Benthos and plankton metabolism of Sesoko island coral reef ecosystem Studies performed on the framework of HCORE program








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Niveau: Supérieur, Doctorat, Bac+8
1 Benthos and plankton metabolism of Sesoko island coral reef ecosystem. Studies performed on the framework of HCORE program. Sesoko station, Tropical Biosphere Research Center 26 july - 4 august 2005 Univ. Shizuoka, Univ. Ryukyus, IRD HISTORY As part of the « Japan-France joint research project on marine cyanobacteria » approved by the oceanography sub commission, two French-Japan expeditions had been carried out in November 2003 and December 2004 ( and ). The French participation had been financed by this commission managed for the French side by IFREMER, and by the university of Shizuoka . These expeditions had been done in the frame work of the “Chemical and Biological study in coral reef around La Réunion Island : Biogeochemical cycling related to the bleaching of coral. In June 2004, a special session of the 10th international coral reef symposium had been organized by B Casareto ( Japan ) and J Blanchot (IRD) focusing onto the plankton- benthos relationship in coral reef ecosystems with a special focus on cyanobacteria. A keynote lecture had also been presented by Loïc Charpy on the role of cyanobacteria in coral reefs ecosystems. In June 2005, a special session of the ASLO 2005 Summer Meeting, Santiago de Compostela , Spain , had been organized by Y Susuki, B Casareto and L Charpy : Linkage Between Pico, Nano-plankton and Biogeochemical Cycle in the Ocean.

  • n2 fixation

  • start incubation

  • benthos incubations

  • researcher

  • coral reef

  • research director

  • dark n2

  • sesoko island

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Benthos and plankton metabolism of Sesoko island coral reef ecosystem. Studies performed on the framework of HCORE program. Sesoko station, Tropical Biosphere Research Center 26 july - 4 august 2005 Univ. Shizuoka, Univ. Ryukyus, IRD
As part of the « Japan-France joint research project on marine cyanobacteria » approved by the oceanography sub commission, two French-Japan expeditions had been carried out in November 2003 and December 2004 ( and French participation had been ). financed by this commission managed for the French side by IFREMER, and by the university of Shizuoka . These expeditions had been done in the frame work of the “Chemical and Biological study in coral reef around La Réunion Island : Biogeochemical cycling related to the bleaching of coral". In June 2004, a special session of the 10th international coral reef symposium had been organized by B Casareto ( Japan ) and J Blanchot (IRD) focusing onto the plankton- benthos relationship in coral reef ecosystems with a special focus on cyanobacteria. A keynote lecture had also been presented by Loïc Charpy on the role of cyanobacteria in coral reefs ecosystems. In June 2005, a special session of the ASLO 2005 Summer Meeting, Santiago de Compostela , Spain , had been organized by Y Susuki, B Casareto and L Charpy : Linkage Between Pico, Nano-plankton and Biogeochemical Cycle in the Ocean.
Taking into account the recent advances in coral reef studies which appeared during the 10th international coral reef symposium, the Japanese and French teams decided to continue their common research work in the framework of a new programme called HCORE. An expedition were carried on in Sesoko island (Okinawa), at Sesoko Tropical Biosphere Research Center , on 26 july - 4 august 2005. This expedition gathered members of Shizuoka university, Ryukyus university and IRD. The participation of L. Charpy and MJ Langlade (IRD) was financed by the Shizuoka university. The studies, performed on the framework of HCORE program, were “Benthos and plankton metabolism of Sesoko island coral reef ecosystem”.
15  Quantify the nitrogen fixation ( N uptake and acetylene reduction rate) and CO2 uptake by phytoplankton and phytobenthos (cyanobacteria and others)  Characterize the phytoplankton (heterotrophic ba cteria, cyanobacteria and algae) by microscopic observations and flow cytometry.  Quantify the nitrogen, phosphorus and carbon fluxes in plankton and benthos by measuring DOM, POM, nutrients, TIC, alkalinity, Ca changes during incubation experiments.
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