The Modern Scottish Minstrel, Volumes I-VI. - The Songs of Scotland of the Past Half Century
61 pages

The Modern Scottish Minstrel, Volumes I-VI. - The Songs of Scotland of the Past Half Century

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61 pages
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Publié le 08 décembre 2010
Nombre de lectures 32
Langue English
Poids de l'ouvrage 1 Mo


Project Gutenberg's The Modern Scottish Minstrel, Volumes I-VI., by Various This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at
Title: The Modern Scottish Minstrel, Volumes I-VI.  The Songs of Scotland of the Past Half Century Author: Various Release Date: September 5, 2007 [EBook #22515] Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK MODERN SCOTTISH MINSTREL ***
Produced by Susan Skinner, Ted Garvin and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at
Memoirs of the Poets,
VOLUMEI. CONTENTS. JOHN SKINNER, Tullochgorum, John o' Badenyon, The ewie wi' the crookit horn, O! why should old age so much wound us? Still in the wrong, Lizzy Liberty, The stipendless parson, The man of Ross, A song on the times,  WILLIAM CAMERON, As o'er the Highland hills I hied,  MRS JOHN HUNTER, The Indian death-song, My mother bids me bind my hair, The flowers of the forest, The season comes when first we met, Oh, tuneful voice! I still deplore, Dear to my heart as life's warm stream, The lot of thousands,  ALEXANDER, DUKE OF GORDON, Cauld kail in Aberdeen,  MRS GRANT OF CARRON, Roy's wife of Aldivalloch,  ROBERT COUPER, M.D., Kinrara, The sheeling, The ewe-bughts, Marion,  LADY ANNE BARNARD,
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Auld Robin Gray, " " Part II., Why tarries my love?  JOHN TAIT, The banks of the Dee,  HECTOR MACNEILL, Mary of Castlecary, My boy, Tammy, Oh, tell me how for to woo, Lassie wi' the gowden hair, Come under my plaidie, I lo'ed ne'er a laddie but ane, Donald and Flora, My luve's in Germany, Dinna think, bonnie lassie,  MRS GRANT OF LAGGAN, Oh, where, tell me where? Oh, my love, leave me not,  JOHN MAYNE, Logan braes, Helen of Kirkconnel, The winter sat lang, My Johnnie, The troops were embarked,  JOHN HAMILTON, The rantin' Highlandman, Up in the mornin' early, Go to Berwick, Johnnie, Miss Forbes' farewell to Banff, Tell me, Jessie, tell me why? The hawthorn, Oh, blaw, ye westlin' winds!  JOANNA BAILLIE, The maid of Llanwellyn, Good night, good night! Though richer swains thy love pursue, Poverty parts good companie, Fy, let us a' to the wedding, Hooly and fairly, The weary pund o' tow, The wee pickle tow, The gowan glitters on the sward, Saw ye Johnnie comin'? It fell on a morning, Woo'd, and married, and a',
64 65 68 72 82 83 85 87 89 90 92 95 96 104 106 110 111 113 114 115 118 119 121 121 122 123 124 132 133 134 134 136 139 141 142 143 145 146 148
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 WILLIAM DUDGEON, Up among yon cliffy rocks,  WILLIAM REID, The lea rig, John Anderson, my jo (a continuation), Fair, modest flower, Kate o' Gowrie, Upon the banks o' flowing Clyde,  ALEXANDER CAMPBELL, Now winter's wind sweeps, The hawk whoops on high,  MRS DUGALD STEWART, The tears I shed must ever fall, Returning spring, with gladsome ray,  ALEXANDER WILSON, Connel and Flora, Matilda, Auchtertool,  CAROLINA, BARONESS NAIRN, The ploughman, Caller herrin', The land o' the leal, The Laird o' Cockpen, Her home she is leaving, The bonniest lass in a' the warld, My ain kind dearie, O! He 's lifeless amang the rude billows, Joy of my earliest days, Oh, weel's me on my ain man, Kind Robin lo'es me Kitty Reid's house, The robin's nest, Saw ye nae my Peggy? Gude nicht, and joy be wi' ye a'! Cauld kail in Aberdeen, He 's ower the hills that I lo'e weel, The lass o' Gowrie, There grows a bonnie brier bush, John Tod, Will ye no come back again? Jamie the laird, Songs of my native land, Castell Gloom, Bonnie Gascon Ha', The auld house,
