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AIDS and the ESE Student..... A Perspective ESE individuals are people first.... this should be the focus of our teaching. Most ESE students are able to learn socially appropriate sexual behaviors and able to demonstrate responsibility and self-control. The increasing threat of AIDS and other STD=s makes it essential that education be provided for these students. AProtecting@ students from learning about AIDS can have serious negative consequences such as unplanned pregnancies, exploitation, victimization, STD=s, and AIDS.
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Project 2.1 Comparing Database Models
Project 2.2 Identifying DBMS Architecture and Components
Project 2.3 Reviewing Server Hardware Resources
Project 2.4 Investigating SQL Server Databases
Project 2.5 Identifying Application Requirements


Introducing Databases and Database Management Systems 21

Project 2.1 Comparing Database Models
Overview Database systems currently in use include a mix of the standard database
models. Most new databases and applications are PC based, deployed on PC
networks, and use a form of the relational model.
Outcomes After completing this project, you will know how to:
identify hierarchical database model features
identify network database model features
identify relational database model features
object database m
What you’ll need To complete this project, you will need:
the worksheet below
Completion time 15 minutes
Precautions None

You will be given a standard database model type and a series of statements. For each statement,
circle T (for True) if the statement accurately describes the model and F (for False) if the
statement does not accurately describe the model.
Part A: Hierarchical database model
T F Each child can have one and only one parent.

T F Each parent can have one and only one child.

T F This is the model most commonly used on PC-based database systems.

T F Relationships are established and maintained through the use of foreign keys.

T F A data structure can behave as both a parent and a child.
Part B: Network database model
T F This model derives its name because it can be deployed on a PC-based local area
network only.

T F Relationships between members and owners are established through physical pointers.

22 Introduction to Database Management

T F An owner can have one and only one member.

T F A member can have one and only one owner.

T F This model forces record types into a hierarchical structure.
Part C: Relational database model
T F Relationships are maintained through physical pointers.

T F A single, definable type of item that you want to track in your database is known as an

T F This model can be used to represent data relationships that cannot be placed in a
hierarchical model.

T F This model is commonly used with PC-based database systems.

T F This model is based on two-dimensional tables.
Part D: Object-oriented model
T F This is a legacy database model used on mainframe and minicomputers only.

T F This model can represent data not easily described through a hierarchical structure.

T F This model includes data types that can be used to represent multimedia-type data.

T F Features unique to this model include transaction processing and concurrency control.

T F This model includes support for abstract data typing.

Introducing Databases and Database Management Systems 23

Project 2.2 Identifying DBMS Architecture and Components
Overview Part of understanding what you can and cannot do through your database
design comes from having knowledge of database architecture. You also
need to know the specific components supported by your DBMS.
Outcomes After completing this project, you will know how to:
identify DBMS architecture features
the functionality provided by DBMS components
What you’ll need To complete this project, you will need:
the worksheet below
Completion time 15 minutes
Precautions None

Match each architectural component to the closest definition. Each component will be used only

___ Query processor A. IT personnel who create and maintain
databases, such as data modelers and

___ Nonvolatile storage B. Users who perform day-to-day functions that
include retrieving and updating database data

___ Database engine C. Component that lets you create screen layout
and forms for data input and display

___ Forms generator D. Automated and manual activities necessary
for ongoing maintenance and update

___ Regular user E. Industry-standard language for relational

___ Practitioner F. Long-term secondary storage media such as a
hard disk drive

___ Procedure G. Checks a query for obvious syntax errors and
determines resources available to run the query

___ Structured Query Language H. Coordinates the tasks performed by all other
DMBS components


24 Introduction to Database Management

Project 2.3 Reviewing Server Hardware Resources
Overview Database server performance is directly impacted by server hardware
resources. Before you can install your selected DBMS, the hardware must
meet minimum installation requirements. Operational requirements depend
on the amount of data you plan to store in the databases and how you plan to
use the data.
Outcomes After completing this project, you will know how to:
identify processor resources main memory and how it is being used
identify the number of physical and logical disk drives configured
on the computer
determine available disk space
examine memory and processor configuration
What you’ll need To complete this project, you will need:
a computer with SQL Server 2005 Evaluation Edition installed
Completion time 30 minutes
Precautions When reviewing configuration settings, do not change any settings. If
prompted to save changes when exiting any utility, choose not to save
Part A: Determine hardware resources
1. Click Start and open the Control Panel. If the Control Panel is in Category view,
switch to the Classic view.
2. Click System to open the System Properties dialog box. The processor and main
memory are reported on the General tab, as shown in Figure 2-1.
Introducing Databases and Database Management Systems 25

Figure 2-1: System Properties dialog box showing installed processor
3. What is the processor installed on your computer?
4. How much memory is installed on your computer?
5. Select the Hardware tab and click Device Manager (Figure 2-2). Expand Disk drives
and DVD/CD-ROM drives (Figure 2-2).

26 Introduction to Database Management

Figure 2-2: Device Manager showing secondary storage
6. What hard disk drives are installed on your computer? What DVD or CD-ROM drives?
7. Open the File menu and click Exit to close Device Manager.
8. Click Cancel to close the System Properties dialog box.
Part B: View logical and physical hard disks
1. In the Control Panel, select Administrative Tools to open the Administrative Tools
2. In the Administrative Tools window, select Computer Management to open the
Computer Management console.
Introducing Databases and Database Management Systems 27

3. Under Storage, select Disk Management, as shown in Figure 2-3.

Figure 2-3: Disk Management
4. How do the hard disks and DVD/CD-ROM drives reported compare to those reported in the
Device Manager? Record your answer below.
5. List the physical drives, logical drives, and sizes reported for drives in Table 2-1 below. If
your computer has more than four logical drives, list the first four drives:

Table 2-1: Disk usage
Physical Drive Number Logical Drive ID Total Disk Space Available Disk Space

28 Introduction to Database Management

6. Close the Computer Management console.
7. Administrative Tools window.
8. Click Start and open the My Computer window.
9. Click Folders to view drives and folders, as shown in Figure 2-4.

Figure 2-4: My Computer window showing folders
10. For each logical drive, right-click the drive and select Properties to open the Properties
dialog box for the drive. Add the available disk space, indicated in Figure 2-5, to Table 2-1,
and then click Cancel to close the Properties dialog box.

Introducing Databases and Database Management Systems 29

Figure 2-5: Available space
11. Close My Computer.
Part C: Examine memory and processor configuration
1. Click Start, point to All Programs, select Microsoft SQL Server 2005, and then click
SQL Server Management Studio.
2. Click Connect to connect to your local server.
3. In the Object Exp

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