My Love Of thee year 2000 A Novel of love and Philosophy by Georges Réveillac 5-The Great Manoeuvres 5-The Great Manoeuvres From now on I knew what the expression « to have someone under your skin » meant. Seen from a window of « My Love », the operation seduction had gone off perfectly as far as the apotheosis which we had just lived. She held her man : « - I have caught you right away. » she told me. Immediately she began, in the morning, the second phase of her plan. Doesn’t one say « strike while the iron is hot »? Jeanne undertook to shape me to her liking. Let us see what brought about the first scene? After all it does not matter: it was only the first of a long series of battles broken by some happy truces. So much the worse if I relate without any order. But I owe you some more explanations. Jeanne, in order to seduce me, used the same strategy of love as Don Juan: she had lied brazenly. Fortunately! Fortunately, her aim was not the same as that of those tireless collectors of female trophies, those love thieves who are always « in want » . I know if there are any female Don Juans, but in any case, my Jeanne was no one. Fortunately! She had lied to me, of course. But when her carnal body of a fairy, offered to me unhesitatingly, all vibrant with sea waves, had said: « Yes! Yes! », she could not cheat. Of course, she had embarked us on this marvellous journey as stowaways, but she was ...