152 154 155 157 157 159 165 166 168 169 179 179 182 194 195 196 198 200 201 202 202 203 204 205 205 206 208 209 210 211 213 215 216 218 219 220 221 223 224
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The hundred pipers, The women are a' gane wud, Jeanie Deans, The heiress, The mitherless lammie, The attainted Scottish nobles, True love is watered aye wi' tears, Ah, little did my mother think, Would you be young again? Rest is not here, Here's to them that are gane, Farewell, O farewell! The dead who have died in the Lord,  JAMES NICOL, Blaw saftly, ye breezes, By yon hoarse murmurin' stream, Haluckit Meg, My dear little lassie,  JAMES MONTGOMERY, "Friendship, love, and truth, " The Swiss cowherd's song in a foreign land, German war-song, Via Crucis, via Lucis, Verses to a robin-redbreast, Slavery that was,  ANDREW SCOTT, Rural content, or the muirland farmer, Symon and Janet, Coquet water, The young maid's wish for peace, The fiddler's widow, Lament for the death of an Irish chief, The departure of summer,  SIR WALTER SCOTT, BART., It was an English ladye bright, Lochinvar, Where shall the lover rest, Soldier, rest! thy warfare o'er, Hail to the chief who in triumph advances, The heath this night must be my bed, The imprisoned huntsman, He is gone on the mountain, A weary lot is thine, fair maid, Allen-a-Dale, The cypress wreath, The cavalier,
226 227 228 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 242 242 244 246 253 254 254 255 257 258 263 265 268 269 271 272 273 289 290 292 294 2957 298 299 300 300 302 303
Hunting song, 304 Oh, say not, my love, with that mortified air, 305
322 334
METRICAL TRANSLATIONS FROM THE MODERN GAELIC MINSTRELSY. ROBERT MACKAY (ROB DONN), 309 The song of winter, 311 Dirge for Ian Macechan, 315 The song of the forsaken drover, 315 Isabel Mackay—the maid alone, 318 Evan's Elegy, 321  DOUGAL BUCHANAN, A clagionn—the skull, 326 Am bruadar—the dream, 330  DUNCAN MACINTYRE, Mairi bhān ōg (Mary, the young, the fair-haired), 335 Bendourain, the Otter Mount, 336 The bard to his musket, 347  JOHN MACODRUM, Oran na h-aois (the song of age), 352  NORMAN MACLEOD (TORMAID BAN), Caberfae, 357  
VOLUMEII. CONTENTS. JAMES HOGG, Donald Macdonald, Flora Macdonald's farewell, Bonnie Prince Charlie, The skylark,
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Caledonia, O Jeanie, there 's naething to fear ye, When the kye comes hame, The women folk, M'Lean's welcome, Charlie is my darling, Love is like a dizziness, O weel befa' the maiden gay, The flowers of Scotland, Lass, an' ye lo'e me, tell me now, Pull away, jolly boys, O, saw ye this sweet bonnie lassie o' mine? The auld Highlandman, Ah, Peggy, since thou 'rt gane away, Gang to the brakens wi' me, Lock the door, Lariston, I hae naebody now, The moon was a-waning, Good night, and joy,  JAMES MUIRHEAD, D.D., Bess the gawkie,  MRS AGNES LYON, Neil Gow's farewell to whisky, See the winter clouds around, Within the towers of ancient Glammis, My son George's departure,  ROBERT LOCHORE, Now, Jenny lass, Marriage, and the care o't, Mary's twa lovers, The forlorn shepherd,  JOHN ROBERTSON, The toom meal pock,  ALEXANDER BALFOUR, The bonnie lass o' Leven water, Slighted love,  GEORGE MACINDOE, Cheese and whisky, The burn trout,  ALEXANDER DOUGLAS, Fife, an' a' the land about it,  WILLIAM M'LAREN,
