Goals, Roots and Sub-fields of Artificial Intelligence








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  • exposé
Goals, Roots and Sub-fields of Artificial Intelligence K.R. Chowdhary Professor & Head CSE Dept. MBM Engineering College, Jodhpur, India January 2, 2012 Abstract The introductory article about AI briefly discusses the goals of AI, its roots, philosophy, logic/mathematics, computation, cognitive Sci- ence/Psychology, biology/neuroscience, and evolution. in addition, it covers the the Sub-fields: Neural Networks, Evolutionary Computa- tion, Vision, Robotics, Expert Systems, Speech Processing, Planning, Machine Learning, and Natural Language Processing.
  • human abilities
  • expert system by a knowl- edge engineer
  • large networks of neurons
  • natural language processing
  • intelligence
  • knowledge
  • systems
  • computer
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B e s tW o r k p l ac e s i nl at i na m e r i c a 2 0 0 8
Best Workplaces in latinamerica cOMPàNIES TRàNSfORM ThEIR 2008 wORKPLàCES TO buILd à bETTER SOCIETy. Do your employees trust you and your managers?This year, the 1,100 participating companies in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Are your employees proud to work at yourColombia, Ecuador, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela represent a workforce of company? morethan 1.6 million employees. Do your employees enjoy working with their co-Worldwide, where are the very Best Workplaces—in Europe, the US or Latin workers? America?“The truth is that the differences between the 100 Best in each of Every year, companies from across Latinthe three regions are very small,” says Mauricio Bock, Latin America regional America take part in the annualGreat Placemanager of theGreat Placeto Work InstItue. On all five dimensions of the © © toWork® InstItuteGreat Place to Work Model, the differences in the average Trust Indexstudy to find the answers toscore these questions and benchmark performanceby dimension are within three points. Latin America does, however, come out against others in the region. For the first time,with the highest score in the dimension of Pride. latIn trade partnerswith theGreat PlacetoIn every case, all participating companies carry out an employee survey © Work InstItute, an analysis of workplace culture, policies and practices.and a Culture Auditpresent the results of the to firfth regional survey of the Best WorkplacesThe employees respond anonymously to each statement on a scale of “almost in Latin America, the largest employee surveyalways untrue,” “often untrue,” “sometimes untrue, sometimes true,” “often in the region.
trust index:a bENChMàRK Of ThE àvERàgE“tàKINg EvERyThINg INTO àCCOuNT, i wOuLd Sày ThIS IS à gREàT PLàCE TO wORK.” tRuST iNdEx SCORES fOR ThE TOP 100 fOR euROPE (2008), ThE U.s. (2008) àNd làTIN aMERICà (2008).
9595 90 90 91 9086 85 90 85 83 81 8 85 7 7 80 6 6 75 5 705 Europe USLatin AmericaCredibility RespectFairness PrideCamaraderie Europe USLatin America
Source: Great Place to Work® Institute, all rights reserved, 2008. Great Places to Work® is a registered trademark. The Model©, Culture Audit© and Trust Index© are copyrighted.
11-12/2008latin trade 49
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