Carette of Sark









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The Project Gutenberg EBook of Carette of Sark, by John Oxenham This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at Title: Carette of Sark Author: John Oxenham Release Date: September 6, 2005 [EBook #16666] Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK CARETTE OF SARK *** Produced by Steven Gibbs, Melissa Er-Raqabi and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at THE WEST COAST OF SARK AND BRECQHOU. The standing rocks are the AUTELETS. The first bay on the left is SAIGNIE; the next, PORT DU MOULIN; then behind the great rock TINTAGEU is PORT A LA JUMENT. The GOULIOT PASS seperates SARK from BRECQHOU; the house on BRECQHOU was in the dip just above where the white waves are breaking. The GALÉ de JACOB is close to the first cave. CARETTE OF SARK BY JOHN OXENHAM AUTHOR OF "WHITE FIRE" "HEARTS IN EXILE" "BARBE OF GRAND BAYOU" "JOHN OF GERISAU" ETC. WITH SIXTEEN ILLUSTRATIONS, FROM PHOTOGRAPHS OF SARK, SPECIALLY TAKEN FOR THIS BOOK HODDER AND STOUGHTON LONDON MCMVII WORKS BY THE SAME AUTHOR GOD'S PRISONER RISING FORTUNES A PRINCESS OF VASCOVY BONDMAN FREE OUR LADY OF DELIVERANCE JOHN OF GERISAU UNDER THE IRON FLAIL BARBE OF GRAND BAYOU HEARTS IN EXILE JOSEPH SCORER A WEAVER OF WEBS WHITE FIRE THE GATE OF THE DESERT GIANT CIRCUMSTANCE PROFIT AND LOSS THE LONG ROAD TO WILLIAM FREDERICK COLLINGS, ESQ. Seigneur of Sark AND JOHN LINWOOD PITTS, ESQ., F.S.A. (Normandy) Managing Director of the Guille-Allès Library, Guernsey AND ALL THOSE GOOD FRIENDS IN THE ISLANDS WHO HAVE SHOWN SO GREAT AN INTEREST IN THIS BOOK I INSCRIBE THE SAME IN HEARTY RECOGNITION OF MANY KINDNESSES FOREWORD Sercq is a small exclusive land where the forty farm holdings to-day are almost identical with those fixed by Helier de Carteret in the time of Queen Elizabeth; where feudal observances which date back to the time of Rollo, Duke of Normandy, are still the law of the land; and where family names and records in some cases run back unbroken for very many generations. To obviate any personal feeling, I desire to state that, to the best of my belief, no present inhabitant of Sercq is in any way connected with any of the principal characters named in this book. The name Carré is still an honoured one in the Island. It is pronounced Caury. The numbers on the map refer to the farms and tenants in the year 1800—the approximate date of the story. As this map has been specially compiled, and is, I believe, the only one of its kind in existence, it may be of interest to some to find at the end of this volume a list of the holdings and holders in Sercq about one hundred years ago. The photographs from which this book is illustrated were specially taken for me at considerable expenditure of time and trouble by various good friends in Sark and elsewhere. If, in one or two cases, we have permitted ourselves some little license in the adaptation of the present to the past, it is only for the purpose of presenting to the reader as nearly as possible what was in the writer's mind when working on the story. The map and list of the Forty Men of Sark and their properties in the year 1800 were compiled for me from the old Island records, by my friend Mr. W.A. Toplis, over twenty years resident in Sark, and for all the time and labour he expended upon them I here make most grateful acknowledgment. The length of the Coupée depends upon—one's feelings, one's temperament, and the exact spots where it really begins and ends. To the nervous it seems endless, and some have found themselves unable to cross it under any conditions whatever. So high an authority as Ansted gives it as 600 feet, others say 300; the simple fact being that, unless one goes for the express methodic purpose of measuring it (which no one ever does), all thought, save that of wonder and admiration, is lost the moment one's foot falls upon it. The span from cliff to cliff is probably something over 300 feet, while, from the dip of the path in Sark to the clearing of the rise in Little Sark, it is probably twice as much. CONTENTS CHAPTER I HOW PAUL MARTEL FELL OUT WITH SERCQ CHAPTER II HOW RACHEL CARRÉ WENT BACK TO HER FATHER CHAPTER III HOW TWO FOUGHT IN THE DARK CHAPTER IV HOW MARTEL RAISED THE CLAMEUR BUT FOUND NO RELIEF CHAPTER V HOW CARETTE AND I WERE GIRL AND BOY TOGETHER CHAPTER VI HOW CARETTE CAME BY HER GOLDEN BRIDGE CHAPTER VII HOW I SHOWED ONE THE WAY TO THE BOUTIQUES CHAPTER VIII HOW I WENT THE FIRST TIME TO BRECQHOU CHAPTER IX HOW WE BEGAN TO SPREAD OUR WINGS CHAPTER X HOW I BEARDED LIONS IN THEIR DENS CHAPTER XI HOW WE GREW, AND GROWING, GREW APART CHAPTER XII HOW AUNT JEANNE GAVE A PARTY CHAPTER XIII HOW WE RODE GRAY ROBIN CHAPTER XIV HOW YOUNG TORODE TOOK THE DEVIL OUT OF BLACK BOY CHAPTER XV HOW I FELT THE GOLDEN SPUR CHAPTER XVI HOW I WENT TO SEE TORODE OF HERM CHAPTER XVII HOW I WENT OUT WITH JOHN OZANNE CHAPTER XVIII HOW WE CAME ACROSS MAIN ROUGE CHAPTER XIX HOW I FELL INTO THE RED HAND CHAPTER XX HOW I LAY IN THE CLEFT OF A ROCK CHAPTER XXI HOW I FACED DEATHS AND LIVED CHAPTER XXII HOW THE JOSÉPHINE CAME HOME CHAPTER XXIII HOW I LAY AMONG LOST SOULS CHAPTER XXIV HOW I CAME ACROSS ONE AT AMPERDOO CHAPTER XXV HOW WE SAID GOOD-BYE TO AMPERDOO CHAPTER XXVI HOW WE FOUND A FRIEND IN NEED CHAPTER XXVII HOW WE CAME UPON A WHITED SEPULCHRE AND FELL INTO THE FIRE CHAPTER XXVIII HOW WE WALKED INTO THE TIGER'S MOUTH CHAPTER XXIX HOW THE HAWK SWOOPED DOWN ON BRECQHOU CHAPTER XXX HOW I FOUND MY LOVE IN THE CLEFT CHAPTER XXXI HOW I HELD THE NARROW WAY CHAPTER XXXII HOW WE WENT TO EARTH CHAPTER XXXIII HOW LOVE COULD SEE IN THE DARK CHAPTER XXXIV HOW LOVE FOUGHT DEATH IN THE DARK CHAPTER XXXV HOW WE HEARD STRANGE NEWS CHAPTER XXXVI HOW A STORM CAME OUT OF THE WEST CHAPTER XXXVII HOW WE HELD OUR HOMES CHAPTER XXXVIII HOW WE RAN AGAINST THE LAW FOR THE SAKE OF A WOMAN CHAPTER XXXIX HOW I CAME INTO RICH TREASURE 1 14 19 24
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