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Now summer shines with gaudy pride, And dost thou speak sincere, my love? Say not the bard has turn'd old,  HAMILTON PAUL, Helen Gray, The bonnie lass of Barr,  ROBERT TANNAHILL, Jessie, the flower o' Dumblane, Loudon's bonnie woods and braes, The lass of Arranteenie, Yon burn side, The braes o' Gleniffer, Through Crockston Castle's lanely wa's, The braes o' Balquhither, Gloomy winter 's now awa', O! are ye sleeping, Maggie? Now winter, wi' his cloudy brow, The dear Highland laddie, O, The midges dance aboon the burn, Barrochan Jean, O, row thee in my Highland plaid, Bonnie wood of Craigie lea, Good night, and joy,  HENRY DUNCAN, D.D., Curling song, On the green sward, The Ruthwell volunteers, Exiled far from scenes of pleasure, The roof of straw, Thou kens't, Mary Hay,  ROBERT ALLAN, Blink over the burn, my sweet Betty, Come awa, hie awa, On thee, Eliza, dwell my thoughts, To a linnet, The primrose is bonnie in spring, The bonnie lass o' Woodhouselee, The sun is setting on sweet Glengarry, Her hair was like the Cromla mist, O leeze me on the bonnie lass, Queen Mary's escape from Lochleven Castle, When Charlie to the Highlands came, Lord Ronald came to his lady's bower, The lovely maid of Ormadale, A lassie cam' to our gate, The thistle and the rose,
116 116 117 128 129 136 137 139 140 141 142 143 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 153 154 161 163 164 165 166 167 171 171 173 174 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 183 184 186
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The Covenanter's lament, Bonnie lassie,  ANDREW MERCER, The hour of love,  JOHN LEYDEN, M.D., Ode to the evening star, The return after absence, Lament for Rama,  JAMES SCADLOCK, Along by Levern stream so clear, Hark, hark, the skylark singing, October winds,  SIR ALEXANDER BOSWELL, BART., Jenny's bawbee, Jenny dang the weaver, The lass o' Isla, Taste life's glad moments, Good night, and joy be wi' ye a', Old and new times, Bannocks o' barley meal,  WILLIAM GILLESPIE, The Highlander, Ellen,  THOMAS MOUNSEY CUNNINGHAM, Adown the burnie's flowery bank, The hills o' Gallowa', The braes o' Ballahun, The unco grave, Julia's grave, Fareweel, ye streams,  JOHN STRUTHERS, Admiring Nature's simple charms, Oh, bonnie buds yon birchen tree,  RICHARD GALL, How sweet is the scene, Captain O'Kain, My only jo and dearie, O, The bonnie blink o' Mary's e'e, The braes o' Drumlee, I winna gang back to my mammy again, The bard, Louisa in Lochaber, The hazlewood witch,
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Farewell to Ayrshire,  GEORGE SCOTT, The flower of the Tyne,  THOMAS CAMPBELL, Ye mariners of England, Glenara, The wounded hussar, Battle of the Baltic, Men of England,  MRS G. G. RICHARDSON, The fairy dance, Summer morning, There 's music in the flowing tide, Ah! faded is that lovely broom,  THOMAS BROWN, M.D., Consolation of altered fortunes, The faithless mourner, The lute,  WILLIAM CHALMERS, Sing on, The Lomond braes,  JOSEPH TRAIN, My doggie, Blooming Jessie, Old Scotia,  ROBERT JAMIESON, My wife 's a winsome wee thing, Go to him, then, if thou can'st go,  WALTER WATSON, My Jockie 's far awa, Maggie an' me, Sit down, my cronie, Braes o' Bedlay, Jessie,  WILLIAM LAIDLAW, Lucy's flittin', Her bonnie black e'e, Alake for the lassie,
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