Energy Audit 3 23 2009








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GREAT LAKES ENERGY Preparing for an SERVICE Energy Audit Before the energy auditor visits your house, Home Energy Audits Common sense energy plans make a list of any existing problems such as condensation and uncomfortable or drafty A home energy audit is the first step rooms. Have copies or a summary of the to assess how much energy your home's yearly energy bills. (Your utility can home consumes, and to evaluate get these for you.) Auditors use this what measures you can take to information to establish what to look for make your home more energy during the audit. The auditor first examines efficient. An audit will show you the outside of the home to determine the size Home Energy problems that may, when corrected, of the house and its features (i.e., wall area, save you significant amounts of number and size of windows). The auditor money over time. During the audit, Audits then will analyze the residents' behavior: you can pinpoint where your house is losing energy. Audits also  Is anyone home during working hours? determine the efficiency of your home's heating and cooling  What is the average thermostat setting for systems. An audit may also show summer and winter? you ways to conserve hot water and  How many people live here? electricity. You can perform a simple  Is every room in use? energy audit yourself, or have a professional energy auditor carry Your answers may help uncover some simple out a more ...
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GREAT LAKES ENERGY Preparing for an SERVICE Energy Audit Before the energy auditor visits your house, Home Energy Audits Common sense energy plans make a list of any existing problems such as condensation and uncomfortable or drafty A home energy audit is the first step rooms. Have copies or a summary of the to assess how much energy your home's yearly energy bills. (Your utility can home consumes, and to evaluate get these for you.) Auditors use this what measures you can take to information to establish what to look for make your home more energy during the audit. The auditor first examines efficient. An audit will show you the outside of the home to determine the size Home Energy problems that may, when corrected, of the house and its features (i.e., wall area, save you significant amounts of number and size of windows). The auditor money over time. During the audit, Audits then will analyze the residents' behavior: you can pinpoint where your house is losing energy. Audits also  Is anyone home during working hours? determine the efficiency of your home's heating and cooling  What is the average thermostat setting for systems. An audit may also show summer and winter? you ways to conserve hot water and  How many people live here? electricity. You can perform a simple  Is every room in use? energy audit yourself, or have a professional energy auditor carry Your answers may help uncover some simple out a more thorough audit. ways to reduce your household's energy consumption. Walk through your home with A professional auditor uses a the auditors as they work, and ask questions. variety of techniques They may use equipment to detect sources of and equipment to energy loss, such as blower doors, infrared determine the energy cameras, furnace efficiency meters, and efficiency of a surface thermometers. structure. Thorough audits often use equipment such as blower doors, which measure the extent of GREAT LAKES ENERGY SERVICE leaks in the building envelope, and infrared cameras, which reveal hard-to- detect areas of air infiltration and missing insulation. Call 517.669.5389 to schedule your Tel: 517.669.5389 Phone: 517.669.5389 audit today! After the Audit You can reduce your home's heating and Upgrade inefficient windows Home Insulation cooling costs through proper insulation and and doors Your primary defense against heat loss air sealing techniques. These techniques will About one-third of the home's total through the house envelope is also make your home more comfortable. Any heat loss usually occurs through insulation. If there isn't any insulation, air sealing efforts will complement your windows and doors. If your existing the best option is to bring in an insulation efforts, and vice versa. Proper have rotted or damaged wood, insulation contractor to blow cellulose moisture control and ventilation strategies will cracked glass, missing putty, poorly improve the effectiveness of air sealing and or fiberglass into the walls. fitting sashes, or locks that don't work, insulation, and vice versa. Therefore, a  Adding insulation to an unheated you may be better off replacing them. home's energy efficiency depends on a attic is usually a lot easier than balance between all of these elements: Air  Windows in generally good adding to existing walls. If there is sealing, Insulation, Moisture control, and condition: Probably more no floor in the attic, simply add Ventilation. cost-effective to increase more insulation, either loose fill or their efficiency by unfaced fiberglass batts. A proper balance between all of these weather-stripping, caulk- elements will also result in a more comfort-  If the basement or ing, and fitting them with able, healthier home environment. crawl space is un- storm panels rather than heated, insulate be- undergo the expense of tween the floor joists Find and seal air leaks window replacement. instead of around the  Increase window perimeter walls. Hidden air leaks cause Check and seal energy efficiency by some of the largest heat  If the basement is installing insulating your windows and losses in older homes. heated and used, you need to insu- curtains or drapes on doors Common air leakage late the basement walls instead. the interior. sites  When replacing include: your home’s windows, Sealing Options buy new high  Caulk is best for cracks and gaps less  Plumbing penetrations through performance models. than about 1/4" wide. insulated floors and ceilings Look for the National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC)  Expanding foam sealant is an excel-  Chimney penetrations through insu- label and choose a product with lent material to use for sealing larger lated ceilings and exterior walls U-factor of 0.40 or less, Solar Heat cracks and holes that are protected  Fireplace dampers Gain Coefficient of 0.40 or less, and from sunlight and moisture. Visible Light Transmittance of 0.60 or  Attic access hatches  Use rigid foam insulation for sealing higher. very large openings such as plumbing  Recessed lights and fans in insulated  Make sure doors are in good shape. chases and attic hatch covers. ceilings Weatherstrip around the whole perimeter  Fiberglass insulation can also be used  Wiring penetrations through insulated to ensure a tight seal when closed. for sealing large holes, but it will work floors, ceilings, and walls Install quality door sweeps on the better if wrapped in plastic or stuffed bottom of the doors if needed.  Missing plaster in plastic bags.  Electrical outlets and switches,  Specialized materials such as metal especially on exterior walls flashing and high-temperature silicone sealants may be required for seal-  Window, door, and baseboard ing around chimneys and flue pipes. moldings
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