecosystems with a special focus on cyanobacteria. A keynote lecture had also been presented by Loïc Charpy on the role of cyanobacteria in coral reefs ecosystems. In June 2005, a special session of the ASLO 2005 Summer Meeting, Santiago de Compostela , Spain , had been organized by Y Susuki, B Casareto and L Charpy : Linkage Between Pico, Nano-plankton and Biogeochemical Cycle in the Ocean.
- n2 fixation
- start incubation
- benthos incubations
- researcher
- coral reef
- research director
- dark n2
- sesoko island